What the pictures don't tell is the hard work behind the scenes. for which Bea and the committee she formed deserve all the credit. Festivals like this don't happen by chance. The only element left to chance, of necessity, is the weather, and even that worked out. The Colborne Rotary Club, Castleton-Colborne " Optimist Club, Legion. Kinsmen. Curling Club, 'N Castleton Sports Club. Drop-In Centre. Inner Wheel, We are letting bur piclui'es tell the story, and you wi_l_l__i'ind these inside this week's Colbarne Chronicle. There cannot be two opinions that busy Bea Mutton deserves the highest praise we can give her for her efforts in bringing about a very successful Apple Blossom Tyme, 1993. The Bee-woman, in Semonides' View. was always busy "as a bee." and never had time to sit around and gossip. ,. .... “L, "mm... “m AA.We w“, Iv.†to be praised and valued, according to this ancient writer, is the Bee-woman. Right here in our midst today, we have a Bee- woman in the person of Bea Mutton. The ancient Greek writer Semonides, in his soci- ety's paternalistic way, wrote about different kinds of women by comparing them with animals - most of them undesirable. There was the Donkey-woman. the Mare-woman, the Pig-woman. etc. The only one F., L - _ ' ' . l _ _ Colborne's and Cramahe's Queen-Bea, you're terrific'. From Ihe Kinsrun-sponssared street dance Friday night right through activity-filled Saturday, May 22, Apple Blossom Tymf. was an unqualited success: Unfortunately, as Big Apple manager Alf Whittaker explained. a number of bus tours promised to attend this festival and did not show up because day trips are suddenly in a slump in major centres like Toronto and Ottawa. .And we owe ii all to our owh Bee-woman, Bea Mutton. Nevertheless, there was a record amount of traCfic, pedestrian and vehicular. in town that day. And, speaking of tratTic, Orville Isaac and Rutherilo bus lines deserve a special pat on the back for voluntari, ly helping to get festival goers from Point A to Point B all day Saturday. Cramahe LACAC, area merchants, business people. churches, families and individuals, all came together in a spirit of co-operation to make this festival work, and that may be one of the most encouraging aspects pf the whole weekend. There were a number of people attending Apple Blossom Tyme from outside our immediate area. The Big Apple was a big help in this regard, but astute advertising by the Apple Blossom committee played a large role, as well. A L awaomcéc‘ j,w,,/,,,,c,it),,:sira,r,,,r), -- Eileen Argyris Bea Mutton at Apple Blossom official opening