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- This is a Tweedsmuir history (scrapbook) of the Burk's Falls area, collected by the Chalmers Women's Institute. The scrapbook is comprised of newspaper clippings taken from local newspapers. It alsoThis is a Tweedsmuir history (scrapbook) of the Burk's Falls area, collected …
- This is a scrapbook compiled between 1967 and 1979 by Lorna M. Rogers, President of the Stoney Creek branch of the Women's Institutes. It contains: - Invitation to Stoney Creek Jubilee Banquet, 1947This is a scrapbook compiled between 1967 and 1979 by Lorna M. …
- Mountview Women’s Institute Hall Country Heritage Park – Milton, Ontario This small frame building built in 1838 on Ferris Lawrence’s property, was one of the first rural churches in Central Ontario.Mountview Women’s Institute Hall Country Heritage Park – Milton, Ontario This small …
- This is a photograph of a monument was built by the Calton WI following the demolition of Calton School. It features the original school bell covered by a small roof, which is raised above a raised bThis is a photograph of a monument was built by the Calton …
- Purple Valley Women's Institute, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON), [1979] - [1979] Newspaper Articles Obituaries - Lottie Urbshott, May 16, 1979 - Nellie Gilbert Winch, Aug. 28, 1979 - William Harold Wark, Dec. 7, 1979 - Charles H. Stephens, Dec. 1, 1979 50th Wedding Anniversary -Purple Valley Women's Institute, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON), [1979] - [1979] Newspaper Articles Obituaries - Lottie Urbshott, May 16, 1979 - Nellie Gilbert …
- Purple Valley Women's Institute, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON), [1979] - [1979] Newspaper Articles Obituaries - Edward Austin Waugh, Jan.24,1979 - Percy Howe, Feb.20,1979 - Marie Graham, March 3,1979Purple Valley Women's Institute, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON), [1979] - [1979] Newspaper Articles Obituaries - Edward Austin Waugh, Jan.24,1979 - Percy Howe, Feb.20,1979 …
- Balsam Hill Women's Institute, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), 1960-1979 This volume of 18 volumes provides information on current events in and around Admaston Township between 1960 and 1979.Balsam Hill Women's Institute, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), 1960-1979 This volume of 18 volumes provides information on current events in and …
- Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1947] - [1979] Curators for this volume Mrs. John Hawthorne Mrs. Gordon Oattes Mrs. Kenneth Eckford Mrs. Harry Weller Committee Members Mrs. Duncan Hendrick Mrs. Robert Bennett Mrs. Gordon Cattes Mrs. Donald DowdalTweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1947] - [1979] Curators for this volume Mrs. John Hawthorne Mrs. Gordon Oattes Mrs. Kenneth …
- Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1955] - [1979] Newspaper Articles Education in Cartwright Twp. Archers School # 1 Blackstock S.S. #2 S.S. #3 Devitts S.S. No.4 Cartwright, 1910 Photo Purple Hill School, June 14, 1905 S.S. # 5, Cadmus Cadmus SchoolTweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1955] - [1979] Newspaper Articles Education in Cartwright Twp. Archers School # 1 Blackstock S.S. …
- Elizabeth Howson, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON), [1963] - [1979] Obituaries - James (Jay) Hutchison, Jan. 30, 1963 - William Robb, Feb. 9, 1963 - Sylvia Rutherford, Feb. 14, 1963 - Willard G. Waterman, Feb. 17, 1963 - Margaret A. Barnard, Feb. 11, 1963 - William JElizabeth Howson, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON), [1963] - [1979] Obituaries - James (Jay) Hutchison, Jan. 30, 1963 - William Robb, Feb. …
- Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1975] - [1979] Blackstock W.I. Programme 1975-1976 1976-1977 Newspaper Articles History of Blackstock United Church, 50th Anniversary Blackstock Sports Graduations - Rosa Frey - Ilene Delong - Joan Argue - Dale PecTweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1975] - [1979] Blackstock W.I. Programme 1975-1976 1976-1977 Newspaper Articles History of Blackstock United Church, …
- Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1977] - [1979] Brochure - 80th Anniversary W.I. in Ontario, July 13, 1977 Picture - Mattawa W.I. 1934 Various Newspaper Articles Brochure - Northern Area W.I. Convention, Sept. 21 & 22, 1977 Various Letters ThibeauTweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1977] - [1979] Brochure - 80th Anniversary W.I. in Ontario, July 13, 1977 Picture - …
- Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON), [1979] - [2004] First of 2 volumes.Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON), [1979] - [2004] First of 2 volumes.
- Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON), 1979 There is a Table of Contents at the front of the book. 1967 Statement from President and Secretary WI Curator Warning WI History Map of Hastings County Hunter Hoodless Homestead WI Tune - Maple LeafTweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON), 1979 There is a Table of Contents at the front of the book. …
- Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON), 1979-1982 Newspaper Articles Photographs- Joseph Alan Mill - Athletics- running, marathons - Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital 1979 - John Diefenbaker - Schools 60th Wedding Anniversaries- Mr. and Mrs. WiTweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON), 1979-1982 Newspaper Articles Photographs- Joseph Alan Mill - Athletics- running, marathons - Prince …
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