x 7 P L2 _2 t i Roll Call--Exchange of slips, roots and 'bluJ!bs y inffitinhimninmimaffim .,.mfi Ahnininimitsmumndtiniffihmtimitomnnmmmuntuer Motto--Go forth under the open sky and list to nature's teaching--Mrs Levi Penney TORBOLTON BRANCH Bring a;n'd Buy Sav'lfi ter § Recitation--Mrs _ Walter Strong psias WEST CARLETON COUNTY Hostesses--Mrs Wm. Tripp and Mrs Archie Ritchic e iNsmTOT JUNE 15th--2 p m. WOMEN'S E Home--Kilmaur's Hall ' § PROGRAMME Theme--Junior Activities 4 Roll Call--What's your beef? "ag 1954 -- 1955 Motto--The secret of success inbconrversation i'ilto be able to disagree without being disagreeable-- + He f Meeting 2 p m Mrs Roy MacLaren uour 6 heling 2 p _i Demonstrations by the Juniors w 3rd Wednesday in March Guest Speaker--District President, Mrs H Hudson Hostesses--Mrs Lloyd Graham, Mrs Wm Gordon *s, m j i4 e hss . CneenNe? yE es -- Ee R INSTrrUTE onE A goodly thing it is to meet ; : In frindship's circle bx'iglht. e ET1 Where nothing stains the plessure sweet, o crrs & Nor dims fl]'e'd'x;adi-anl]t'ligh}tfifl e President-- ...... Mrs L Graham, Mrs 'Don Munroe No unkind words our lips shail pass. 1st Vice President ................ Mrs Roy McLaron Bwl\tm engyhs:fir fle'f'{ Eg'd;} on weat** 2nd Vice President. ............... Mrs R J Davis Tlmeac osd 'fseu l: 'E west District Director ................. Mrs Walter Strong e good of all mankind. Sec ~Treasurer .................. MrsFred Baldwin Auditors .......... Mrs H_Penney, Mrs Ned Wilson . Mary Stewart Collect Program Committee--Mrs D Munroe, Mrs L Gra-- Keep us, O Lord, from pettiness ham, Mrs A Ritchie, Mrs R J Davis, Ars Let us be large in thought, in word and deed. W Strong, Mrs R McLaren, Mrs Fred Baldwin Let us be done with fault finding and leave off self Press Becretary .......:._... _..l.., Mrs (M. Richic secking. + May we put aw;:y all pretence and ungm each other face p to face, without self pity and without projudice. STANDING COMMITTEES May we never be hasty in judgement, and always gen-- Agriculture and Canadian Industries --Mrs R J Dav s Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straight Citizenship and Education ............. Mrs J Davzis forward and unafraid. t > Resolutions _ .. _>. Mrs W --G Anderson Let us take time for all things, make us grow calm, ser-- Home Economics and Health Mrs. D C Davis ene and gentle. Community Activities and Public Relations-- ns Grant that we may realize that it is the little things pitg Mrs A Ritchie that create differences; that in the big things of life Hlst.orlcal Research Wuipdrosncasc.. Mre _R A Vance we are one; and may we strive to touch and know Junior Institute Activities ............. Mrs J Poule the great woman's heart common to us all, and O Planists --Mrs A Ritchie, Mrs W. G Anderson, Mrs Lord, let us not forget to be kind. Fred Baldwln wwamnintateneas un e ns annataieulsanana mt n cam.