Lakeside WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 21, 1996-2005, page 3

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l l l " l " l . 1 M bimbo d be are (hirwen-fon I Page 22, Voice of the Farmer, Region 2, Tuesday, Nov. lo, 1998 3 _ [he St. Marys Journal-Argus, Wednesday, October 28, 1998 15b London Area WI held annual meet1ng _ - _---------------------------- == --_ u h - _ _____ U The London Area Resolutions Convenor F.Y.1. (For Your I I Women's Institute held their Delores Shapton presented a Information) began the after- 84th Annual Convention at resolution dealing with the noon with presentations I the Kirkton-Woodham Government's Education from O.P.P.' Constable Community Centre in Formula regarding the clos- Tracey Coglin, Funeral I Kirkton. Ontario with Huron ing of rural schools. This Director Ruth Townsend and South and Huron West resolution was carried. Heart and Health representa- . "ca lon or rum u e Hostesses. Members were also tive Deb Campbell: Over 270 members and updated with respect to the Displays included .those _ guests, were in attendance many changes taking place by the Tweedsmuir Hist.ory KlllKTON-"Working together. your plate'. schools open versus larger C0ncen- Tdizhech: theme “xiii 'tc.h/'o.Prprvei,r,itAvre/hdy, ihgcirfrivs Confeitiisgml: ",...= i " , ;, . , ..i'. , ., ,. , . _ g ... eSIen r .--~_ . shaping tomorrow s world was the I ern Dougall gave a presentation trated urban centres, due to tinfoil Tomorrow's World." The Hecker. The new strupure of South Africa, Membership theme ofthe London Area Women s on her trip to the A.C.W.W. confer- t.hepopula.tion ofruralcommunities presentation of Flags by the Provincial Board will be Organize“. Qyillots, Institute 84th Annual Convention at once in South Africa. IS spread oat over a large geo- Margaret Dale 1and Delores made up of only. the Handkerchiefs and Public the Kirkton-Woodham Community The delegates passedaresolution graphical area and the distance itrretn £12215 (idling); iii: EiEEidllié'Paéi‘iD ”51:65:22: Relégggzs were then given Centre on Oct. 22 organized by on the potential closing of rural between schools are greater. of bagpipes by piper Carl eight‘Board Directors. by Public Relations. Huron South W.I. schools initiated by Motherwell W.I. Therefore be it resolved that the Milly. Alternate board directors Curator. More than 170 women from Mid- The resolution states: ‘:Whereas Federated Women 's Institutes of an '1ani1savifm'ovrlmpnsdeut,tif, 17, now _krliown as if?“ itit:r2iu, if/er/ir,' dlesex East and Northwest, Elgin Provincial funding to Dist.ric.tS.chool Ontario urge the Ontario Minist.ry following the formalseggéi (CdgiicliiilaSix new B '2flLy, wgsteri-CnnFair Association. County, Perth South, Huron South Boardsis based on ofEducatlon and Training ff.' give ing. e have been formed, which President Gladys Egelton and West and Oxford Districts at- ages and the Provincial Govern- separate consideration for District . PresidentGladysEgelton, includes 399 new members. reported on. Conference '98 tended the day-long program. nynt' School Boards, under the School runr 2i,rc'g,','lt' cremarks. goggon . area18 is d no; i1; Billieyéllznezndon Fill: The morning included WI busi- does not take Into consideration the Accommodation Funding Formula mile moral] our C2331]: Jarghi’lestlclSISle mini! re: 13.05%;le held in South ness aspects. In the afternoon, the uniquegeographicalchallengesand so as to allowDistrict Sfy.ooil3.oards. ties and get to know our sentiition on d'; AdelEide Africa: . guests heard three speakers. 