The Brantford Expositor - The Women's Institute 75th Anniversary, page 9

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_-_" ..W l -etrqre""""" o-------------------------- rim nxrosnon, ammnn, SATURDAY, JUNE M, ism ----r------_--------------r----. 9 ' l P W IO bo h l " t Lee Homestead l g , l The option io bay the Er. white frame house which cut virgin pine on the pro. msatlre1ipped cedar hedges, and to commemorain their FWIO in October 1969, on ) land Lee Homestead, Edge. was the home of the 'Lee perty and built some of the the large trees and trimmed home with table on which the property on Lot 17 Cum _ _ maul, was pieked “P by tle family for SIX .gyeratipns. furniture, one piece being a lawns enhance the beauty of the Constitution was drawn cession 4, Township of salt- ttttyo/lie,", 1:1 Ill-11:15:; ftigPtsatrui,, located1 on seven~£oot teh c a bl net this vintéigg home. Abrams b up, Di t f {lead '0it,1id,ilecf leer, tgtet 0 5, a all eys made with we en,pegs in- treasure iarles rovea in- Erected y the stric 0 on . e'si es e l _ June 15. The Fggogalseg tg,, alld Mxmt two miles stead of nails. teresting information of the South Weiitworth Women's with attached garage, will“ I t ll _ . 4. . 4. . . l 33. $33953? possessorsa of s'lttesflteerie,tt Jesu: The Crown Deed was pre- "fit/ niggergehti-S a m otet1tu, of the 33:33 lg? 31111311; 5:30 I' l the 99-year old home of Er. Mountain Road which winds seated to _John and Mary ld t cm , I i table with leather Uphol- land Lee, a ii?ft) of the up Hamilton’s mountain. [tt It? Ir,titdig, d? Cl, gag; "i2rtJ1v"il' "f/ti 'dieel12gyi1"'hist,fii; stored dining chairs, a large I 2gf's Institutes in Stoney raises Lee, of British sol- 1mg “an: crime 14341503ch the hom’e grown lumber the plaque was unveiled and sideboard, desk built in the 0:138 t th 1iC11rttithh,a,1g, "ft the same year. vherge tgl Juleigg admin fyigh1, g tes'/g,misehl Effie T330"; gageillglg‘glk are 0 move e . . . ' e ga es an Ion pore . e, S no res on _ . _ m0 head office to the his .iynily arrived with the Abram, son of John re, His original pattern resemu of Ontario on October I, iyltboard .were all included Homestead from its Toronto Unite d Empire Loyalists planned the present home at bles a paper chain of maple 1967 in the option. location and keep it open ttom Maryland, U.S.A.. in the top of Me Mountain on leaves. It took him all one 'iii,, man years it had The older part of the , ttraxmnd. _1792. Several of the furnish. Edgemont Farm in 1860 and m m to do th intricate Y . . . , 1 ye lugs and flowering plants he the from art h ilt in " n r. . .9 . . been the hope of the Ontario house still has the, angina I Edgemout is nestled brought with him can still 1873 Abralln toxnsdov‘vln the and artistic carvmg “1h?“ is Women’s Institutes that the hardware '7 ornate mm among stately pines, on the be found in the home and on o ri-gin al back part. The Ednured by mowers 0 the Lee Homestead could .be latches and hinges. proposed .exteysiott .04f the the lawns. There is antique white house is ot Gothic an on?" t bought to become MI arehive TMs for the 75th anniver- scenic drive from Niagara glass, classic racing prints, ehiteeture with the boards Er and Let, grandson. o for past Pim1ty 1.xr?ks ot sary of the Women’s Insti- along the escarpment over- and other treasures and out.. placed upright and the joins John Lee, am.1, Janet the braaehes, districts and tutes the purchase'of the . Stone Creek and id u, il. . oim Lee, with their five areas and other treasured ' looking y SI e, yellow roses, tiger lil covered with battens. It has ' . Lee Homestead preserved Bamiltoa with the blue of ies, Myrtle, Sweet Mary and green shatters aM hand- chlldre?,were the fourth ge- document? and artifacts ot one of the most beautiful . Lake Ontario beyond. It is a a lovely Snowball bush. He carved verge boards The n era tion to 00eupy the the organization. vintage homes in Ontario for , . Homestead. When the Farm. c, _ " .. . . . ., ._ _ . _"__._ . y . An option was taken by .a useful and permanent pur , ..