Shirley WI Tweedsmuir Community History, 1990s, [1993] - [2009], page 1

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TlLLlNG Shirley Eliza bath -------- A her Mmil residence SW _ --, - . ' 1994 Shrrlcy Tong 1111 sh 'f)tt'Jfl'er1)ti,'it, - Atmr a COATES 1993, at the Frost Manor Nursing her 55th yam Beloved December . . 1993 1'"t'g,1ftg: I MurotHaytd ',tymtt9.ys?yyst.aiPN. Orville wtle of Arthur lllllllg‘ EsmlW‘a'mr-arae 1A,2ci/'j1gl,1y/l,"isi'9o3l' WlLS0N,Ltsonarddamtrtt-Sud- Jliggflltt2"ltt, mill; [t)iTdat"iihJ,icii,,fr"jjis"ed. b30312“; Swain ot Blackstock, at the Community Memo, “9"” wlih: Dtt Vim" In “mem- Loved lather of Margaret Brass rtault Dear mother ol e usband of Jean (nee rial Hospital in Port Perry England on Friday. August 20, (Richmond Hill) Dorothy Liberty K‘mbenee “We and her 2re Loved lather of Miriam and j at age 74. Murray IPI, atage79. Jim Wilson ofRR (Winona Hit). (Enigma Rollf (LIN husbm 0mm Wendy Per husband Robert Bennett of .Ccates of RR #2, Port in. Port Perry beloved husband ot as Britain), Patricia Matted (Rich. Tache and her husband 'u.ertlorough, Don and his wile Perry, dearly loved hug- 'JOSSDNHB (mm Labanovlch), mend Hlll) Lois Le Mlere (Cae- Michel Douglas Tong Louise and Ralph and his wile Joan, band ot the late Clara Loved later or David and his wile sama) when" Dow (Nestkstron) Allan Tllllng and hrs Wile all of Blackstock. Loving grandia- (nee Mounljoy) Dear fa- 'Carol, Jim and his wile Lucy and Dearbrulher otlmin andCorMPori Cindy, John 1111an and thar of Lorrie, Stacey, Scott and ther of Barbara and her Joan amber husband Dun Mlldn, Perry) Reta Berri" (Bowmanvillss) Kristy Charles 1111an and Brett. Dear brother olAnn Sander- husband Jim Farmer of all of RA #2, Port Perry. Jim wlll Luellaiand PM Walters(0shawa)' his wife Monique Prede son of Oshawa, Harold Swain at Port Perry and John and be rrI'ssed by his tMa grandchilden Gordon and Murigl (Fenelon Falls)l ceased by one son Don. Tvrqne and predeceased by Roy, his wife Helen of RR #2, _ tmdtimgrsibgratxetikimnrimriNs Frank and Ellis (Oshawa) Jim GO old, Deal 515101 of Susan Lewis, Weir, Agnes and Margaret Port Perry. Loved grand- was predeceased by his gandson Flora (Port Pa ) Bill arid Leona K1119 Judy Stevens and Friends called at the WAGG lather ot Todd and Troy Kenny Wilkin, Dear brother at (Port Per ) Jg‘ d Dori P rt Mchriel and " Arse, FUNERAL HOME, "McDermott _ Farmer, Katie, Kimberly, Geoff, David. Elliel. mm. Moni- Parr ) 'le/p, 'f,,rlgeh'22,r,1, naull Lovingly rel-herr- Panabaker Chapel”, 216 Queen Kristy, and Kelly Castes. ca, Gladys and predeceased by 'ilflllgtll and redeceased b here: by SIX nranoctlll Street in Port Perry (985-2171) on Murray Will also be HanAi, Mabel, Bert Wilt and Chap . P _ V y dren Amanda and F _ _ missed by his sisters, - ' . ' . his brother EM°°_d- OWNS will also Michael Rachel and (Tr riday from 2 4 and 7-9 pm. A Iitt, For Mam" “dime ofsenhat be missed b his rand hild luneral service was held in the Irene Moore of Prince N- please Contact the McDern-lott - y . g C ' ren, Decca James ano Vere Slute of great-grandchildren and great- l no Preueceased by chapel on Saturday, Demlnber 4 bert and van? Fanabaker Chapel of the Wage . . q _ _ _ 1993 , F Raglan, and his brother ' ireargran6childmn. Friends dulled one grrsrodch/d Jeremy _ at2p.m, IntrsrrmntCatartttt Ji C ates of Blacks- Funeral Home,216 (mean Strtatst'rt at the McDermott- Panabaker Restln at the AFN-l Union Cemetery, Blackstock, ll tlm 0- I Port Perry (98541171). It msirsd I g 1 l _ _ . _ ock Friends may call at . . ' _ Chapel otlMWagg Funeral Home, STRONG