I) L" i,ril8enh'e WI celebrates 100 years On June 6, the district president; and Marjory Nicholson Bervie Women's Insti- the Bervie branch mem- and Margaret Steven- i. tute celebrated the hers. son servedalovely salad ' 100th birthday of its Halliday presented dinner, andanniversary building in Bervie. the 100th anniversary cake. The tables and President Isabel pins to the Bervie flowers reflected the yel- McConnell welcomed 16 branch members. Isa- low and blue colours of members and guests at bel McConnell aclrnowl. ' the Institute. Com- noon with the Opening edged Emily Bushell memorative pictures Ode, Mary Stewart Col- and Mildred Griffith as were taken. lectandthesingingofthe 60 year members. Also Members then pre- Institute Grate. Grey recognized with pins sented a skit based on Bruce area president were: Margaret Hark- what could have taken Fran Farrell welcomed ness, 50 years; Virene place at their first meet- guests Wanita Halliday, Thompson and Hentje ing 100 years ago with Grey Bruce area voting Kloosterboer, 40 years; Betty Anne and Virene delegate; Gunne Weber, Janice Hewitt and Bet- Thompson, Isabel Mc- Bruce County district ty Jean White, 30 years; Connell, Hanna Splett: past president; Sylvia and Norma Hartwick, stoesser, Norma Hart- Hasbury,' Bruce County 10 years. wick, Sandra MacDon- ald, Islay Eby, Elsie Tia-tri-----;--- _ Schuler, Hazel Jean r, Reid's C I McLelland, Mildred O r n e rs Griffith and Sylvia Has- bury. Hazel Jean sang wl8iNLhl11iifWiLr.lf3fir_t, road car wat purchased and Silver Threads Among SPECIAL To THE NEWS is now a very interesting the Gold, then Sylvia On June 20, 23 members of tourist attraction. had a reading and Han- the Reid's Corners Women's Our final stop was for din- na gave current events Institute embarked on a most ner, then home. Many thanks from 1913 The meetin interesting tour, under the go to Sheila and Eunice for '.",' g , guidance bf branch directors, arranging a great day away. closed with The Queen. . .Sheila Murray and Eunice Ladies, be sure to jot on Members learned a Emmerton. - your callendar the upcoming great deal from pictures Our first stop was in play on Aug. 8. to see a pre- taken by Islay and Stan Hensall at "ice culture inc". sentation of "Boardwalk". Eby on their trip to A fascinating family business Contact Carol Helfeistein So " " S' A q G F an} Australia and New Zea- _ Etarted 18f¥earfs hr an? fnow rlglhltl awzyi flolr a 1e"1, -' , - ' I land last year. as a sta o an our . e Z elmer ea on ' ef 'fle divisions. Tuesday, Aug. 14 will be t, 0 W" p NO N E RS / f The next stop on our outing held at Pine River United ' _ _ .. s,sjiWrrt-E-L-1N-EBrsAcs1rs-WrcJuoe27,20-07, "was to a family owned green- Church instead of Sharon .ur'" " _ 1 , e _ house, then on to Clinton to Courtney's. Hope to see a - _ I i an original CNR school on good attendance in support of _ - g l, wheels, the first of which was this worthwhile organization bCg " , I started in 1926 and toured so come out and bring a ttgill ., f northern towns to teach the friend. . . i . Et'" ~ , children in scattered settle- Our next regular meeting is , fr" ' 3"? Eii?, M l, ments. They would teach in Sept. 19 with Anne Boyd as /il I is? " a , .. I l each spot for a week, leave convenor. . '.: ,, ' V r?r2l,5'1.e, 1 the children homework, then My closing thought: If a . _ " fig h' I travel on to the next destina- word is missspelled in the 1 I - "gi 1. Ea I \tion, returning in 4 or 5 -dictionary, how would we _ _ _ 1 '5; a, MY " nweeks. Eventually the rail- ever know? 1 i . '. . j; - " 5 lil if" Q I P " , '-L.'., ~57: , _ The first stop was . , " 'l/rl, FU _ . Iliif'fiiil - . t the family business Ice r" . y r" N, fli _ " 1l?,l,?i's'iiiq " if . i 2 Culture Inc. in Hensall. . , , My": gnaw: - a; if ', Started 18 years ago, , Ls::,-, 13/ " " " I MI } t they now employ 50 f" :1: ,. J$lilii I - staff in four divisions. [ . I . 7;..."II'7'; .44 AK ' 9 lil .5" , They are aw?rWeatier i "i'"it' V;L';;,:T1v1":¥a;¥v A ' 2,5 1 1n the hospitality Ice . . I . _' l T 1-53-1') I l business, producing which will be l walk- _'ti, bit f T ,. :1, 'e . 'ew. 'i; 25,000 blocks a year tth'lgh attraction this _ _ Photo by Rob Rombouts ( which are shipped all Chr 1stmas. 'Irene Eby, left and Marjori Lawrie, two Original members of ' over the world. They the South Sau een Women's Institute cut a cake to celebrat- l are presently working ed the branch's 60th anniversary on Ihursday, June 14. [ion a new 7,500 square - irtoot indoor scul ture