Armow WI Tweedsmuir Scrapbook Volume 4, page 3

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S P 3 . 0 on sueei> lt o P c hn Aeees e /. e3 " e l _ _ ¥ o taye 9"° i# _ 14. is . 8 Ts . _ 6 e s3 a . i T > oo e e . ELE . mm A a * [ _ N 4 7" 1 7 [ e e . _ _\ ,@Q; e \ \ pamow (Women's PIdstiTur£. Soo-- "qBy -- Pggos PI* PCPE paslle~ Ts § L# ° es * C% 2 5 t is Serfoyes atf j e 0e 0| j _ --Af © t enereet w * lop o3 2 . 4 5 ys 54' /i,a/\)'* e 4;;_'_'.;,?7»1': q';;;l':.'ft!;. . "--." | S * 3 ie : Txe : & th i>: 3. the s aese t ; %" t ces .' e Te :o : *A N) OWiliimgg h k) oo ds : > 5o oJ l ! C s o¥ :i --f YA yE (£ $ ok * o9 | _ tR +i 2 P 5) # o2 4st tho t 3 /q YA * . o ts h Con2 To x s iz x $ j _ _ us s t . é (%0 \(\ + s : ------ C gtraawre 4]} e * * *' x 2 ' y < Aote es ' t oR .. O ~ & 4 ) : j | 7 Nee 4 se f ';'% ».fl o f ioi ns ie SergMile| _ ' C dipmaar OBITUARY . °=i¥4--| a Prime Misster Wrideau s T. CHESLEY -- Allen Dent of ' ¢ # nc Ne amanr t',']';"fi'wfii';' RR 2, Tiverton, was elected to_ _ . _ RoyPETER _ | ufi' @iWarMe: sifes Aetil the Bruce County school board\ & S ie 2¥ es le en SOTENCE _ [ teesdag. (k $ On: Tuesday, September 15, & '} ( _ _ Mr. Dent, a former teacher | 1970, a large number of friends s e f PE 3 9 |_ in the Chesley area, will Te | paid their respect to Wilbert Roy { 5 OTTAWARKOP) -- The government an-- . .place John N: MacLean,. who _ Peter who / passed away . in » nounced its it major wheat sale of the new | > died Oct. 3. 9 s Victoria Hospital, 'London on ' crop year ay--a whopping 98 million : ° Saturday, September 12, 1970. bushels to fe People's Republic of China {~.. Born in Kincardine Township { worth about§1@ million, 8 on February 12, 1896, he was a . [ M The sale, announced/in the Commons, is' ?gil:x:fetrl)wi':efi Wllliam and Sarah i g:z:,b?fiie'gr "iifi w s:!t?glec;r':ggfari Mr. Peter and his wife, the ' Wwheat board'ya Soepitivs s former Nina Sheane, farmed for fecleg t it -- °o ceagro . -- 3 forty--four years on the Durham AZia)u» majrd Paerit) . Road during which time both | i ; fsx is AAR : gere' ';néfln_bexhs of the Millarton | _edLar y xnz " _ United Church. | a n zmt %«f/ WM ; In 1962, they retired to i W a xd ! Kincardine, taking up residence { ¢ ; | on Victoria Street. ' | 7 g er ref Ze Ae mtA al 7 P¥ Predeceased by a brother .3 If. vrere) P L el o ubie fee / Harry and a sister Clara, he e _PMie d =>). %d' wA¥ leaves to mourn his passing ; | 24 a bleo f t dove dendn ied ves to mor ;/Mm/,fy yaeye. n toaA besides his wife, one brother {;), 2 4«'6'1 #&* / M X' nc lbeor m * Herb of Kincardine. 1 : IM'M4 /u*'%f/ y W (____Funeral _ service -- was { / ty ¢ S ales) Aa) "V? conducted by the Rev. A. as 4 Noz e tAa t -- McDowall of Kincardine United ! f * /W 4 % /Zé& A'/ , _Church of which Mr. Peter was a : 1 £ / uh e hkd * member, -- Interment ~was in R A. Roa z) X 4e bom . t mofprmls' Kincardine Cemetery. > I %4 A. Lsa ad. a»w»ai Pallbearers _ were Lioyd /../'/':. AJ id Ekn o /Keu/u/ Clark, Burton Ferrier, Ralph / Z f ) X W£/é" 7' Lo. Home, Wray Osbome, Wesley J e4 A .e ofi atChaecao / Thompson and Earl Wrightson. | /'~:" & 4(1 /é% an s Ahed 56t éaa/€</ Flower bearers were Ken Fry, | % %§' 2 7 3 Wfi?c e rnrzre K. Lawrence Harison, Anil Gupta, H 4 «i «xne** biozs Bert Mason, Harry Graham, Ed 1 wl% 44/1) JFesas" '{'71--6'/ aoa) f Schaeffer, 'Tom Walsh, and 1 P .