FUNERAL mm' a ”(‘3' ihmations maybe ithe Mc0ERMOTT-PANA- mgjtbrhg (News may be "We 215 Queen St in Port Perry (985- HOME 12A King St E Tadt to the Wmmsmlly Memorial BAKER CHAPEL of the tMtLeart and, SW18 Fpundatiun, 2171) on Sunday lrom 2-4 and 7-9 Oshawa with a complete Hospital Foundation In Port Perry or W A G G _ F U N E n A L . , _ pm A fimaral service was held in funeral SClVlCE tn the to the Blackstock United Church HOME, 216 Queen St. the chapel on Monday, June 21 015170 DI) Friirr/vrrirrmry Memorial Fund. _ (Queen and Perry St's) 7 - _ 1993 at1:30 pm. Interment Find 14. 19943123m my in Port Perry 19852-241711j _ many church and community Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert lr nit-m In frykr// later In , . "_----, _ e on Tuesday from . an events as they were of similar desired memorial donationsma be tru: Wm" *‘ ”“03"" LlSHMAN, Alan _ Born in 'iyller- .7-9 'Y?, A funeral serv- age. Blaekstock will miss both made to the Parkinson '/'i'urld2x,', Cemetery. jteylill? Me- coats, Eng-and. one of m children icewill be held in the Chas f .,y . or . the Heanandstmke Founda I mortar combo is to the ct Joseph and Mary (Aylon) Lish- lpe' on Wednesday, June 0 you. ”to 7 / 7 9 l, tion - Oshawa Gellcral Hosnuat man. in his Barty years he man; _ f l 16, at 1:30 pm Inter. Sympat y is extended to ill . 'v . Kecprng The Pace Fund aged several'tradirig posts in Mips- ment Pine Grove Come and Paula Lishman andfamily ------, l would be 'dpprecalie0 na lor the United WesrAlrica Com tery, Prince Albert Ide- on the sudden death of Bill's fa- SLUTE l Wwatan gorillra'lmnq pany. in 1939,_while on leave from sired memorial donations therin atraffie ac ide ti Fl Merlin \r‘chnesdey 2-4 mu 7-9 Africa, he met and married Myra may be made lo the ct. . m n Vin or- At Memorial HOSDilii'ri p m ernd "rnursr)ay 2-4 Crowns from Pkhrrrring, ontario, munity Memorial Hospital ida. The funeral yerylce was Bowmanvllle on Sunday, and, 7-9 n m and in 1938 the couple purchased Foundation held on Saturday in Stratford, April 25, 1993 in his the tamily farm and began dairy Ont. Interestingly Mr. Lishman 22, fl'f1 (tlip, be SCOTT a if" - - tannin in Pickeri _ The were . T u an 0 ml y r ar ara Sharron - Su - one “is first in (Enrich to in)“, d our community was sad- 'c1ag,ec'.ame age as Herb and Price of Bowrnanvik, denlyas tho resultul an aociclentodn the milking parlour system During ened with the passing last A d . . Dear father or Carol (Mrs. Wednesday, March to, 1993, at the 195trs Alan was active in me week ofone ofour esteemed sen- spee y recovery is wished Mark Wright) of Delaware age 44. Sharron beloved wile or public school board, and with the ior citizens when Herb Swain for Vernon Ayelttir.te who ssuf- at?! )lt we manlmvm‘ Tom Armstrong ot Port Perry. Low Towmo Milk Producers and was died afterashortmnessin Bow- fered exeensivt injuries in a 8,1"set2sr, leg) and mg mommy Perm" Tam of Sea. '"ffur"mtalhstartingatarrmr run manville Hospital The funeral traffic accident in Florida. Cecil fornre do"?! of 3'an Christine Taylor of Port 'l,e'c22'g',2r,fg $213111]? which was attended by a large Vern's busy lifestyle will un- the late 'l'i2'ia/iT,'igdf, s'ii7ctlett2gtrji,ht,e/i)jii' 1987 he and Myra mm“ to number ofrelativee and friends doubtedlybe slowed down when '/clygltt tti/hire market and Stephen Armsilongevril SeinWVills. Ontario, having spent was held Saturday afternoon. he recovers from these 1nJurle8. Division St tsow/a/wr/e' ('ort_Perry Dear grandmother of lthe winters at their Florida homeh Sympathyis extended todaugh- on Tuesday'trom 2-4 and