) atle h y f 2.?. f 3 ul' > ) : * o l .J' | ge d gee f of Ontario . i _ 3 T ism f N C/ij=$® 0 ' -- _ _ TheFederated Women's «RSJX> Institute® ; T » , . T | _ > FIFTIETH ANNivegSAry CELEBRATION . 3 + ' | R yB _ 'june 18th, 1947 /A Ontario Agflculf""" c°"°9% Guelph / . _ . .00 +0 _' * | ; ( P / | K i> .'fflb'%':"»'\.\, d +A an $ gi';,, / ' o . . Ceu) Lersofic | aycrIHGHAm Pacace [ / P " * arat? +4 N T gre" . oA * * 4 j in 1S a great pleastwe to me to send r-". of | h thés and congratulations to the MenP" F afio § 0| *#A on 4 YE ederateq y/omets Institutes of 07 ary 4 ' ' T ; | f cele'bhe Occasion of their Fiftieth Annive"" o¥ athy | 2] ay ration, with ail. iny good wishes for & heP s \ h | Seful fup $ 7 /2 e' f _ The s k Htut? _ : - : in J$ Pening of Stoney Creek Women's Ins fite o + - ailg °7 ig a landmaitk in the history of 14 al i az "a bec: Sm glaq ;, serd this message of 4""';';W P e aay ' & Me e I know of the thankfulness of mYy ie in | oo ke > Gr;:bets for their Institutes. Besides thos? in x 6 ' So',tt Btitain, ; paye lately seen Memb@"" . £ ' the "Aftica and Rhodesia, enjoying and val4"" ; (0 % : # _ s PPOFfrimities fop SETVICE) mutual help, educfld x : , wWhis and fun wpign Membership bring" d . P s > : f , | . & YE owe to the Stoney Creek womell, 5 | 6 M + j / Ye_a,s aéO 5 3 j' th°ughts are with you on this great dflfs .. pt°sper,-w18h each o;:qe -of you happiness