Burgessville WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 6, page 3

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f § h Ape Momonoie womeren mm mnrmam m en nteons mernermnmmntemtnecal esnc Reeelorenn e nc i c en ow ,w’r mssn n k mtfi tianlccieae. t t % & soa‘s s o. sc on \, '.,'f? | Vie ;\]00!‘(’, an employee with the es sc o k n oys cÂ¥ ; â€" c en “;iu&g} Burgessville, hooks up a new telephon s i t n ‘~~~ M 2t 52 j » a %;‘* 2.z .s \’ém’w the company for about 30 years. 5:;;;:*,:::..;:;rz»;:z;::z::»-z.:::;;;5;.’;;;:j;;=;s;z;;5:z.::_::¢:;:;:.:z_‘.,;;:;-:..;". y scs. .. . ts c c ic css g‘.‘;ig;::;;’;E}Ei;?;f;;‘;%:;\:;fEE-;E:'5:;I;E'535'?;E;Egi;i;jg;:g.;.;-;:;:;i'ir‘:"::;-'_-_-'-j= i s en ns ns ‘i%(i‘ â€" css s se ... £<~ sc c 4i s ‘55:5:?'%55--'5if:i:';:r"-’v.. .§§« j Ef,?f,j(‘é-‘fi5':;;E:):":EgE;g;f::';E:535;33E;'Ej:i-“jiffZ»f;E;?S;’;E;E-EE:?:j;Z;:':E;‘f;E‘_:;;j}:‘E;;:’;':';-_:Zji_.':-v.'::;.'«é-?Efj:__"-."-';1;.;5;2-j-_sg-g_'.jf;:;}i_-i-f:'f:;f:_'j:j' 2 @\*\),3&%‘@ Page 12 Section 2 THE NORWICH GAZETTE February 27, 1980 sc ces y c o. css aunt k e g';%i;%.‘;iia‘iéz?f??z;'fé:'}zEé.-’:-‘.?:-zézéé?észsés:Eef}:,fizfss;:‘;?;s:?-,:rE;Esg:f_:é'i.s;:::'.'z='.;;:;f -j;_-.::f%ffi'.:?:~;€5'55;;:'2;:;';555?1;.gE‘»‘";‘;:.'E'I:‘:::{*g-_;¢_.:v,f::-::;3-';:»-;:;;@5_3:}:5.:..:_.;§!§;§;_E;;3;5;:25;5;:355%3-,&\*%\1;‘:%5;;‘1 5 PXXRey: ~® is c# 00000200E s \\"2;{’;» Â¥* : kÂ¥ ++ : s c cgi.ccc..t~ c 3 i. e & 8 â€" it 1 $ se s o. y . -“% A ?; ® 3 A cce d 5o T t m â€" Je tss . es § 0T0( $ 325@”“ax""“i'-?i‘?ié:’:fz:1‘?'rZ'«I‘Axf:E:i’::irZ:E:E-L-;:.:E:.-:~5.-f.'J::"‘v.:.i.:..-f'.:::i:'.j.»2"'-‘\2-\::2:-:;:.» es .. @9 . se aas 3 / Rote : f 3e -‘r.-'%»s:::‘-;::-‘f-;«::-‘:‘-'::;z:::vtzi:;!:::::g.:::’-'-::-:v;'-::::::»;:.s.'::-:::':--',;~:'a:c;-?;;- es io ul We c :;%}é_;g;;\-»;;;: Li Cand . ._;.\;s‘;;g:g;g;,s-;‘gf;;;gg&s;zge;zg:;:;s;s::_::;:;s;;;;_:z;z;;s;z,zz;;.;;;s;::_'_.:* oc ts -:585:3:5:5-1:2"-::::Z:f;;:?;:{:;.\::;_" s\,.g_ hss : in . 2 ; f d ; m eemenan in Lc > C on i: 22. s s a p P 0+ w c ce c o ..‘ y :. onl g“" PPR 1t . . & gfivl,“figgfl, :. w 7 eA \’v,-,’o, Bs . x4 "&! > 6 § 4 ic 10. 3 o uE*L e > bed d is #3 ’”A{}"ag“?%%'\’ 3A #Â¥zâ€" . gos s : p e kn vn:"gwé?fi-f;, e s K o33 & C LAE 5«4,6”"' ... _ rfa a yOA e m ie o. p Faica .2 . . ?"-"1'~':"-:‘-="<?2$.>:==---’:>':Z‘3=E:=r='1""-'v"-'=-‘L§:::::E::EE:E:E:E‘::E:;:E-E:?:.'5-’5:.:::5:;-:7::5125:5E:E:E::&-.::--Ezsi:f:i.-' $z e i aniee & Tesan t L sn s 5 'a"‘«",f,w};? o éx‘,‘;.‘_c::;:;:::::::;:;:;:;:::%,:&.\:;:;f;:;:;:;:1:-:;:;:;:?:::::_-:;.;:;;-:;:;:»:;.Q::. . . 4 k e C $ R 5+ [3 E;-va(‘?%w "‘?::="=E::i::«‘;s::fzisé::;;’.zfi,-*;s;z;z:s:s;a;g%;;:;ggs_:sg;gs;;;;;a::;s:;;z:sgs;;:: es 4 l . $ .,‘"'3f~“”&?Q‘é?;tfifif:?;i?;;'efiz;:; f . i. esc ~ . > *'%”@ _ y‘ _ uy 3 ie i css 3 * ~Sipgian®t ol 23. . 110. & 5'?‘**"@’*‘ *€\ y e \ iC _ 4 wi* \”‘*@v\t oys ~ se . 2 Te lc .c hop peipels K4 : R,:‘“"”‘&g"#‘?\% s :::1:1:1:-':3:‘%0. m e ~:'-';:'-:‘-:‘:fc=. whe e â€" hilme s â€" .. d ‘-g-”s & t iÂ¥3 _ ol t‘ . 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To name it would give a clue. They are.twins. They are 11140 p0l0 Of YUuUcell Li1zabeth the 1979. She celebrates her 80th birâ€" Queen Mother was taken during thday Aug. 4. Her hat and dress her last visit to Canada in June, are white and green. This photo of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother was taken during WHO ARE THEY? The Queen Mother among the contributors to thu Woodstock Junior Chamber. o Commerce March: of Dimes campaign. Who are they? n General\ manager of the North Norwich Municipal _ The telephoneâ€"system located in Burgessyille is one of only Telephone System, Ardyth Williams, and cleck Doreen Orth _ 34 or 35 independent systems still surviving in Ontario. go over the cheques sent in by subscribers to the system. Moore, an employee with the North Norwich Municipal Telephone gessville, hooks up a new telephone connection at the main frame. He ha company for about 30 years. * Co S hnd Mss ACe 13 Cae 8 t\ wa CR 845 {Â¥44 ‘fl“ 4Â¥ 22A NYC tSE S L MHC3 SÂ¥\ NA Y > xt SWY +Y @ o e \ \1\: As A+ AVs \\\\\\% K n NC es +194 Nok ) h 4 i &YX T. ao U ssm mt$ phone System in He has been with Gack C 3 ‘mt‘fi 24 \x* * > xt 7 ow We :A4¢, Ep,

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