s) (a - l W I still f ithf l to i . , l, its ru 1 ts Continued from Front Page Audrey Hepburn said. i the sponsorship of disadvantaged One of the grandest feathers in 1 children overseas. WI members the Purple Valley WI cap is the also donate money and energy to now-traditional Purple Valley local hospitals, old age homes, cri- Maple Syrup Festival held at the sis centres and schools. community centre. Held annually World war two was a particu- on Easter Saturday, the event was larly intense time for Womens spearheaded by member Olive Burt Institutes throughout North in 1968. "We were amazed how America, the members said. "We many came out when we First held knit andlmit until-we couldn't knit it (originally at the Burt farm)," any more-,'? EtherMeLearr-said-, Olivesaid. .. ., . M, recalling the effort to supply sol- These days the festival attracts . diets overseas with home-made thousands of people from all over goods. Ontario who love to get an early Purple Valley WI was part of a rush of spring fever at the event, program to provide special ham- lapping up pancakes with fresh pers'for young men from the com- maple syrup' and enjoying the munity serving in the forces over-' entertainments, turkey shoot, kids seas:-'") included cigarettes, rides, and craft show. handkerchiefs. peanuts, apples, ' cookies. chocolates, adhesive tape, fruit cake, and gum," Charlene reported from the old accounts books. "And during the war years the made 100 quilts in one year}: , january 1995 u _ n " Footloose on the Itttti, details In: I _ I I m" _ V " ttss _ Warder family history ( ". , f, i Maitland Warder has Just published a 'ig 'gik' er ' l. a . Mt? historical work which will be of great interest tl 't LI &"d c, g " l to pdninsula residents and to all of us who are _ r Td v.,%" 7 r, _ fascinated by the way life wasin days gone by. " ' h h _ "Footloose on the Bruce" is a chronolog . " r . of family drama, covering the Warder family IM'% - taa th by tottr1e)rtoegirGingsinaiiricatuansriiiiGk m. » _ i'] . & during the 18505, through their pilgrimage to » ' ' e North America and then, from east of Toronto , 'rr Ta to Georgian Bay and finally their coming to j It - ' in: , Lion B Head to homestead in 1877. lt details ' $9 the lives of the early homesteaders and the l _ . will]?! of undertakings they were involved in , - trying to rovide for thems ' their f ies. p elves and " Maggiand Villarder describes his book as a comp on p ece" to "Between You and Me andtthe t,e,r,'oa1t"t'htl,"i book his father Walter 7 wroue in 1975 at e age of 90. 7 -iiariTGia Warden Footloose on the Bruce" is 420 pages and author of "Footloose on the Bruce" includes over 500 photographs. It is printed _,__________,__________ on a cream-coloured glossy paper in an McKenzie Pharmacy. Morton attractivesepialnkldarkbrown).Itis available The Morton 4 . ; atmanybo0kstores and otheroutlets including t, »' tn the following: 2'S'ild B , a, Sound l Peninsula Phnrmgcy, Lion's Head the, 3"" ', 'Eliet, ower1sourtd,