Jennifer, Christophir and Amanda th,t"lg,rrvtrsa' lim in 1.9:: l" tar Miriam and Bob Bennett of 7-9 [hm. Funeral service Ieih, 'igg2'te,tr o? Saba” _ n s survw r r ' - . - . in i an can one sister Josephine SIMS ot Caz: ?etrborougrh, Don and Loulse His many friends in this area 'vnved',usra,ycahtatil a In Toronto and sister of Patti, all? l bridge, England; two daughters Swain and Ralph and Joey were shocked to hear of the Interment Bowmanville mm" Givy WNW- Sharron will I Alaine Hawkins at Toronto, Louise .syajp of Purple Hill along with ‘ very sudden Passing of Bm Cemetery, Donations to also be Tsseo by her many friends ‘ Mccolt ot Stratt6rd; one son WGarn his four grandchildren Lorrie, ‘Wozney of Prince Albert f the Ontario Heart & and family. Friends called at ther 'A. “Shim?” ot Blackslock: six Staoey,Brettand Scott Swain. merly of Shirle h ' d-or‘ Stroke Foundation in his McDermoit _ Panahaker Chapel at gammy”; Alicia Hawkins, Ella Word was received of the while ki . y, , 0 ted memory would be the ISN, Funeral Home, 216 Parker. Gwyneth Hawkins, Aaron, ' Bl k V . wor mg m his garden: auuremated. Queen St, m Port Perry 98S-2171) Geordie and Carmen Lishman. passmg of ac stock native @3111 was always very involved - ---_ on Saturday from 24 and 7.9 pm Alan aged as the result or injuries Rev. Clarence Ferguson of Al- m all community affairs S A funeral service was held in the sustained in a car mm in Lake berta. Funeral semces will be pathy is extended to hi. yrrfi- chapel on Sunday, March 14 at 2 Pladd. Florida on Tuesday, NotNyT> held in Alberta. These two men and family s WI e um Wm” Pine Grove Ceme- ber 30, 1993 rHis dear We”! Joan spent many of their growing up --=-':-----, my! Prince Albert in the spring. lt , Rahn of Mitchell also died in the days togetherin this area at th womev, Willi-m a! Port Perry deaime mm“ dosnations may be accident. The funeral service was e Community Memorial Hospital on i V made to the 1hrrnmunity Memorial held at St. 1iftrts Anglican Church, _ Wednesday. June M, 1993. Bill WOZNEY _ The family or me late mam “mam” in Port PM Mornington St, Shanon! on Satur- Womey In his 71st year. beloved BI Wozney would like to extend our day, December 1, “298 at 2 pm ---------- I husband ot '%kan Pom- Dear heartfelt thanks to our msi hbours The family ”if rrialnds f rm 1 DOYoN, Marguerite Doris . Sud father at Barb and her husband many friends and our regions ii; p in. until me _ oi savice. The denly, on February 13, 1993 at', Mu, Mitns%ld ot Georgebwn. Bi their support fltoral arrangements ----- family feqh'ests that donations be Oshawa General Hospital. Mar-. and his Wife BONNIE ot Barrie and memorial donations carrsand load SPENCER Bessie Mae (nee Pad? to Peace Etudes Interna, guerite. beloved mother at Guy I tha late Beatty. Lovingly "we“ “Elms during whims of sorrow cm”) . Peacemy' attsrabri) [tonal or St jamthtoeum Church 1 Devon, Diane Doyon. Doris Bray, I beret! by his bttrtMMMaw Bill and Special thanks to Reverend Bob . ness at Oshawa General Hospital Memorial Fund titrbugh the W. G. , Denlse Devon, Alain Devon and his We Ruth Popowich of Port Manstieki for his mmlonin service on Saturday, February s, 1994, Young Funeral Home, 430 Huron May Doyonl Sadly missed by Prmy. Btuhttr of the NE NkRand Your care kindnes and Egouqhtlul Besste Mae Spencer (nee Clothier) St., Stratford NSA 517 (519)271- 'yarttkhikhen Ian, Stephanie, Ricky, Jack Wozney. anlngly remem~ trees will arvi'i'ii"ii%l'ii'ii'igu/t'll'l" '"- her 79"? year. Gsariy biylovati _ 7411. um. Robert. John,Angie, Midtelle, baled by his grandchildren Ed, Helen Wozney