0.P.P. needs of smaller schools, rural 0n- to run rural school efficiently and neighbours. needless Home. The Maryn Pardy Constable Tracey Coghlin spoke on tario is severely disadvantaged. heep rural schools open, resulting Scholarship magi :0 Jg'), safety, Funeral Director Ruth Whereas the Federated Women's in ruralstadentsreceiving an equi- mt y/i,)"irhsrij,,y, '"u/dyt, 2, Townsend spoke on grieving and Institutes ofOntario believe that all table education in their community ' Doroihy Hitcher Scholarship Heart and Health expert Deb District School Boards need more schools. imam“ went to Kinggfcmlege stu- Campbell presented 'Nutrition on help to keep rural community t r \ deng1ndir"itl)fisl,isue "Joy D Nu m, e - y i:?j:fif. " iiiiMitgMl R' . (:s:ji'yr,iir'. "j-ttfam":.'-:::-):)':,?-:'.:'::::),:)'::'-, r"iiiiijiis:'gjj("': Bittii in Bells" from Mitchell enter- ":.'i)i:ii?i "31f Ai ilillii-iiii, " Mil [i.':?)::,.":.:'.:):,,:":'::-,:::':" ')jijl, F:;8iitlir, _,,".":"")')') w'i?5'ii)ii.,.ii'i1l In the evening. Guest i'i:.iiu:'i:'t $& "t‘ wa u..e:if:fij;)'ii:.j.ii:'wiis::j: viief.firaltiii, VF 'C-:'" ib'.":ii:it:iifijl'ijiriei' 4}; Schools Speaker and author Gisele :i.i.')sii.",iii, 'mr, Fir.::::):::::"..::?,??::::,:, t” c' ' IKliiit. _ b)'jii!.:.).i::'fac:?Ii, '5il i . Ireland, in keeping with the :."::i.':i:'ii:j::.' 1' 'tor":,'..:":.'..')).:,':":.";:':?'.:.-.-:):, ', ', I.rv:rs,e.:alll .iji)C.i?,j:.t.:'ar., *fi lg; " convention theme "Working iii:?:.?::, iMti;ijf:ii'sjfiiit:i,iiirAia . I . t"ici'iicri'i:'i. '-i'Eiiiii"if:9,'i'ss.qllll _ glllK?i'::'sj.j.ilic..t; "al Efi'it"'aBl 'a'iir'i't'a 'ikr'tt:'fijiji'ij':PA To the Sha inc 555:3: ARI-":3 "e..'NN E 3 E:CWiiti:ji; E.te?it?jfatlt & \;-ZA"’r l .'.QNQ IRRK “ 15FtF 2B"dq bf.ig.t.'ifi: :::-:v't- an y'.'a . _ " AI-I-Z-.-Z-.A'~:141.95;':A!;1;I;I;I;1;2:2;I:1:2:1:I::;I;:;I;:;1;Z;:;I;:-.-“">I . ge r p a ':r.'f..ii.iii:' 'lrii).i,:.i'e?ii, ' - Loifiiijji4..': W"3:332?ifi§s€ifi¥§é§ef2§fif§:§ff§?§§=I-"- ' Mil . boil? CMgvli Tomorrow's World," spoke _::,':':;:!..":::':'::.':, .rhijiir:).'i.jiii';ili:j . _ , 'it" ""v'ii'iiiii:2'éi§§§§§?i§§§??§§it???r' 3. I s try us and told us that for one "ji:::":).':'::?:::" Illlggllhri?1'i':jj:"::1ailgl, l Jiii'Ly , " .. “wt; - - - Wt. hundred years we've been 3 tllllililir' _l,lliB.ttlits:' “’3:ng _ , 3.5;“ \2{§§b i . GP doing just that. She gave £7fl'omy/u-Oa-‘x a IM88M. amFpy1eifkr.:ff8?.P, _rr.c'rr':iNMlrgWi'iyc.cC:N'4:',c'i', " Y::::'::].:?",:?.:?:'::' FE " :'ui".Y.s'it:yu2t'. .'.uuKr sq. '4?“th - - 8 this In her own life and “Wat’s BitjS:' -- 'Ill)' $r'.'i.:i:'i,:y:?jjidiii,'if':j5' 'cy _/:aititllih'u'i'rjCf"teiiit4l 3 r - r ev /{{.-.-<.r/K‘5;-:--:_:;‘j;::;.;.31';:;;"':;:~:;:;3'A.u;= a88888& N Wir; ”ad-'2. V I4NllMlI to;::i.wi:'i" . MWr:rji:'.(fi?iriCo.7 ga? £29.; t.fits"iff. 'jj:jij.:iii.eraiilli eryone felt that her Tim, '3”? 