"AYR, CANADA WEST, FEBRUARY 21, 1867. WHOLE NO. 634. Bringe over Tne Nitn Sm Competing AYR Ano NITHYALE. He A ~ IE JZ % on Eh -- Ad STRAYED! AMI into the premises of the Subscriber on Lot No. 15, 8th Concession,Glenheim, A yearling ilcifer, spotted red and white, Owner must prove property and pay charges. ROBERT IIAMMILL, Dec. 10th 1866 (SOOPT & COWAN, Will At All Limes Pry The Highest Cash Price! FOR GOOD MERCHANTABLI Peas, Barley &e., DELIVERED i THRIA STOREICUSE, | PRINCETON. @ ITITOS. COWAN, JI. W. SCOTT. Princeton, Sept. 16th 1866. This p picture taken at the old Great Western station (later the GTR and CNR in London) shows the third rail, inaugurated by the Great Western in 1867, to help speed the movement of American freight from the Mississippi to the Atlan- tic (or vice versa, depending on the shipment origination). THE MANSE . GLEN MORRIS