-5- V3.6 _ The sports committee had the land prepared and bought . '6 everything necessary for ball games. Many games were 7 played there that summer. 1 2y On August 10th the Official Opening ofnthe Park E "' took place. There was a ball game. A team from Owen i Sound played a local team. The speakers platform was l two trucks seated with borrowed chairs; we borrowed ! seats from Spry Hallo, electric lights were brought across from Wm. McCutcheon's house. The Wiarton band I was in attendance. The chairman was the Reeve of' I Eastnor, Wilfred Everett. The guest speaker was t Honorable McKinnon Philipps, Minister of' Health. There i were also McKenzie Foster, M. L. A. and Wilfred Adis, Warden of Bruce. I In 1951 a permanent booth was built and two swings. I The schools held their field-day in the ball ground in 1950, 51 and 52. We finished paying for the Park in 1 October 1951. In 1953 we had earth drawn to level the grounds and a circular gravel driveway made; repainted the booth, table and swings. Bartleys donated an excellent table. r August 18 and 19 a well was drilled and a pump Installed, also a cement platform. 3 In 1955 bleachers were built at the ball diamond _ by the ball team, the W.I. supplying the material. In September a fireplace was built near the well. In 1956 two more tables were bought, also a set _ of swings. a l