costumes for a school Operetta, and sponsoring social evenings for adults and for children. _ In June 19h8 the Island Falls, W.I. drew up a petition appealing to the Ontario Northland Railway for a passenger coach to be _ attached to the Saturday and Wednesday freight trains. This would enable residents to make overnight rather than three-day trips to Cochrane. This appeal was granted. The Institute was publiazed in the following ways:- the district president and the federal representation from North Cochrane were Invited to Island Falls and guests ware welcomed to the meetings; I W.I. blotters, seals, F.W.I.0. pins were distributed, overseas cor- respondence was established with institutes In England and Ireland, Mrs. H. Burrell and Mrs. W. Wiskin were made life members, members as- sisted In the printing of a W.I. cook book in 1938, everyone was invited to the Fiftieth Anniversary party in ISU?, a donation was made to the Adelaide Hoodless Fund and the Film "Let There Be Light" was shown. With re to public relations; patients at Christie St. and Sunny- brook hospitals were adopted and parcels sent, the trawler "Gunner" _ was adopted and crew supplied with food and clothing, parcels of food and clothing to hospitals at Cochrane and Manitoulin, a mattress was purchased and fifteen baby blankets for Lady Mints Hospital in Cochrane. During the war a Red Cross group was established to knit and supply needs for overseas parcels. A large parcel of material for dressings for cancer patients was sent. 130 lbs. of clothing was sent to the National Clothing Collection. Relief parcels were sent periodically to rural schools near Cochrane. Cash donations have been made to: Russian Relief, Chinese Relief, Red Cross, Jubilee Cancer Fund, Crippled Children's Fund, Lord Mayor's Fund, Queen's Can. Fund, Jam tor Britain, seeds for Britain, Tuberculosis Fund, Inst. for the Blind, Pricess Alice Fund, Milk for Britain, Christmas Cheer for British Children, Canadian Appeal for ‘ Children, Can. Save the children fund, children's Aid Society, I Unitarian Service Committee, Sick Children's Hospital, Canadian March of Dimes, and the Manitoba Flood Relief. (d) Historical Research and Current Events In 1939 a scrap book was purchased for Mrs. W. Anglin and from this was established a Tweedsmuir History of our camp. It includes pictures and articles depleting the growth of our power plant . I twenty-five years ago. (e) Home Economics and Health _ Noteworthy in the work of the local Institute were the short - courses and speakers services sponsored and made open to all, 193li - Sewing Course - by Miss Collins 1936 - "Choice of Foods and Menu Planning" by Miss Smith 1939 - M) - "Putting all Into Life That Life will Stand" - by _ Miss Alexander l9h6 - "Personality and Dress" and "Making clothes for Children" . = by Miss Kidd 19h8 - "Canning Ontario's Food" - by Miss Broadfoot 1950 - "Hand Smocking" - by Miss Spencer. Among the demonstrations at the meetings were the following, making paper flowers, waving hair, removal of ink stains, making a week cushion, repairing the cord of an iron, knitting, tatting, _ crocheting, cut-work, embroidery, finger and elbow bandaging, rug making, flower arrangement, icing a cake, Ironing a man's shirt, ' making a bad, speedweave darning, summer sandwiches, making soap, V ' ' hairpin lace. Regarding health the following work was done - Health magazine was subscribed to, and the copies made available to all - Resuscitation was taught to members - Pamphlets from National Health and Welfare were studied and passed around - A demonstration on the making of "Yoghurt" was presented and the T culture made available.