Fan. Nam, EY, Violet tiiiiiiiiii,ijli1teti1'tlii _ _-t_-.'-..'---- 9 on _ j T _ T i'ial,'l,1 'it',i'i?iii,ret,' 'es, _A_tRestâ€" _ Llo L, tyvtrd _ kgtet JO r"-"," wr' W Ka yd may,†le,', tat the We tin MES. comm T. _ (R _ _ . TT w'.'. _ .:.::.;-:'-‘V‘-_"-_::::\_:_:'-5-_‘;_‘,3:32;. _ _'_r."r' Pi thisen and h sar meme, of g','2d Ltd. cl Oshawa “red FIt- --9_----- 'j, 'i0"fvTci?11f/, BEACOCK L I Wole Usband Rob WW}, J employee). BIRKETT -TrLT-.- .(50 ' asks Ralph by Perry . an the _ i anua 4 ' Norma ' year "Ember o can“ sway Corn ry 1995 V M n Do L. L and Esther liters, Miriam G sad In Purt p213†Mermriat 'Hospii: 2t man Dorwi Bi ' ( "1'glfl1e,i; 896mm? Slts'l,s,,tt1r iraiUGf 'tSr"iaCrt2,1tr,, both ot [We Jones ' at 399 83 e pea n irkett . 98 deoid‘ _ n [ rvMy, Decen ' Otitta of the RK ' Gordon eefUll mgm . Peacefu ' g _ in) 1995 rf, tii2litr: Louie tite", WE' mydaélhe late Man/â€333w?" $31,331?†l, {932 lug; A :516for dances. led s1tg,"'g,tt'i"; Jul? I i ,1i','eg1t)t,sj2lri',luaft W and Mark aohrry, Ch F . . winbe . al. a Ce e _ uner ospit I wa Evita?! Perry " gram Greene aryl susteis in E godly ma b hi tal.He neral Ho g held o al service 31.31399 84w“ C ' ' _ a rat age 91, Les i dating l! drmthar f ' . Gram- bou "gland and hi t tS was 84ye sp1- m the W was " otRagltih be Tin Birk.. oacotrk 0f Port P _ y Rm Ho. D Meal rs Grsorge K? "sign. Norm ar8 old Hum agg Fun of R 'f “Wed hush below: my, and T , ' we. and and J Mary Lo was be . _ e, Fr eral uby "ea tmd. _ husband of Gr mmd'agooonn Mmmaygtm and il,y2evr"//gt'g bt,ektitg, {If}? '//G11riTl/c11 F.eb- Pisnabaker 1ti,t,phot- La‘hor 0} t2tf1); “Ned $93 Vidimy), Loved 3:3 G hm: , red _ vice w nyitiem:e Mun TY Ora (ne ckenng Pauper apel" in usband GEN T arid. heir': Opald of Seagrava 3'33!!de "der, and: '. . “mes FUNERaASL lrct,i, in the WAzeE 1'1g?'l1,,ti,ii,ieittr,t.rj. July5 33? Wednesday ft,tig'i,ie,i"pe gmgnds’sofii $235215 friend Betty Lou Lowi=u~ at the Low da Panabak E, “Manama e ' ' John . mt. with , bttt bf P I V is Wife' , Ort, Grant and hi " tt - mar anf Rev . . ort Perry wuie D IS 1783 kl't'tde,,t P AND Street in 3' Chapel , 216 cu Emmeli ried Rub Pall be en offiei P ' WWW Lovi A and Ivan oi _ ea eboratt of New PM. M. (905) ' txtpmy ring ort Perry (985. as" M me Man y _ arers w ating. Kariin itegrantiiathts Lisk mam" _ y, March , 935.733, , T y, January 6 21mm arch 13 ns on Mann ere Don I 'LaW‘Judy !r of Por L omen and“; ll, 1994 Mt with a . ‘995 at 11 th , 1937 ' . s, Gar g as and _ _ C, and Joan (y, as tfill be sad: am PM Mun 24 . eve"and crime am ge erthe ' and to- Bnan y Ma B great grandh" ne Missed!» h y “Mo Lmmat . mg. lmerme o .3 Bullofrci d y had th . Man nns randon B a‘her of _ CIS Tsunami. an. SBrWNt m pm mat- ren M o ree ch r. Man HE. R ' b _ , wntandL dren. Sum T y attt In! mucus tery, Princ Grove Came I ' uriel Marr 1 us, Joh onald father or B . aura, Dear te _ Widbyhis as, 'I'gdtd,t'te interment m memorial e Albert, It d _ _ van. Nor ' ay and Gordo n Manns Elena “We Ken F "o/rue Beam or P . don . asirgd. f m work . n, Mah and Vanna f t and Petty hi mt MBmovH trtetmy, Prim). Pima D the C am may be armer an . ed as a was In . airy. Bu .. Norm w 0 Port Pa ' , Is brother Jun . â€mmWrI-ybemmn‘ 'ti?,'tii?ixi?jfi't0i'i'd'r1rrl'f/2tr' Ployee 11 tl. em- 'ter . ?i,ne Grove c tial sister r35 ii'rl(lii"d's'ir'l, a"-d Beamâ€? ofUodsay hin we; Psrrtyt3rtrmaini made trwr. ' 05'†ment' ntil his r ' ym PrinceNb Bme- and S. Bttt, Ean a y his sisters-m-law Floré S t22? 1ytm cm Mo ' HOSP» ' In 1131976. etire- Norm . ert, and 1ms brother-Ray a???" tgt “PM ic7r,"yTi'l, tot " V IS survi "ends wi . .3 mt; aw Dtwit Nomi fmkyane, years Wife_ Ruby hi Ved_by his the Wagg , be "Waived at and (.,2xvxiltafllei"lasrsil _ _ 1n the 'fde, active GK' Muriel “a 'd', children, 1sbLllglha2'gyrt ' HOME. ttry and 2 brothel: 255. web-FE We...†-v-_- ‘7 filet flt 'ee United tg, fu1/i'in2,sbang) (23:52?†Swag; £31ng “£22;wa missed By it: . _ ll, Cal 5"". 9'Neieran CARTE -"t tt 001 as Sund awa M S of - 1) on'T any nieces a Aitar Maia" gary Highlands b R, Edlth Vtata sa - Superin ay wif ' urray o to 4 and _ .. uesdayfro "enhews a _ nd . n tend e Reta and his . 7 to 9 PM m 2 m , elaUVes and July 3 19 1W on Su rs). urn). At Mam“ (n_ee Bum. I g m the h ant of Port “Nice . .Afun TVr ends will b _ . 94 nda manvme Homxai i and .c arch 7' and Iv Perr will b ' Btiil e retxWed Mam atth4 Co _y. i on gamma .Bmv. was a ti . choir an of Whi y cha 1 9 held ', the WAGG at Hospiiai mmumty In her7gm y,Nay28 1 l nit C ve me grand . ltb . hi , pe tm Wedn "1 the H FUNERAL age " G In Port Perry or; WNV. Edimbe ' 994 1 yWork H ommu- childrenk y; IS at 1 PM o 'sday, July 5m. OME, "McDer Parry ia “we won "it) V rank. o win Wed wits her of . eWasam ry, Jud . aren,La . Griff tllth. Ravage Panabak . mo" - . we†Solpon Hill Ma .. grmstherr 0100 the LO em- y and J r _ en on. _ . M John Bi Chapel" 216 (nee Usband at No he; We: swam s _ rothy thoven L, ' -0.F. Be greatgrand . oanne; his Pine G "was Inter Quiaerq,Strts)tm p I - ofm’mag Lemmas?! hi hysband Don Chains "May and whereh dge in Br?) 'fit don Bre children Bra Albert We temistety i Pmem (985-2171) on 112rg Jammie! “Johnna . ii" tS Mtit Carrol An I, Dan and eheld th t) in hi r o neandLa ' n- d -' " desired y nnce Irorn 24 uesday Thornh- . News mothar ne. Dear of Nob eposm IS 51st praLan onamong memo†an,“ 7-9-p.m. ri',iitf,?,Fi'i'ir'it?,'!,i Loving 98nd- Sleek; ot 9 granrtictildren 'lr/pt, membeli 'te and Wag: 'ae, 318:: ‘llierfmci Ken: 2%t1: giggfsnéage-io mil ii1,,mi0,1iit,',vxir, ye: Lt -, Eva Bu ' dt yan. Dear Oseph a h _ Wed sist Co . e ol ortP Ce. oth 9 San â€my or ta" a: (Jfl admis- Edward th'mttr Abraham AnN radburn and ' mrrt mmunlty umbus erry He of ation and Stroke F D y, Dmmbers 1 . , . . . . i . 