«en i + .. â€" cmd on + 20 ol ie & 2C> .. . ce aa t Dï¬ ydtooys â€"pyoaemreet â€" , ‘ ; agpe is _ L M io m .. ] 3 _ | se c l 4 °P | k . s.0 _ . yte nal u. ol aisse [ THE LONDON FREE PRESS, Wednesday, Jan. 4, 1967â€"-49 ‘ fa xi’-“‘%‘é ;‘:\ep, l_':'_::_-“'. *"" k ‘\‘ ? Fé + \" ‘R ‘ A ‘ e $ e« e ® erton rvya waTter systems 2 §R C 2 ‘* .R i is [ . t \3 & eA 02. ic . | ARVA â€" The bigest project with the London Public Utiliâ€" chance of lowering the tas: . *4 ,, #7. \e Je “% \\ | _ facing London Township in ties Commission. rate this year," the reeve said.] <ig ‘ Bs cé f 3'.". 1967 is development of water This would provide water at‘ "But I can assure you that! ..> wl oh. hk s e systems to supply Ilderton, a lower cost than if the townâ€" council will keep the budget; io. omcs ... . Arva, and the Uplands and _ ship built its own supply line as low as possible in keeping‘ ho doeste ce Ks 5 \{ ic e o 3 P j $y 3 §‘ y aaie s e ... | 32e Northcerest _ subdivisions, from the reservoir west of with sound business practice,. i_. Mess e 5 s W e . Reeve Harry Ward said at Arva. Definite action on this. and will secure full value for} j io mc en es __. council‘s inaugural meeting project awaits additional sigâ€" every dollar spent." ‘ )“u}'&“ 5 m n m 2 ul here yesterday. natures to petitions asking for The reeve also predicted the‘ e e _ y is 0 4 The bylaw which will launch the water, he said. change in the Municipal« § Congratulations to $ the Ilderton system is nm‘)v'be- Construction of a 12 or 14â€" Drainage Act, which increases‘ son fore the Ontario Municipal room school by the school the provincial subsidy froms MR. AND MRS. ERNIE DOBIN _ Board and, when approval is ‘area board is another project oneâ€"third to twoâ€"thirds of the| '*R.R. 2, London * ) given, work can start on inâ€"â€" ifacing the township. cost, would bring a greatly inâ€" â€"GAL. MODEL MUELLER stallation. "Size of the school is someâ€" creased demand for drainage‘} f â€" WITH THEIR NEW 1,500 Reeve Ward warned, howâ€" thing for the board to decide," works. f BULK MILK COOLER | ever, that the water system Reeve Ward said. "There has ‘"Most farmers today realize} â€" § iR its and is believed would bring further prol?â€" been some talk of providing that good drainage pays off in: This cooler has i?r; fhi?'gc:r;eg;g:;‘:nzgu:tr:;? ?t will cool the > lems for the village. He said space for kindergartens and better crops," he said. "So I‘m‘! thï¬klafggrestfhe(??e]so cow Holstein herd and it is washed ard the increased water supply this, too, is something for the certain our farmers will want: > sanitized fully automatically. would raise sewage and storm board to determine. We have to take advantage of the‘ sewer problems. given tentative approval to higher subsidy without delay." ; â€" Manufacturer: Muellerâ€"Richardson, St. Marys â€" Water for Arva and the two the board‘s building project Township centennial plans‘ | > subdivisions â€"located between but it is up to them to work were mentioned briefly by: j Arva and the city would be out details of their needs." other councillors, including a‘ { o Sold and Installed by * supplied under an agreement After a traffic survey has twoâ€"day celebration proposed ~ hm i6 % ‘been completed on all townâ€" â€" for July 2 and 3 at the townâ€" } ,‘f'ET VERHEUL LTD' _ ship roads, the township hopes ship park near Arva. j j $ Distributor Mueller Bulk Milk Coolers I to launch a program to oil A history of the township by : | Surge Dairy Farm Equipment l more of the heavily travelled Mrs,. Jennie R. Lewis has beenâ€" L k 9 f ) roads this year, the reeve said. commissioned by coun cil! $ . TALBOT ROAD N. R.R.. 1, LONDON | Oiling will be more costly Coun. Ronald White said. It. o ; 1 han tot t but will be ready for distributi & â€"â€"â€"2 Miles North , than present treatment, but wi e ready for distribution‘ ; .â€"â€"iPhone 652â€"5612_Lambeth â€" 2 Mile would build up the roads so to township residents later in 4s ® the long â€" term maintenance the year. % Y costs would be les. Coun. Wilfred Keays was ‘"These projects leave little absent through sickness. boy ie mm mm m on rnmmenmnnn mm ie gherne n mmee.~ oughtny . ~Audsaete s ~mbigge t oo Ying .. . * bepinih Te ‘â€â€˜ % y rerezeusient *T x ax * igeaging., _arâ€" Foppiinzese® nioueer M m hi murtas Rixtmand e « g _ & We e o i m > & 7 : ; ; $ % ' s y ~Cus We £ 3 s e# : :