'fa-q i;.: "'o':'f 5 {it‘w‘ Illtill 3 h “b warmth and humour added iillllaigliiiiillRillllllNlllillttl%a ftaJt,r': . C. iFCji%ti a " 'ii , ' . fir} 5"«V‘ ’ l mg President. Mrs. Gladys IiigNmlllllliiBilllllglltltmlWii' it? TtT N'.- Bhol. IllilltlIill" .;tsw” . . by) t Egellon and Secretary, Mrs. Bil8E8EB%leiTlMlmMl2llRiMiNlRW, idMBR ' 44 v_. “lg, a; 5‘; EW.' _ -- -- - . . I . . - 'I-IAI-I-I-I'I'1'54'93':'C4I'::::.::::;-:-j\:$_::._‘»j:':*:4-'-';‘y‘/.‘>‘" - BN g. cox/b _'.%'u'ie0', _'itti':jiifif:ii'ti' T..". 3 ' . lllllllliIiillrllllllllllilrlllllliiiiNiiiti, $ttj,ir$t/tj "':i)'t2i,t,ij' IMlilllBBlBit, in"; 3-§=i§1_f«§%~§“’§ossa 'isail'iil6,": gym? It Doris Spence. Gladys then V 33 ")t.ilttrt'it) '1,ettiftltJ. Wimbwrsfi‘" ' Presented the gavel and pin 'r:'" "v:":))""':""""". " to the incoming President 5-1... .1114. . _ _ »- _ '_.' 3; Tqv _'-, F :-i; .:;.,:..::::;_:->- :3 Mrs. Pauline Lindsay. 5:211:3- (" : _ V V _"r1 3 _ , 1993.99 Executive _ . 57121.33 3 Past President - Mrs. '1 'i':?ihf.t"i' 3 I _ ' ISllzldys Egelton: President - an; ' viii2132:2532:32:55:93ééééiéiigiéiééii: rs. Pauline Lindsay: Vice s::..::?);"""':" l 's)-)).')),;'.',,'":),':),:',::::;,, "': ‘ Chairs - Mrs. Fran Hyatt and 1 '9'opV" 3. I" . ', _- "ffff' "i' T ," j/ ;3j;3,.;'_:i_;;g3;;§3_f..352,2:55;;ggggégiigfggfgggEggs; Mrs. Eleanor Williams; ic' ," '., , v' i' _..':"..'.":,.: _.",,. _-r,::.',":'.,', _" . Secretary " Mrs. Dorothy 'i,'-::':,:',):)' T _ ..r ,3 /'j:'/,.i:. _:irr:., ( _i.u. __',.', V '. rr' a ,', (t SWIM Aim ir?:),"::'"::)':,':..-, _' _ l, 'r.""-. '__ 'if:2it,rdi'i.,'i-,e': or“? _ T '. 'rjr:(rrrrr. '.' 1efrtiary _ Mrs. Mary , , 'r,"/:/.'rs,, T '-c, . '." "l fi,hr i'tit'tiftCitit?,C) T v, \ T Nicklas; Public Relations - Mrs. Margaret AW. NEI- - - w-/~--- tte8milNlMM9N129+Mr9-8N2V RMEN%ME - "dmi5tii1i%l" - . _ - _EiNRiNRRMBMR.tB1tM)R& "ENN _ ' - - - ..;- , 3 , - - _ Program C onvenor _ Mr}: . Shirley Towers; Resolutions New executive 'i, Mrs. Gladys Egon... r . . . Weedsmuir Curator - . The executive for 1998-99 posed during London Area Women's Institute 84th Annual Con- Jean Leitch: Assistarhi‘: vention, held at the Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre on Oct. 22. Front row, from left 8:33“ k - “if lHelen ... . . . . . . rm 'd r em ' are: First Vice-President Fran Hyatt, Past President Gladys Egelton, Provincial President Organizer - Mrs. Sign: l Arthena Hacker, President Pauline Lindsay and Second Vice-President Eleanor Williams. 338““ fl’mgmr‘lijal Board . . . ' . . . . ec or mount , _ ' l Back row from left, Provincial Advisory Council Subdivision 18 Willa Johnston, Treasurer Donna “Hum?" 241:; i Chris Wii'fen, Tweedsmuir History Curator Jean Leitch, Assistant Tweedsmuir Curator Helen Isflbdii'ision LSMMrs. mun , . . . . _ l llisloii ant l . _ ' , T l Van Bronk. Membership Organizer Glenna Ladell and Public Relations Ollicer Margaret Laden; stilnindinnmillnd Armstrong. Several executive members were not present for the photo. Mrs, Donna Nhtcl"hcrsvn, , er---------'------------- -__e-f_-----_--_.et___H___-_P_r-t_--r_.r____ - -i_r_e_r___t_.-_--H_---ee__ London Men PM) Margurci Armstrong; R R " Mount leigin Irc" NU] thl (5lm 485,

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