995 William tir', predeceased , n "EY, Fnends his witty Norm . Church ceasedb hi was prede- s . of Ontario Od ound- 1:30 pm. Int .a' , b IS FUNE W at an M0 ergo ed . b y 18 pa . erwce T . d Fell G 9"mm Pine Harry an o, mabas, Ruben y St. RAL CHAP ' R- card Y. pla ' rother R rents h p . Uesda . ow rave Cami . ,Bo EL,4 Drv' , 5 , cam ylng ay a d . ' IS Minthe y EVan Alba pry, Prince Friends m County Dork, lre;:d 24 mm‘on Mo soon Ping and ters R n his . FuneralH g at 7 rt If desired da Play. eta Ev SIS- wrw. aJdo _ memoâ€. FUNERALBY can at the w d. and 7-9 :1qu n y from - leen , ern and . nations ma h HOME AGG ttts Bowma ",tt rtara)seokxs "A†F . Ei- Wham y "'de :“abPker Chapelr Aetharrttott _ Citadel mil" Jolie" Ami}t Itll'.,',,?; “film "Anni MANNS Rich al r'l'it'1rT/2"l, MW"- TIME; m Port PM (9:32 one“ t'il, one hp C-lee: Visita- 'mess 511$: amyl Wt i'22, It', John _ Pea m 81b5,, '.. On #:emdlhu’ tha Prince 2t â€T30“ or Y [mm 171) on “add 1 F to servi be y, Nave C , alch 2 05 W ctober 2 s ay, Chump, Pf niten Mara: sarvi 24 Ind TA? _ “\emeniba ‘09 at r 24, 1995 m Dmmum' 7, 1995 o 4, 1995 at Momma F: , Ice _ am. A Came-.3 i Biar rtwrightU _ mu . “We Com- P ty Memori , the shawaC, _thy und, JrMn'sAnirwt at; held in St, to he £33m “no Donagm in 3% 't,",',tft Hospipal bimerw. at "atf2"'l?t in atage 71. Eigjgo‘splol. ------, on Wednesday my .Biadsiock the Bowman .hCanoei Soda" Dr Virginia ens/gag ttgB Tr,'. Scugo husband of Beth 'M Alien, ot Port Parry b Towns The fa . M" 1mm} C 6-,‘994312 wouidba Vt Salvation Arm belov d (yy' Socha) 'r Cath 7 Island anti art/n ot hustvmd otme'i e Wed Richa ylly, ol tha late mm. a gt.rit't, Union gammy apprmSaked y I #:1052233 ii/Gi maxim-$99 Dawning: late We Graham) ateLQniie m 'ehdrf/tr1s would like Btmtial donation Mt. dashed " F g'nia ' any, w. wok , andiie _ Wing a er of Hon _ “W N ', mes 0f Port to he St Jon I s may be ma . Wine WW _ as ot Oakwood r hquand Jim Dana of _ and his wife Wand I?th floortl Men-mi "5 Andean dig Wand haphgws her we Anne of G . Denny and hi hey h Ajax, Judy and New“ Gene anâ€? T Mammal Fuf/,ll1i'htfe't'lfihee, :2“? and '//22i'dh, and Mr hUsbanijeewnbanki Joann: tal mfg“ Tom Soomre Il (or your “Dilly?†[ _ ---- mm W "le',h'l52g,r 'dit/All" thit We: 12"2tett JivdT,'/,t,')y,,r We Grass/$39 andhis iiiiiti'iiiiitir,xii?i,ti1:rrij â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Be F . " News ' n his _ and M a"etvine ' Rn for in _ 's"c"cCiu'C' T 'VV I (Durham Ra . ayden) McDermott HOME, of Wen lock and st wife b my and her h compassion a warm _ei'i"i'ifiiiiiifsijji, , 1icxyfffiWif;if3f. Peacefun gional councillor) Chap) 2‘ Panabaxer Boga†dy and her hush ep4aher and Herm van Ke us- ing carat are under!†.___..___._.__...w c ( at the P snag _ ' 16 Quee ofTorront_ find David Port Parr _ self “no mm all the B: ‘ . F . liraâ€) Emu“), Hospital ort Perry 2171 t In Port P ( 'l, EPSband Fred Bi Lamina and her Grampa a“ Cherished Ougrth'SGS at 0.6 J: . , 22y712"i'g be k. Retard 33rd†February 18 1559? Sat- and yg Sum; 'gelt , Em Brythm and [in of Ottawa and his wife jte, swmre and 95â€er out to LG',' ,,?,'1,iiir),t1,ii!? 