Usbourne Central School Bell November 8, 1976 Wincheslea School Bell was erected at Usbourne Central School. Cost of Bell shared by Student Council of Usbourne Elmville, Hurondale, and Kirkton Womens
Usbourne Central School Bell November 8, 1976 Wincheslea School Bell was erected …
The Kincardine Independent, March 1976 Kincardine Hospital as it first appeared then some 50 years later as Kincardine and District Hospital. It is now of South Bruce Grey Health Services. Pictures taken from Tweedsmuir History.
The Kincardine Independent, March 1976 Kincardine Hospital as it first appeared then some 50 years later as …
Zion Amabel Women's Institute, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON), [1921] - [1967] Zion Amabel WI Scrapbook Volume 1: 'Foreword' written by Lady Tweedsmuir Family Allowances - Ontario region Newspaper Articles There is no table of contents or index present.
Zion Amabel Women's Institute, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON), [1921] - [1967] Zion Amabel WI Scrapbook Volume 1: 'Foreword' written by Lady Tweedsmuir Family …
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