- 1 a", 'IN s, ' ».-- _ one - f“¢~s* 'ct'Wi))s2iifrrrarta 4. rT “a.” em Institute of South Went- the pr ovin c i a l board of pose . MTI is“: E, q if Tsar... I $3439?” Wi~‘- q Mit 455. 82 ta . worth was formed in 1884 "--et-- _------ - ,. I' __ _ l ECap. l " " t , a = "f?,); '5ti'I1 , M " - I-,. he was one of the charter 1 k"iii,afs'C"ss7C,?._N3gEf21 .. . " if . if? oEEr,eFiltf,: members. Through the I so“ l _ 7""':~.M.4"' an. a 4 " , a t,eS4,,P'ij,let; ,lrrirfi1')'ii'/i"i, years he served as scorer _ ; [1i:crc,,' ' _ ."v l _'-':' , ji':r'ic5fc5,tM, on at "RP, . ..‘442:.;.§.’:4..‘1}._.. it}: 'r/rf:", tary _ treasurer and presi- " v.53.- V .n‘ghi=-" F'f5i; - C',';,, "“‘v‘:_".‘_=4"~7:s ""34. The Parmers' Institutes sbio . _ 1 54357:. _ T ' I" '4': f7: 1. 'rr'. _ Ir', _.“I;j»- 4.3 1)rirf/cr: ")-, «ITS , KC were formed for the purpose t by £,'::__ s' _ 4 T 4 LD, w TAP .1‘ _,' "r/tcl"-'"':',,,:",:. _,r)i"'a"vsv' _"":/c' ',,, . ':'s'. of disseminating information I Fs'J,t'l1,' ar, 4 '_1/'rr J1/rrc:crri; N _ 'l ", .._ . / in regard to agriculture and tsi if, r" V , r“, 4 . " C' Hy' _ -4 te " C _ 4 , ' q fg, the development of local S) {if-:17. 4 _. j, . It "E2, V 'rr , TP "L.jrrr" '71.. _ _ ltgiM _ alent. Mr. Lee wasapromi- 1.57- sti't, , : 18, , 2t g v, “t _ 4, tte . 3% 5 , _. M3jl V nent, public-spirited, bread- aio" 'soo 'itil' C $343, t i l "r; "t I; T ’4 _ W9 I, " _,,)'- MX i 1.4 _ 1Eiil minded farmer of Saltfleet m $6 . 'fcr,'is'u- if . tr', ' r Wc "F' / Gisli, , " "' C , W Batt _ f Township and followed l Q g. s I 'is'Cit _ __ ': _ _l . Ctr “i”, 's", . yr ',. si, .. . C _" 31.4.4 4 mixed farming on the 100- b' O ' os8 l bi/is, f It i ITM ’” h' 'a' ' E', 7 _ s,." l, _ 4 'i'"':? m' T _‘ acre property. st , g'fri'cT " MQ i't"sr .f " IE, 'j, ’ v.'" F V T T VV _ .9» . It was through the efforts se , .293»; _ ' - " 3:. r V _ _'-" "", "v-,dtts:i,," _ _ ' oer. and Mrs. ErlandLee . a 3C." u, = It T m . t ' RWM, C .. "st ..' 'l _ "ii',' and Adelaide Hunter Hood- " L g g 4 .4 'ir T. its? Ct/fill - Cd ' (l "ir, _ Tta' q _ . less that the first Women's x" f a, " in 1., {.1 sifi, lgjt'f’hfiu ' , 'eh', T , ' Institute was formed. It was k r, - 4‘4; 'd w " . 4 ./ Ill" - . r c',,:" on the walnut dining tablein .. we-un rd ' W - . . "lt ‘ .4 l 'l this home that the original . . . . ' l , . “to”: , a . k . . '". ”.4444;- . a kg " ' lab " be». _ _, 'rv' Constitution of the orgamza- . . fi t. 4 e 1 V 'Lr-r'tfrt g iN trail FS , tit WtM 3 . , . _ . . T A.” MO" peuued dst 1m There you will find a lower .m‘eama a. _ is., "l.iiifl IE 1.... ..4 4 , ts" fat, ”132: Page Jr%'llfll'u/) ladies' and men’s ready tss wgar. a... 4 . . ‘ - ' ‘1 . inthehome. 4 4 f _ _ " Frank, younger son of. Er- ’ ' . 4 . land, and Mrs. _Lee with T _a. " " e ‘4 _ _ their two daughters carried l a" ., , MiiiR" ""jrrTN, an the (traditions of the l __ - ,y " . r', , ' Li/o) A», Homestca . In duty time - W,uV'd; ..:.:. - Te. qvw'rr . 