# Ns Z7 adpfiae' /{/7 y / _\ Gordon Clark. 3 ; -- dA innmmnemmenmentione | C > Bea a asa 1A [Zre 2 gl. : es _ B0 d 0 101 / Re?s | N :777 Tz W%M/ 4@"'7 | 6 Aama 9 7 9 J j I N\ fuo Aie L B reegbas mest euk _ 4 :bocford o['adf lewle,' | ; Lee ied o K# :2220 Avars eb * REV. DUNCAN McTAVISH | f Q _ -- es t/ar»i | | _ e twam Lopm [ ced Aagietm) / vefet cA ' ,: _ | Ae ) £ 17. f It was subzero weather in the approached his bedside to ask 3 f h oraite . ~---- Rae '/"':"f month of January, over fifty him if he would go, the old man i | ; > 4 esw years ago. I heard the chimes of replied, "Of course I will go, if I f y § 2 my neighbor's sleighbells, and can help save John's life." And | | ds i looking out I saw his "hired there he was on his way, as I : & se + p - man" with horse and cuttee looked _ out _ from _ my [ t . o# ¢ $ driving down the concession. By , comfortable little home on that _ <=H € << 9. . . his side sat old Dr. McCrimmen -- cold winter night, f 1 | mary . s 4 P 48 -- making his Jast ride on a mission _ It was about four o'clock in é * ' of mercy. the evening. A few minutes later , aot; § 4 j | For many years he had served . the other doctor drove past on ; s t s se . § that country in its pioneer days, his errand of healing, An hour 4 § 23 ty f ; enduring the hardship of those later he returned the operation [ 4 o. h 135. i eatly times. He was now an old over, while: the old Doctor l ' Jcge <~¥ s ; man of over four score years, remained until the patient's . j & > se s % & : -- _ and onlywent out when sent heart had quieted down after the 4; / . s c . se : € \-- for. For several days he had been ordeal. Abotut nine thirty Theard > ~ . "ke y % : i § \ 'in bed suffering from a heavy the chimes of those same bells,. : L e Korily. i . $ : & c & cold, when a call came from a -- 2d knew the old man was being i ~ l e «e ~ o Es \ neighboring town, asking if he taken home, That, journey of _ & j:? Keep sB .: $ $ i8 \ would. assist another _ doctor _ MEYCY Was to be his last ride. A _ j o. t > use $ E> € >X & |_ there, remove some fluid from. Week or so later we gathered to . K P . .l * s .o $ B \_ fay |. neighbor's _ lungs. -- The PBy our last respects to one who -- B '%2 x 9e o . & -- condition was an aftermath had given of his best: one who . BE Te 2i Selsi * Jug iet: fro attack _ of Spent his life in service to_ _ -- Nes e : 7 , ; 8 m an t ho W e .. & '% .. Ces 4 / ; pleure--pneumonia. W _ _ -- mankind, ending in one glorious --_ _ _ < oP| e oz 8 Jk y . $ : W O u0 . The patient was in a Critical . final effor; to "save John's life". ~ ol :E se i geun" _ _ condition because of 4& Neat Greater love hath no man than _ k s ies 3 Wa % s estiment that 'accomng:f:v',hl:; ;gisat?gt gdlgalg}lay down his life . o w }I ; n PA e . § 5> Nee s th c Jn riend." _ o) . . e t u.0. S s 34 ks _ es / 1 use ols / o 5 8: "~ .:. f%.\ m . ) y '~~~ _ ie s _ S 0 s 0c 6 Fars : eapes cod c toe: <z ARaATC e fy > A6 w

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