:4. The project, which tt,'grenuJj',e,git,,ygt,"le includes the CN tower, a run- everyone," ad ing, "She was A ning shoe, a 3D shoelace and a fantastic teacher." the Canadian Maple Leaf, Her and four others A took Humphrey about three decided they would obtain weeks to finish. _ their certification to become " "Rug hooking is not done qualified teachers, which _ fast" s e said. . Humphrey did. She can now The pattern was designed teach in Canada and the by Jayne Nevins, a past presi- United States. dent of the Ontario Hooking Humphrey was a RN for 40 Craft Guild, of which Hum- years, retiring in 1991, and phrey is a member. often worked long hours. She Humphrey said her project, always tried to make time for along with 41 others of vari- her rug hooking when she ous esigns done by others, could. , Humphrey said her project, along with 41 others of vari- ous esigns done by others, will be sent to the games and each of the 41 countries that have athletes registered will take one home. She even used reversed stitches in her project, which is for more experienced rug hookers. "That's much harder to do," she said. ". Marfaret Humphrey recent y received notice about her rug hooking piece created for the 2915 Pan Am Games. Alanna Rice Kincardine News Rug hooking is still alive and well in Kincardine. Kincardine rughooker sends project to 2015 Pan Am Games and donates others to those less fortunate around the world But Humphrey isn't new to Proud of his Bruce County roots, the history and the local archi- tecture, he took to drawing these buildings, the ones he was and of in the area and other international landmarks, like an extensive piece on Buckingham Palace. MacLeod said he had planned on show- ing the extensive collection of his w6rlt/dbzens of pieces totalling hundreds of hours, at kincardine's Victoria ParkGallery But an illness Though both his life and activ- ities were limited in his later years, he had a great _ appreciation for _ arts, culture and could frequently be seen riding in I his wheelchair at Kincardine Scot- tish Pipe Band 1 Saturday Night Parades, fill fairs, car shows and other com- munity events. He also enjoyed the Kincardine board- walk, rock gardens and other places that gave him the accessibility to see the beauty of the community, MacLeod said. But if it was W poor weather out- side, or he was ill, Eskrick would turn his attention to drawing on his computer with the limited mobility he did have. MacLeod said he had excelled at art in school, and also did well at free- hand computer art of his other interests like cars, nature and space. . ._. From Page 1 Eskrick showed passion for architecture' 'iiidr'iiihiiigs After living in six differ- ent communities in Ontario, s1,?ig1e.rey brought the craft with er. Tvery Elace We lived, We taught," s e said, adding she's taught in community cen- tres, libraries and even her own home and backyard: "I felt bad," she said. "It took her [the teacher] almost two hours to get around to everyone," ad ing, "She was a fantastic teacher." Since living in kiricardine for the last 18 years, Hum- In 1967 she signed up for a rug hooking class at the corp- munity centre in Deer; River, where one teacher el ed about 35 people in the cYass learn the craft. the craft. in 2011 and his recovery time in Toronto glrevented that fro_rphi1ppening, s 3: said. . - -' Eskriik returned home in May 2012 and continued adding more pictures to his collection while dealing with more weakness and "loss o musculature" in his draw- ing hand," she said. MacLeod said they began pre aring to present all of the local business own- ers with copies of his work, but passed after only being able to deliver to former Stedmaifs owner Gary Lambert. _ _ "lt was m sad honour to ful- fil this wish for Darren," said MacLeod, urging people to study his work if they come upon it around town. "Perhaps it will inspire you to know what can come from fortitude and opti- She also hand-dyes all her material using stainless steel pqrspr..1 her stove. 7 - -. - "I work on it while' I can," she said. - While somemight think rug hooking is dying out, Humphrey said there are about 1,000 guild members of different branches in the prtn_ripce, - Over the years she's created about 500 projects, many showcased at her house or given as gifts to her friends and family. _ .. "They do some gorgeous work," she said. "Anyone who wants to come and watch us work is welcome. " For her proiects, Hum- ?hrey uses on y pure wool 'abric which is then cut into desired widths. - "There's branches all over Ontario," she said. _' phrey has continued her nuper.ous p_r9jects. . . On Aug. 21, rug hookers from around Ontario will be gathering at Victoria Park om 10 a.m. - 3 ilfl to show their prgects, s are secrets and sell eir work, She continues the craft for the social aspect and getting mism, when faced with chelltniyt", . " Eskrick is survived by his parents, Ken and Lynda, and brother Dwayne of RR5 Kincar- dine, his sister Chantell of Oakwood. "When I can do it, as long as I can do it, I should do it, Humphrey said. "It's my way of giying back to tht world." After teaching for many years, she said the best way to find out if youre interested in rug hooking is it watch others and try a small project yoypelf. . . _., She also makes pneumo- nia vests for children inAfrica while she's also a member of the Sunset Quilters and makes dresses for girls in Haiti. Br "Some people take to it like a (Wok trWattr," she jolayl. Humphrey has on'e of her projects on display at the Kincardine municipal build- ing, a gift she donated to the town in 1991. In addition to rug hooking, Humphrey also knits Izzy Dolls for Doctors Without Boarders who give the dolls to children in third-world countries. This year she made 50 dolls so far. . to§ether with others which is jke "renewing old friend- ships.". ._ . . _ _ "I keep myself busy," she said. The Kincardine News I Thursday,August15,2013 25 "o-; (/5142: (L,,)