v '5 a ci) ST. JOHN'S UNITED CHURCH 11,, rr .u 'iii/ii-lc: ii iliil'is s,,::)iij,i,,i/ti,i_t - 1 .» " 1 C:FiAtl; v i!iitiiit - 'i_'fiii I 'iih'iiil _ I amt ' '-- , 'at?, .. k r cEC 'rcf tl itil Ad I .li_,ij. t " L "is ' _ y, The advent of Methodism dates back to about 1870, when Reverends Bolston and Burwash, r then of Paisley, came and missioned here and at several other charges. Not, however, until 1875 did the cause take root and prosper in Chesley. In that year Rev. um. B. Danard, a noted pioneer missionary began his work with a group of 5 members and congregation of tmenty- five worshipping in D. M. Halliday's Hall. A lot had been secured to build a church on on the north side of the river but was deemed unsuitable. later two lots at the corner of Danard and Adolph Streets were purchased for ()300.00, with a large parsonage erected at a cost of' 3650.00 where meetings and business were first conducted. In 1876 a church was built of material from the former Presbyterian church on Con. 3 Elderslie with Rev. Anderson of Kenshaw conducting the opening services. Wesley church was built in 1898, due to effects of Rev. C. J. Dobson at cost of $8000.00 all of which was subscribed for at that time. He was succeeded by Reverends Green, Moss, Davey, Toner, Tonge, Jamieson, u. Smith, F. M. Mathers, Dr. Williamson, Bennett and McLaughlin. with the Union In 1925 the congregation became known as that of St. John's United Church of Canada, and was served by the following - Revs. A. Graham, Roy Geiger '29, Allan R. Hubard 1929-35, s. B. Stokes D. D. '35-'40, w. G. Presser in 'ho and returned after overseas service, C. J. Beckley briefly, Thos. Green, Flt./Lt. John N. Bonham, M. Widden and H. B. Stevenson. Changes in the building over' the years have been providing a gallery, after 1925. le In the '30's the pipe organ and communion rail were removed and the chancel rearranged to accomodate choir stalls and the electric organ opposite the pulpit, a public address system was installed in the 'ho's and brick outside enclosed the entrance and steps were built, providing extra kitchen space below. _ Rev. A. R. Hubard preached for the 90th Anniversary service in October 1965. The merger with the United Evangelical Brethren congregation became final on January 1968, when Mr. w. P. Krug handed over the records to H. B. Stevenson. This follow- ed the great inaugural service in the former Zion E. o. B. church in Kitchener as that '