and family s." P" 1 yirt ol Alvin Spencer thColurrtus, _ - Shawn and Kyle. Friends were AnNa, Ryan, Timmy, M391 and - ---"-=c"'c'suiss.:, LEN"? mother of Grant and his wile l MACKIE, John Wesley, suddenly' reaahmd atthe Law and Low Fune" Amtmr. A liners] m was held gm" Hebe" and his wile Jana, . _ on Sunday, December 26 1993 a. _ at Home, Port Parry (995433” On Satmhy, Jun 3,1998 at them _ ------, HF’w'V“ and het husband Austin i Whitby General Hosnital John Monday, Ftstruary 15, 1993 frornit ' strong Funeral Home (43b471ty YSErtr1ATT, Violet Isttturl _ 'ter Brian and his wile Nancy Macki b I h . lo 4 and 7 to 9 pm Funeral service Memorial donations g, the Ontario Entered Into rest on Monday, Jam ynn and pryiecisasusd by baby _ ye e oved usband of Thelma to be herd in he Chapel on Tuesday Heartand some Fbundatkm would uary 31, 1994 at the Port Perry dau@ter Elmm Wildly lament Bowtns and‘dear father at John Jr., at 2 pm. Interment Pine Grove beappraeialad. A I' (immunity Hospital. In hat Mst bered try sm gyyukrhildreo andftva lsobel Sleehian, Douglas, Donald: Cemetery, Prince Albert Donations r-------------'?,-],,,,--, year. Violet piWard beloved mother greatgrandchlldren, Daar Sister of June Kea, Laurie, and Phyllis may be made to the charity of your of Allman and husband Fred ot l the late Charms Clohisr, Friends Brown. Resting at the Funeral Home choice. Se _ 71 1 '2gi"dtgtathaets Kin $3, 21;: _ 'jgal 1l"ll/mee EUNERAL . ------ were ili . . . _ an ,', - anabalter of Low & Low, Port Perry tor servrce lRWlN, Hattie J."- _ Pmmw on w dd fam as g" our ryidst Wife Niela of Fort Party. Dearsisler I Chapel ' 216 Quam Street h Port in the chapel on.. Wednesday, Thursda Jul 22 1993 ere 58 enedbyt epassmgof of the late Lillian Ramos the late 1 Perry (9852171) on Manda l December 29, 1993. interment Pine fJJlr'%%i'lfC' ii'osiiiiii if :18 loved ones. Sympathy is extend- Chris Pickard. Ben Pickard Ban 1 2-4 and 7-9 pm. A luneral 32de Grove Cemetery. Visiting Tuesday " Hattie (nae Shunk) belong: ed to Marg and Ted Kemp, Jeff Pickard, Dave Pickard and éraoe l will le held in the chapel on IC'. 2-4 and T-g. Masonic service was wile urine 123690.99 Irwin of an, and David, and to her mother Martin, Sadly missed by eight l giy,:rtrireyy.8,osa/iir/iirii'ii' held Tuesday evening. #2, Port Perry. Dear sister or Hazel Susan Saywell on the passing of gr/ttrg!,', (If live gait-grand‘ Ear'mimyg. Hughes o!ficiating, Neill of Llndsa _ Hattie will r . nan were received at .1 me love Cem also 'li,e,U1 by he", News and Qer, 3 “I“? Stephen_SaywelL the LOW AND Low FUNERAL Prince Alert in the Spring. will: nephews. Frlends called at the _ . any re ahves and friends we- HOME, Port Perry, 1763 Reach a1 donations to Kedron United McDmn _ Panabaker Chapel of tied the funeral parlour and at, Road (905)985-7331 on Sunday, f Church or the charity drummer; thit Wagg Funeral Home, 216 tended the funeral on Saturday February 6, 1994 tron-l b4 and 7-9 _ would be appreciated byhsmry Queen Street in Port Parry (985- morning. r-'. ' 7 :ft: r 7/ ’1 fi p.m, Funeral service was held in ---------u=C' . 2171) on Sunday irom 2-4 and " “ ’ the PM?“ on Momiay at 1:30 Wm, pm. A luneral service was had in Spring New"! Uxbrittge Ceme- the chapel on Monday, July 26, tery. Montana! donations may be 1993 at 1 pm. Interment Pine made to the Port Parry CrxTrramity Grove Cemetery, Prince Alien it Hospital or the Port Perry United tieirrd national donations may be Church would be appmdatad. made to the Community Memorial ---------- Enema! Ftaundatkm.

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