, _ 1 / ' MacDougall hosts Klnloss W4 we"? Kairshea W I's April meeting ' The Kinloss- Irene Haldenby 14 per meeting, cer, Roberta Kairshea WI held attended "Roots of also a summary of 'Whytock; assistant their April meeting Bruce" and gave a last years meet- PRO, Joan at the home of brief report. ings, speakers, Murray; education hostess _ Sharon Lunch was 60th anniversary co-ordinator, MacDougall. served by Sharon and all the differ'- Gladys Johnston.; President June MacDougall, Alice ent places we curator, Irene Gilchrist opened Doelman and enjoyed. Our WI Haldenby; branch and read a poem Roberta Whytock. may be small but _directors, Gladys on Adalaide ' The minutes of our WI is eller-, Johnston and Hoodless. the annual were getic. S h a r o n Secretary Alice read, by Alice The branch MacDougall; sun- Ritchie and trea- Ritchie and directors, Gladys shine committee, surer Marion M a r i o n Johnston and S h a r o n MacKinnon gave MacKinnon gave S h a r o n MacDougall and their reports. the financial MacDougall, nom- Irene Haldenby; S h a r o n report. Andrea inated the follow- advocacy, Alice MacDougall read Feeley sent the ing officers for the Ritchie; district the scripture and education report - coming year: pres- director, June rollcall was .the 22 paid members, ident, _ June Gilchrist; financial payment of fees. three life mem- Gilchrist; vice examiners, Alice June Gilchrist and bers, an average of president, Irene Doelman and . Haldenby; secre- Karen Allen. "_-'- - ------------- tary, Alice Ritchie; Donna McBride (ies:2 " assistant secretary, installed the offi- WI trave S to aaron Donna McBride; cers and June treasurer, Andrea Gilchrist thanked _ , Feeley; assistant Sharon for being a lk Il t treasurer, Marion great hostess and , _ yt or ay ou MacKinnon; pub- closed with "C? lie relations offi- Canada". Pur le Grove -"--tt--- Womgns Institute P1_xr..p1e.Grsyt.)..e travelled to Blyt.h on by The Women's Insmuto Thursday the Bruce Saturday to en/f'? a County district mem- "ladies day out put bers had a bus trip to on .by the Blyth the provincial W.I. United Church Quilt Show and Sale in women. Barrie. It was a terrific show, and members also enjoyed the His- torical Quilt Show with an appraiser evaluating quilts. Toon JW Silver Lake WI gather at Haldenby's home _ Th . v r Lake Womens . ( People from the area attend- ication of the First World War Institiitilingt at the home of Kiruough "Mg: " ed t.he Belmore Maple Strut memorial at Vimy Ridge for Edma Haldenby last Thursday. , by I"!!! "iittith Festival last week. The festival the Canadian soldiers lost in June Kerslake, president, wel- ' has been growmg for over 40 that battle. 1 corned everyone and the meet- correspondence was discussed. years. _ . At the Presbyterian Church 1 ing opened in the time hon- Cards of encouragement were Our best Wishes .go out to on Sunday, rural life was cele- l Oured way. The report from the signed for Joyce Bragg and Jeanette Fair, of 5.incarlin.e, brated with the blessing of the .District Directors meeting in Duncan Campbell. The same who has surgery this weelf in soil and seed. Congregational Elmwood Was given by Helen executive was returned for London. She and Gary Just members took partinthe mean- Stanley. The annual reports another year. Lunch was served returned home from a trip with ingful service and a collection were fill ed out and business by the hostess and helpers and friends to France where they was. taken for the Food Grains arising from the minutes and atime of fellowship followed. attended the memorial and ded- Project. d