e u C hares ' ttti-ttitil-t on qu:.i.l.rtrtib, Jtiti have gene: ttit/tiii talents ttiii' _ (tttMt! members were shown paper resisting}; image’s able figures , Demonstrations. si'l'iti,-tsre added to the flower "i-tits?!-'.,?"-))':::';:')):),,:, paper flowers , dried appiii,ge (ie$tpyt.1:itutir,-, Christmas pine bl ender, 'itroi.iti:itirhiiottss,t.te cooking , wood Jfttttit)f!iesitr1e enterprises e u C hares, (ttil-tities/ttei-tsta, ha Ires a a 1 A H c - (yxittrrii.1 County Conference of the Women's Institute was organized in 1949. Mrs. Jack Sheisttari was on the first executive as one of the directors. At their twenty-fifth anniversary ('ii,tii) 1974' W.I. members who had reached eighty years of age and over' were guests of honour" at (ijilite (Conference. Mrs. Archie Armour had the privilege that day of taking Miss Grace Pattietaatttytii' Miss Ba1penny and Mrs. Geo. Weir from this branch. 6httt" branch has been privileged to have members serve on other levels of Women's Institutes. 'itjti, anford North District pat presidents include Mrs. Fred Slater (1954-1956) who was 'tr1atisrtilj)utaji' of Uniondale at that time: the late Mrs. O.C. Powers (1969-1971); Mrs. Archie Aeitrttaptt (clt975-19'7'7); and Mrs. Roy Ross (1985-1987). As Well Mrs. Bruce McKay acted as /fitie:ttttiis,tary-iN:easurer from 1964-1970. Mrs. A. Armour is the present Secretary-Treasurer serving 8131166 3ji9i84. Mrs. Roy Ross was recently Tweedsmuir History Curator of London Con- ferenee 'lk9cit,rta, Mara, A. Armour is a past chairman of Oxford County Conference, and is pre- sently sCihaia'.cttattrtt {of Scholarship Committee. Bï¬iaimisz‘éih-.:c:om‘p.etitions at meeting were an interesting feature for a few years. The talents 'trjiictitrtot'," members were shown in making Valentines, Tarts, Shortbread, pumpkin pie, Ernie 'itsireedsmuin: History books tell the story of our community. Mrs. Harold Kerr and Mrs. ita'itt t3-.rii.il,1 have been Curators since 1979. Mrs. Kerr is a dedicated historian, as well as aitctttptiedrogL'strt and spent many hours in the earlies eighties compiling more recent communitsratii.trltitoaen'ss Institute history. Her historical programs of people and places in this area were enjoyed by members and friends. These books are presently being updated in preparation 'itliaat' microfilming. In the Tweedsmuir competitions in 1955 the books won first prize. 111319535 :Mrs. Geo. Woods won first prize in the essay competition in Ontario. The hooked tejtitr'iri.-t seat covers won first prize at Area, and second prize at F.W.I.O. in 1960. We sho1r2trhrtyproruid of the members who contributed their talents towards these competitions. hatsiyiils.i -sRe':mem:ber the train trip to Ottawa when a number of Thamesford were among at theheHnééed sand/twenty-‘five who saw the sights of that city - we walked the streets to the one â€ï¬lament Buildings: the Mint and the canal - when Mrs. R. Armour seemed to be see thepihré‘spotlight especially when she got "misplaced" in the Parliament Buildings often 'n,.,',,',-','-.)",,:,-; (i-ia-ti-iii-ii'!.;;':".?.; Armour co-planned a trip to the East Coast in 1967 when the bus broke tower: itgif‘jERT-éé‘grounds in Montreal. Then on to another trip in 1977 to Pennsylvania, down.we;'agï¬Ã©a'Q'v-irginia where we lost Mrs. a. Gill and found her exploring the cemetery WaShm“9â€f§gm;g; a day trip to ACWW triennual in Lansing: to F.W.I.C. in Guelph one swelter- 1i: Jï¬gisa'ayflim June; and our most recent trip hosted by Mrs. Archie Armour through Mich- "lCjlr/'1'i'.'ll', jii.L"-.'i,iiritii:" Z‘S’t’e- Marie and Agawa Canyon. On all of these trips what would we have done without the travellers from Grace Patterson W.I.? 2,er have toured nearby industries such as Mardee Farms, Fish Hatchery, Douglas Furniture/jst-stare Press and.also PartiCipation louse in Brantford. There have been short trips ilo"jrriii.kisttstt show-s, quilt shows, rug exhibits, Erland Lee Museum Home at Christmas, to Fanshawe 'ittaittvr".irnd through Oxford South to see historical Sites. To round out our travels Armchair (ttsiitatr have taken us all around the world giVing us the opportunity to visit coun- tries t'rraitirti;a.sittyiu1d not otherwise see. {an /tt)ji,(r'6 a Friendship Lin]; was formed.with Woodmansterne W.I. in Surrey, England, when, tor It. Short time during wartime restrictions we sent.food parcels, soap and wash cloths, :camedf (goods, cheese and teat. Correspondence continued when we exchanged news, ideas and ttji,itits until Woodmansterne disbanded a few years ago. Visits were made to Surrey by Mrs. _-R,,';1§stjs, and Mrs. Archie Armour in the seventies, and in 1978 Mrs. Irene Hammerton visited ttttSider-rift-ste and spent one afternoon reminiscing with Mrs. Geo. Woods, Mrs. Ross and Mrs . Armour". at the 1t!ttitiisptN'lr.-.., " Kernel t: he one tt1ittitiitj)I?tit' sattd' S ee the jt,.viairtr,lili. iirirsttretitti' a o f ten :i,,tt, tttttr tttttiii'::.":?'. (b, tower, 'tttrt-ba, vga-t,irtt1hci'.e down in tail1iitt jtirritit.r:'tr) :ng Wa 8 h i.rtgrtrttt1 isgtjt: tti. rg: i. n a amtstrtsttittit' a (Baa-j Gr ac e Piirtt.i,t.i-sjfit lttesrï¬gnflwg me: __l3iï¬iaimۤ{h»-.:c:om‘p.etitions at meeting were an interesting feature for a few years. The ij/tttot'" members were shown in making Valentines, Tarts, Shortbread, pumpkin pie, wing, Vegetable figures, muffins, flower arrangements, pressed maple leaves. AQWS si'l'iti,-tsre added to the knowledge of learning from others - smocking, first aid,. (gammy, paper flowers, rug making, liquid embroidery, how to wear scarves and Pins! *%_@'°11§: Christmas pine wreaths, making of sour dough, making the best use of the slli1)((t:ittti)tiriiirt.te cooking, wood carving, pork casseroles, candy and SO on. Pmï¬lflftable enterprises have included auctions, hobby sale, Christmas Fair:. 'rt'i':ifi(trttiii,rt,i,twstt.. bake sales, fashion shows, the selling of commemorative spoons, tickets "jlitutt,stii1it,etyrt.cirs Served, Hydro Show Time. The proceeds from our annual Birthday Box tit/tities-tttttttsuch projects as the cost of 4-H spoons, handi-bags and sleeping Children. jliitatt1it.f9j,'ttg; Oxford nn11n'l'v lanai-at? Fines Trteese.rtsst-4esrtga, D'Inw'i no Match held near Woodstock Oxford County hosted the International Plowing Match held onwaword: 1945 - 1989 Page 4