Across the river from the Anglo Canadian Leather Company a new suburb was begun consisting of several prosperous farms, a park and ball grounds, the Chaffey school, and Mr. Silver's saw and grist mil
Across the river from the Anglo Canadian Leather Company a new suburb …
This is a group photograph of the Seymour West Women's Institute at an event of some kind, evidenced by the banners and flags hanging in the background. There are five (5) rows of people in this phot
This is a group photograph of the Seymour West Women's Institute at …
Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1913] - [1913] Early History of the Hinman Family General History of Pioneer Days
Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1913] - [1913] Early History of the Hinman Family General History of Pioneer Days
Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON), [1913] - [1984] Lord and Lady Tweedsmuir Adelaide Hoodless History of Consecon WI 50th Anniversary Consecon WI April 23,1963 70th Anniversary Consecon WI April 21,1983 Newspaper Articles History of Village of Consec
Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON), [1913] - [1984] Lord and Lady Tweedsmuir Adelaide Hoodless History of Consecon WI 50th Anniversary …
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