'IIS, 95 aipraciatitm of “Va; ,ri,il,y,itis,llii),?,1isr, some.a J2',Uh',"'ge ._ 1;:"226 Loved granvggguPiana a ittqfii:, 'tlr/tT/LTI',?, 1'dll,r,l,1it' To, our rep V heirmany Fumes Pete - rt, Dearmoth chapel 0 '" the De great-grandf eroifif- . risti and Travi s, bolus! Vyrd neigh. its, cards “at? ofmw-s. of cr. Sister of Marjorie emf Novembe n Monday ar brother at G amer of tMy Kessel, Ashlea is van Cans for visits, Cali . ' , _ Phili F ' r ar, 1995 . 1 "km otS ertrude W _ Mann and Kyle , Mwers d _ s, txmtributkpns 19,: any mammal te ot8rurg. Sadly mi p Fm. with R at 1 Ma E“agave and ana- R s. Dear bran and bag] ' analNms and mush . my mtNKal F ii mace; and ssed by Grittan 'l/e/tef John . 1&9er _oi Port Per theme Earl uby Binge†of R Ter oi "eush ng. “Dad’s _ Memorial 'll stett, ot Cty nr unity "ends will be .anhews. man: C Iatlrlg. "new ' William and H ry: Son or th Tom Manns or aglan. yen i'ritlt1',s,"i .iha ospital made . Low receMyd at artwrlght . Princes Alba .enr'enam 8 Island Swans “may: ' nk aixysmrortsberaaNa his final and Low Fu the Gamay Union, th rt Friend artyrt of S ' Elwood M days win, fill Dad's Rev cm . OurhaNtset 1763 Beach R ryrry Homtr desired 'Blathsik, w on 9 WAGS FU 5 may call at tan Manns and arms, loved a passion h _ am inc†(905 Dad In Port , _ memo“ _ MCDem NERAL Maha Audra so m a John's An . ' "ham " ) 985-73 Perry was dona- H- P HOME Ity. all off? .. y Audi uch. T glican Ch Feb 31 on T "W be m f 216 Qu anahaker C , Predec aglan and EV Bea a Stock; Rev DA urch, Black. ruary 21 1995 "may, Communi ttthte', (985 as“ Street; hapsl" M eased by J _ monk yo ur:tutmp,' ' s†' . . .(SamMBsa and 7 t ' from 2 to . . ty Memoriat‘ -2171)o " Port Pe , “Us and M _ aclt Mile i y again. ' , Pan an"? lPg',g',',1al! owing; 2'itie, Cl :5 ',,i',iFit!/r'i,j, 2ge,'lnFtgit; n ems F $23 Fm. T533323“ 'l.?,. rel???“ "$922532 55:: â€â€1333? d dl', Mr, Kanne'm _ 3eatpa 'iiariiiir' c apel on w in th L’ --_-e Sais ty. T m me ch mce' will - 9 at the w ' sional . n motes: _ Hum I . Wesda tt ' A _i dan M Eve! D w I FUNERA ASG . Servme baseman " mamas n lieu of fl y at 1 m i arch 29, 19 " ednes. "M L HoM itself, To speaks for manners 'g'/t,ttge8l','dria'i', , may be 2J7r,Tl; danaiions' F p",§§""9m Pine Grog;5 'It. ll am. CnCaDe'WH - Panabakg' (the neriec‘ihe pallbearers Lugs" “19 Royal CeutaNatt Perry Hikto . Elmer the Port do ce. Albert If :19 ye Cemeiew Sire pe) ' 216 Owe, Pry 'll'2frl,rf,"g; Rev. Linda tttla'li,ttt'trtgr,rtsg genus! 2,2',rff, Sock"y or ORMISTON on H A [ly/sci', may 2sigegrr,r,,ii,1,i irjel1',?"tdhp, (985,] tor (d'Jr1'lo?,'lo'rt1itrwk, you txmtrfbutttd t W. - all 0mm ' _ . sociation f Pas , " "da- V ociety of a to m l Home guidance Words to the unity Livin or Sad awa Canad a ram 2-4 sday anda tm ' i bum tNI service ot ok g, on T y veacaiun a. and 7-9 of Dad' 9 hand " ' utrsda .0ct Y funeral _ Pm. A ' s. C O st,i'it'iiiir?):ti?liili'ir Mao'- ooooeyogaizogzo semi 2rlegd,'lv/t',"Tahsut?aiv", Fscisi'ii'jtej,?su/r(2 oi. lt 'w.s ',ul'J'l'lfl. ('g'llf,',i',i,itit,tp rv the Anna from this area . . October26 gammy, amusmnm . .w_ ' Wermsrm WE ARN a"? (has sane") 'll Oshaw strong Funeral gamed; pm. with have; a; 120 R Show i. _ . i _ H Genera; fi/lt/tr, ’ At Oshawa was trf,'ft'gd/e1it,1') 8lelhe, pay YEspectgmai $23.22? 