Delegates to the District An, nual in Ripley on May 21stare Mrs. Wm. Eskrick Jr., Mrs. Russell McConnell and Mrs. Keith Blackwell. Mrs. Nelson Eskrick presented Mrs. Christen" Scott and Mrs. Keith Blackwell with gifts for perfect attendance; Mrs. Reuben Shewfelt conducted a Penny Contest and King. Contest, The meeting closed with the Queen and Grace. Lunch was served by Mrs. Ralph [Robertsm and Mrs. Everett Diswe. _ Delegates to nual in Ripley Mrs. Wm. ES Russell McCo Keith mackwe Eskrick pr' Christen" set Plans were made to assist at the Tea at Bruce Lea Haven On May Ist. It was decided to have the annual Tea and Bake Sale on June 5th. It was announced that $241.50 was collected for the Cancer Society. The annuaL mesphg, of the Women's Institute was held on Wednesday afternoon in the In. stitute Hall. With Mrs, Wm. Eskrick Jr. presiding, the meeting opened with the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Bible Reading was given by Mrs. Nelson Eskrick followed by the Lord's Prayer. Roll call was answered with the payment of fees and exchange of a package of flower or vegetable s meeting w George Mr card was In Eskrick Jr. enjoyed a My" - the home of Mr. and Mrs George MBCDongld in Riple. where they graciously Show"); them their lovely antiques and collection of belly They then came to the Institute Hall for the remainder of the meeting With M rs. Wm. Eskrick Jr. Presiding: the mfet"E openetl with the Opgmng Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Scrip- t1vu'f'e'/'reagli,re, was read by Mrs. Ralph Pwhertson followed by the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison' The meeting of the A . mow sts held on Wee:- nesday afternoon The ladies enjoyed a sight seemg tour at the home of Mr. and Mrs MacDonald in Riple3; e seed. Minutes of last were read by Mrs. McKee. A thank you s read from Mrs. Wm. , 9:) --' _ (l/M/ . V .--" C,., t 'a_t-.'r" A '11,tsirtvsc,,(sav' f? #1 tF 1/ Mrs. Bert Shier gave a reading "it's all in the state of mind." The meeting closed with the Queen and Grace. Lunch was served by Mrs. Walter Norman and Mrs. Catherine Fraser. tson for having the most letters in her name and to Mrs. Wm. Eskrick Jr. the least letters. On behalf of the Grandmothers, Mrs. Nelson Eskrick thanked Mrs, Evans for all the gifts. As this was the Grand- mother's meeting, Mrs. John Evans presented each of the ladies with a corsage and gave gifts to Mrs. Russell McConnell and Mrs. George McKees for the Grandmothers with a gran- dchild born in 1974; to Mrs. Catherine Davey for the Grand- mother wearing the most colors; to Mrs. Wm. Eskrick Jr., the oldest Grandmother; to Mrs. Nelson Eskrick, the youngest; to Mrs. Ralph Rober» An invitation was received to attend the Institute meeting in Tiverton on June 19 at 8 pm. A thank you letter was read from Mrs. Kathleen Powers cancer- ning the Canvas for the Cancer Society. Plans were made for the Tea, Bake Sale and Bazaar on June 5 from 3 to 5 in the " ternoon. Local current events were given by Mrs, John Evans. Mrs. Wm. Eskrick Jr. gave an account of the District Annual Meeting in Ripley. The motto "cultivate safety and harvest happiness" was given by Mrs. Catherine Davey. Roll call was answered with "Something I wished I hadn't bought and why" Minutes of last meeting were read by Mrs. Catherine Davey. The Jun meeting of the Ar. mow w omen's Institute was held on Wednesday evening in the Institute Hall. With Mrs. Wm. Eskrick Jr. presiding, the meeting opened with the Opening Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Mrs. Bert Shier gave the Scripture Reading followed by the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. The roll call took the form of a "What is it?" contest with Mrs. Russell McConnell the winner. Minutes of last meeting were read by Mrs. George McKee. A quartet, Mrs. Eldon Brown and Janis, Marian Campbell and Mrs. Reg Davey sang "How Long Has it Been?" Marian Campbell conducted a "Cloth Contest." Mrs. Reg Davey Jr. conducted a "Picture Contest" with Mrs. Christena Scott and Mrs. Eldon Brown the winners. Mrs. Reg Davey Jr. and Mrs. Eldon Brown sang a duet "Discover the Way of Gladness". The meeting closed with the Institute Grace. Lunch was served by Mrs. Russell McConnell and Mrs. Wm, Eskrick Jr. Ronald Slade and Mrs. Wm. Eskrick Jr. Mrs. Reg Davey Jr. was in charge of the program prepared by Mrs. Stewart Hun- ter, who was unable to attend. Misses Janis Brown and Marian Campbell gave an in- teresting account of the Folk School held at the Cardinal Motel in Varney in March which they attended. Everyone was asked to give a local current event. A short In, Memoriam for the late 'Mrs'. John Shier was given by Mrs. Mrs. Wm. Eskrick Jr., Mrs. Walter Norman and Mrs. Everette Dawe will have a craft display at the Log Cabin in Southampton on July 2. Mrs. Russell McConnell gave the motto "Happy is the housewife who sees rainbows and not dishes in the soap suds." Plans were made to hold ll Speaking Contest "Safety on the Farm" on July 24th in the Armow Institute Hall at 8:30 pan. The names of the con- testants must be in to Mrs. Ronald Slade by July 15. Prizes will be $10.00 for lst prize; $8.00 for 2nd; $5.00 for 3rd. All other contestants will receive $3.00. An invitation was received to attend the Institute meeting in Bervie on July 3 at 8:30 and the Tea and Bake Sale in Tiverton on July 19. Thank you cards were read from John Shier and Mrs. Mid Hunter. Current events were given by the members. The motto "A man's feet should be planted in his country but his eyes should survey the world" was given by Mrs. Ronald Slade. Guest speaker for the evening was Mr. Norman Shepherd, Kincardine, who gave a very in, teresting and educational talk on Woman and the Law. He was thanked and presented Pt a gift by Mrs. Bert Shier. Mrs. Reg Davey Jr. and Mrs. Calvin McConnell sang two numbers and conducted a song contest with Mrs. Bert Shier and Mrs. Lloyd Eskrick the winners. The meeting closed with the Queen and Grace. Lunch was served by Mrs. R. Slade, Mrs. R. Shewfelt, Mrs. R. Robertson, Mrs. W, Norman and Mrs. Catherine Fraser. _ Cr oV3 ~ tavoured with a piano solo. Minutes of last meeting were read by Mrs. George McKee. Mrs. F, Gemmell, brought greetings from the Provincial Board. Miss Shannon McCon- nell entertained with her step dancing. Thank you cards were read from Mrs. Cliff Husk, Mrs. R. McConnell and Mrs. David Ireland. The Armow W.I. entertained the ladies of the Ripley W.I. at their World Affairs meeting on Wednesday evening in the In- stitute Hall. Mrs. Nelson Eskrick, lst-Vice President, presided over the meeting which opened with the Opening Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. favotIred with a piano Scripture reading was given by Mrs. John Evans followed by the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. Roll call was an- swered with "Tell something of interest about another coun- try." Little Julie Davey V