Drumbo WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 7, 1865-49, page 4

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CNTR 5 - CAV Live la timeshut call or wwllom in contem= plation and verte in action ; ut in which i virfue and wisdom will not do without resolution." Ayr, Friday Morning, 17, 1856. OW, The North Dumfries Township Show took place in this village, on Friday last. We fully expected that the display on that dayswoultdse cle i fur- mers and others of thia fo ip, and inly our efpectations were far ex- The nimber of persons in at- t, and although we were whe were e cam bear the statement simply the plain es does not carry off of prizes at the next ibition in Brantford, it will be the fault of the farmers them. selves, in not showing their stock. But we will have to particularize the differ- | ent departments of stock, &c. exh and beginning with THE HORSES; We may remark that the display of brood mares, and foals was somewhat deficient. There were only nine entries, The yearlhage and two-year-olds were excellent, and in fact beat any exhibi- tion we have seen this season. The three-year-olds were not so good in many respects as the two-year-olds, yet they were very good. There were fifteen two-year-olds entered, and eleven three- year-olds. The Team Horses shown were splendid animals; seven entries were made. THe carriage Horses were not one whit inferior to the working Horses, and among them we noticed two or three spans that it would be difficult 'to equal, as fur as regards beauty, action, and life ; nine entries were made. Fif- teen [Tucks next occupied the ring, and all being superior animals, the judges found some difficulty in deciding as to | who was entitled to the premium. Lun | in some of Hn = Ea. [ 95¢. THE CATTLE On the ground were of various breeds, We noticed some very good Durhams, | and a few Devons. The Native Stock was excellent ju this department.. There were one or two yokes of powerful work- ing oxen on the ground, anda few hand- 'some young steers. 1] . THE SHEEP Department, as we before remarked, was exceedingly creditable. ~The Leicesters were really splendid animals, and we saw quite a number of fine looking | Southdowns. The other stock shown-- | not thorough-bred--was quite as credi- table to our farmers as the thorough-Lred, ] and altogether we are convinced that the farmers of Dumfries will some day or other be amply repaid: for the expense and trouble they are now giving them- selves in the raising of superior breeds i of sheep. ~~ Lit IMPLEMENTS, In this department there seemed to be great conxpetition. Mr. Watson, of 'this village, and Mr. Shupe, of St. George, | ] of many of the visitors. Mr. Robert Anderson, of Nithvale, exhibited some | fine specimens of staves, manufactured by his stave machine. The dairy pro- duets exhibited seemed of fine quality. There were a good many entries in this® department, and if we had been allowed to taste we could have told our yeaders |definitely whether the looks of the cheese {and butter were deceiving ornot. How- lever, we think the specimens exhibited |were very fine. Tlie specimens of grain | (exhibited were numerous, and the grain | 'was good. There were fifteen entries of Wheat, six of Peas, three of Oats, and a few of Barley. We noticed several bags of Shoe Pegs, manufactured by Mr. Gi. | Coleleugh, which were recommended by | 'the Judees. 2 | THE HOGS | Exhibited were not very numerous. + This is to be regretted, as we consider a | good breed of Hogs just as essential to | the farmer as a good breed of sheep, or | any other kind of animals. THE FOWLS. In this department we noticed some had their reaping and mowing machines | | very fine specimens of Shanghais, Coch- on the ground, and we noticed quite a number of ploughs, of various kinds.-- | There 'was one thrashing machine ex- "hibited, and a great number of cultivat- ors, scarrifiers, harrows, rakes, &c. The |articles exhibited in this department |were highly spoken of and recomended by competent judges. Tlicre were some fine carriages shown by Messrs. Kay and Todd, of Galt, and lumber waggons, by © | Messrs. D. Weir & Co., of this village, {and Messis. Turner & Cave, of Canning. Also, a very superior Cutter, 'by Messrs. |D. Weir & Co. HE FLORAL HALL. . Floral Hall was crowded with visilors during the whole of the duy, and | [1 wasg very difficult matter for us tol | geta pecp al many oI the articles ex-| | bubited. On entering at the right, our! attention was attracted lo a very fine (display of apples; next we noticed, a |splendid display of garden vegetubles, \&c.; such as Caulitlowers, Cablages, (Potutoes, Carrots, Beets, Turnips, Pamp- {kins; &e. The display of these neces: saries of life was very creditable. Dr. Bell, of this village, exlribited in this de- | partment some very lengthy specimens | of the snake cucumber tribe; one we measured, which was four feet in length. We next noticed some benutiful speci- 'mens of quilts, coverlids, and blankets, and likewise a lot of lrome-made carpets, (which speak volumns in favour of the thrifty guidewives of our yeonanry.