0mm“??? un anqu Ir, :32â€? 18,1995 Esau’dam 8" tate Samoa /fht denly at (,eg'lnrl",' died sud I [nl/Jill',',') 5:29 Em†Maty MEDKiwi r nd year 39' V tyarn in rmiston, p ed form _ . is wif ' ", ll deg" ‘ Ce men. .59 Sym . -__- late Ami _ med Wife of by h . t “Based er June F e 13 the a“ memorial a . _.- _im9rarriilies Pathy 15 a _ 7 _ ur Lauremyy W the er Sister Beat _ up at th owler wh Dons may be 0nd. -. tran and Ji extended to s mother ot Don L earn. Dear Mark. Aunt a. M rlciy e ehome the 0?†Corrimuhit rrvadetvthe - Ka 1m Swain . u- Susan Sw ' ' 0m Wells and Bruce and New nts Mr. an rgran par- Ho _ y Memorial A -_------- __ mom“ i),iiiri,i'iii1'ijr/)iC:'j"irve)vvif by8 ggoo 21/,'dhtgf/,i) yafry t'f)'r',1,t2vlrgil.Hsepgy, Ma- 2i1eilal"u""""1 in t5e)erJ,g,t, Pgiiit rs. Cor w an's Men Dea _ feat-grand. aron, Carol (2 li5 extend d . ympath '- onw tera Hospital a number f a earn a . and D rsister of Na say . , Barry th e to Ju y Ednasda . _ to . uite ean Par n, Earl Y. Brian, V . , reed ne an 31, 19 y, Janu {gloom f,rrom2,ert attended EBVHCW'EELiSï¬â€˜mTHE '),ii?it,s,r?,?'er,1i,,),iii,'t,irvviisi auRhters. d her iyiiiri",ii?iiiii?,i, “Ethan“ Elliott ugeral at â€MES; 523 Division Si. N.', 'te. at the uaTatt'r, . _ . _ :33;er ot Emmi? .. ' owman- day. ir': - 4 and 7 _ 9 p. n HOME, "McD ERAL his ' tathtro1ttutt . naral service wa _- Panabak Brmon _ ithtAFFrtTo- _ wie: Heien" and our chapel 1 S In a er Cheaper 21 HAFF'IBmce his wife F F Diana: and gm! '/d1/,fdll" a???" cr. (932995?! in Putt #9": dian Armed Fumgsmi‘d Overseaém '/LrJd,till"li' b',"2gt . erls, 503mm“) oridNae vi ' Amneralse _ on Sunda s _ EOShawaG tlr Children - ' IS gram; do ugh. Mem .. Ice was n r- _ , ilplunbisrN enEra|Ho ' Deirdre, 'l2i2fi,",,sde,y be madg‘na gape] cm Ffideal;1 JU2 ' 3:23;“ War, ikltms4 hugbliiief 'H!' 'lllJ'/ll" ti', ' Carly. Halal; Stroke gammy; tar the Heart and $15ij (at 2:30 '9". with . Late jt',ijire,t1t, oi was?“ Hickey 'll'lNErdttsT/iowNif/, _ . ,n John a" ' _ 83mm , “Wanting _ fune . E with ottitriating Pri Mien and Ella Pied ’MGrani-VI e mi sen,“ h g _ o tWatts int J _ “wasedbyir . ' ola, Mary I Chapel aki In the mem Pina Gm ex oe’HarVWandh , IsbrmmT . i va F on Saturd lery Prince ve Cameo ARMSTR issistarthm's 0m.BIH.Eob srlsruary3 19 ay, n Alb . OWRJN -Re,sladaim . ' am ' _ 96 an desned me ' ttrt, " East o EHALHoME .9 ' . Cremaiio 1 . _ mane] d . , Sham_A o , i124Ki Hons C n, Dona. nuns on, w pnva1ei , ngSirea to in . t'o"i'glht "goon _ ego "iiir,1riirCit1ii,i/iiiv'ii1i'iii? Hospital F amorial S ' Moialtionetitm aw: um Dreamed . _ e ' . _ . ' s . "Ce. o Vi _ 'IS j,tl"r/y'oourntf'/ltirQ l 'rstt'lltti: would “2&3:th Fftrtrt and g Ir" ill'rtr:,)hsjlation TI Stroke pm i ar _ . Pm. -V'Silalion 5 Omar“ "Elation of . __ ï¬x ----