'iwe,tkpa%c,yi'i's'ir reiaF.'ft5, . ‘ much of th vopert a THE CONSTITUTION OF THE FIRST WOMEN'S INSTITUTE WAS sold for PCSI'EEI‘IJCES 'Je, Il)' A I SIGNED ON THIS TABLE IN THE ERLAND LEE HOME. it eonsists of 23 acres and ' -----, - N, - - - --- ,_Â¥ .. _ 7.; also contains a tive-mom i tenant house and a storage barn. Lynnvllle Women's Institute on May as, 1961, a memor- SAY IT lhnTH Twelve women We... ii'd1iiIgtg'ng traders; q F B R A N T F 9 a It l the organization meeting f l', - "I 1i;n'1v,l1e1.e1rr."se'is llama)“: 1vutiu?.h"r"'su""1 was un Market St. af Nelson I in une, . . . ‘ ' ship steadily iiliriareT,ti'tri In Memory of . . I ' l a 1939 peak of 54 . One of Em LEE and SHOP DAILY 9:30-6; THURS. and FRI. TIL 9 _ --l _ the" earli t ch . his wife JANET " n ' q a $122 'lftfivl1li,'haesf,'sJta,i', who Pioneered the first CHARGE IT ON YOUR CREDIHER passed '."t"1fu0u1iplti1is, 'JIT',',': 1131:5113? PLENTY OF FREE PARKING . . . W Il - e Sa "Ha Da tt Effrted opening a ganlraxzfc- at Stoney £13k, Feb. 19, 1897 - Y PPY y count for each new baby in _x“’ __ _-_-- - ------------, - - ------ "‘*â€" . the area . . . With Flowers The. branch petitioned the Tsyti; From Nicol Ontario. government to pass k' &llila v ll 'i,iijji'r'i'fi, legislation for a health Ian \ _ pc. _ to seéve all citizreg‘in.p.I . 's , "tiratti' l" t;tiiti?)'jttl 7, ' PW" T " . Barn ances raised ds or t m' . For that special war purposes during the iit7i( 'yt) l _ ,5 v., occasion-birthday, Second World War. iiiiiis):, _ lk' 1 _ iii "Tr I... q9, anniversary or other new Women's Institute iii:iciii: ' 9 T , 4 il 5 an}? "tb' . " s, ‘. it memorable event-- In the early years of Delhi -crFat" D e on S 'tf. ' _ l 'rl . BWI .-.4 Fr , Women's Institute, ‘organ- iiiiita . Cin' ' 44253:?!" Q there's no better: way ized in January, 1908, school -1jiiiiiiii?itt Jt? l I j A Ts . Mliliiai to remember someone children were given garden 'fiis:if,tic: fff _ I J i . St; tiriB" seeds and in the fall a show tgi?? . . ,'ir. , 5 IL‘ Mtl $.41" you love than a was held with prizes award. ';p:Fd:d Makers of Fine Furniture JrCe.7 i l i 41 fwd)» WV. . ed for gardening efforts . . . M:ac.a . g , l a as .._ mixed bouquet of $111312: 'lrJsr,'itii",vae"re.? as Wish to congratulate the Federated fit f _ " BG . . . _ - . i fresh fragrant flowers. nished with funds ttt Women's Institute of Canada 'lt?s l ' from a day-long Celebration iiti . . It _ - Plenty of Free Parkiag--Bus Stop at Door ide "eueetttlg"/, 32:3: iiiiiisii, on the 76th Anniversary of b) i ' testi 1927 o- . . ' y, l " ' ' 'fd if; railsed inasmuch?“ "tiii-its,, Their Founding 'iii'), l :7 ' . I - free eye examinations for T.---'" "e2.rif: v4 -. 4 _ . 4 " ' ' public schbool 2,i1?titai .0111: Tcr-EF. , I :2. _ . " 4 1950 the . e scarce e 'irate Fai-ta', . _ ' -> " " 'i'EiitarAif q . t'fi'l"l,il2'tio",faCl TB seals in s'iitis'tj, De J ong S for "'sogi, "ituttgetate '.?15iii"; 1 " E - t nun-unann- A the community and still Jo 'is'f"t' tg'g:'t1 2, . ’ . k' so. 'g:EcEF' Lyndon Road - 2% Miles East at Towers ii, 3 'L6f'l1llrg" FLORIST lr r m... WE Jiilis? "'"'"seesa', a. tpn,". Fru. Dial M7.3743 m Free A i F ' , _ Tl It t WI was organ- ----t.= stt' =?; LMITED I ized‘ein $521. of 1936,l\villl Eitiiistit: 1:. tTGii_errarN I REWUL 17 charter members . . i'ie, it)i11iiii'ii'iiiiirii,sessse titl,ft3'isa': 1 -." LES E AND lt . h 'gt ized a ue -. WHO JU. d lib d Centre as: s,svits?i?iz,i'i,1ri,r,' group /|\\ "'i'a'atmetiiitst" . .4' n " 1946 'th 15 m era ' .. - Greenhouses an or e s1llht,'h1'vled',e'he were we; . " tattheCanadaDayo _ 1 846 Colbome St. E. Dial 752 3142 as: Agwwcin {a923- I : 5 i - ------ -_-- e.----.-------------- A Mâ€"

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