-- The specimens of fancy needle-work were not very numerous. The fine arts seem lo have Deen almost altogether for- gotten, for there viete but one or two specimens exhibited, and there was no competition in any one of the classes. |Next, we saw a lot of fine Glengarry | Caps, exhibited by Mr. Laughlan, of Jedburgh, which attracted the attention in Chinas, Polands, and Dorkins. two bealtiful turkeys. Also, 'THE PRIZE LIST. HORSES. Best brood Mare, John Turnbull, £1 ; 2nd. John Wilson, 15s. Best brood Mare, that has rajsed foal, but, not during the present feason, Wim. Carrack, £1: 2nd, David Gibson, 15s. 5 Best Foal, John Purbull, 10s; 2nd, Ben. i. Yeo, 8s. Ea Best one-year-old Gelding or Filly, Bon. Yeo, 15s; 2ad, John Turabull, 10s ; 3rd, David Gibson, 5s. . Best two-year-old do, do, John Aitkon, 15s; 2nd, J. Fraiser, 10s; 3rd, Jas. Best three-year-old do, do, Jas. Brown, £1 ; 2ud, G. Conklin, 13s ; 3rd, M. Vanccs, 10s. Best pair of working Horses, R. Marshall, 15s; 2nd, kK. Kennedy, 10s Best Carriage Ilorsos, Wm. Serimmigor, 15s; 21d, Dr. McGeorge, 10s. : Best Saddle Horse,-Simon Smith, £1. "HORNED CATTLE.--DURHAMS. "Best Bull, three ydars old, George Bruce, £1 ; 2nd, Thomas Moffatt, 15s. 3 Best yearling Bull, John Wilson, 10s; 2nd, | Win Davis, 5s Best bull calf, Thomas Moffatt, 10s ; 2nd, Jas. | Campbell, 5s Best Cow, any age, S. Moffatt, £1 ; 2nd, W. | Davis, 10s | Best two-year-old Heifer, Thos. Moffatt, 15s; | 2nd, Dr. McGeorge, 7s 6d | f | Best yearling Heifer, S. Moffatt, 7s 6d Best Heifer Calf, S Moffatt, 6a, DEVONS. | Best bull, any age, Henry Latschaw, £1 Bett yearling bull Calf, D Tye, 5a . | Bost bull Calf, D Tye, 5s & 54 Best Cow, any age, D Tye, £1 | Best two-year-old Heifer, I) Tye, 7s 64 Best yearling Heifer, D Tye, 155 Best Heifer Calf, D Tye, 10s : GRADE CATTLE. Best bull, any age, David Guthrie, 15s ; 2nd John Fraiser, 10a i Bost oa any a a S Moffatt, £1 ; = B 0, 15s ;= 3rd, James Dickie, 10s : * th.' John ts Ss EF 7h Best Heifer, 2 yoars old, George Bruce, 15% 3 2nd, R P Leo, 10s; 3rd, B 00, bs Best yearling Heifer, Wm Watson, 10s : 2nd | Yeo, 5s : | Best Hoifer Calf, James Dickie, 10s ; 2nd, S Moffutt, 5s 3 L Best yoke Working Oxon, over 5, AKyle, £1; 2nd, James Cunningham, 10s 2 Best yoke Working Oxen, under 5, J Brown, £1; 2nd, Martin Brown, 10s Best fat Ox, Thomas Edgar, 10s 7 Recommended by Judges, Ayrshire Bulls, owned by W Richmond, and John 'MoNab. | successful: THE DINNER. = At six o'clock the Agricultural Dinner was served up at Anderson's Hotel, in a style which reflected great credit on mine host of the Union." About one hundred sat down todinner. J. Cowan, | Esq., occupied the chair, and Dr. Mec- George, and Mr.John Johnstone acted | as Croupiers.. After ample justice had | been done tothe good things with which the table was laden, the chairman gave in' rapid succession, the usual loyal toasts, which were drank with all the honors. | The Chairman next gave " Success to| the North Dumfries Agricultural Socie-| ty," and in doing so, remalked that al-| though it was generally admitted that| the life of the farmer was a laborious! one, yet 1t was always a gala day, when the farmers of Dum(ries turned out with itheir wives and daughters to the annual show. Mr. C. made seme remarks in | reference to the different departments of ithe show, and said, in refering to the exhibition of sheep, that he had never |seen a display equal to'the one made in Ayr, excepting at the last Exhibition | {held in London. He coupled with this toast the name of Mr. Shearson, the se- cretary of the society, whose indefatiga- | success of the Show. | Mr. Shearson responded, and remark- | ed that the show throughout was one of | the best he had ever attended, excepting some of the Provincial Exhibitions. He | gave " The Judges." » Mr. Anderson. returned thanks on be- half of the judges, and also added his testimony to that of the gentlemen pre- ceeding him, as to the superior display of Stock on the ground. Song by Mr.T. Fulton,--The Farmers Ingle. 3 Mr. Anderson gave © Success 'to the next Show," which was drank amidst deaffening applanse. ~ The unsuccessful competitors were toasted, but no person could be found to reply--all seemed to have been alike, Song by Robert Anderson, ot Nith- vale. NS Lo elo-e wo Mr. Allchin proposed, # The Success- ful Candidates," and in doing so gave a short history of the progress of Canada, during the last 24 years. He referred to the many improvements brought into use in the shape of farming implements, | &c., and complimented the farmers on | the general success of the show. Mr. Watson responded, and remarked that he thought there was not one arti- | cle exhibited which need cause the ex- | hibitor any shame. Every thing on the ground was worthy of a prize. Ie said | he was entitled to one ribbon which had | not been given to him, and that was a green one, for he had been decidedly | green in not putting tickets on any of his ploughs, and consequently the judges had to pass them over without notice. | Songs by Messrs. John Wallace, Wm.| Laughland, and Alex. Cranston. Numerous other toasts swere proposed and drank, which we are obliged toomit in our report, in consequence of scarcity of roons 3 but suffice it.to say that the company licartly enjoyed themselves, in every respect, until a lite hour in the evening. : a ied Tu concluding rT -- of the first Agricultural Show we have had an op- portunity of attending, in this Township, we must congratulate the farmers on the proud position which they now occupy, as the most successful Agriculturists in his nart of the Province, and our wish is that they may always sustawd TTS) position with honour to themselves and | the Township in which they labour. |

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