Thursday, August 28, 2008 : j 4 | Task force to defend é "o * â€"<| 9 t OBAE c|U»P| 5 | 0 resssel| e isE EsfEc.| 8| ce es Recmnen § 8| T â€" fsgg°=|| oJ :jfgsf@rsâ€"|a ) ef35i8Sq BS"".52.|8g 7/ â€"a . i m en# . m | §g"~sz00Toâ€" ggzo :g,â€"~< P 5~99"Z |m ie { §gig" a| i8 =â€"2@@°5 $yesi28f P ~â€"2i0"~ |a B | s 62555 1 Bscsarl |c5egi8is} $neacg 8 | Nokruingetinaup _ JE ~ séifgl||als isï¬ |esF es i GMl.s‘| §| & To 3 s 57e § s=se§58"m| & |2 < T23E S © | Local pOllthI[lHS join forces with jp¢CThe Warkworth prison, opened in 1967, lies just ? $ |2 ssfisf.21 8 I: C Shâ€"icsl 3 3 3 MP to save lgcg]faci ii’]/ ahe 3Y inside the Brighton border and is a me;forfï¬(rilani g : $ cial contributor to the municipality. The federa .]8 1{ d y g s $ A prison does not technically pay property taxes, but Ieap Iea E J[aSIno 9 01 pue g y f By Jennifer O‘Meara 4 the government gives that amount in a grant to s 2 [ the municipality. The Warkworth Institution gives ; a o a $ sVe I Brighton $602,000 each year, which is almost 16 d | rln | NORTHUMBERLAND â€" County Warden and per cent of the municipality‘s budget. The jail f ue 5 * J a | _ Brighton Mayor Christine Herrington has formed _ also gives Northumberland County a grant of E J _ a task force to protect the Warkworth Correctional _ $168,500. 1PFf5FpPUOPIsSp$Oc$5Ssa5prz®m o * & [ _ Facility from being closed. The possible closing of Warkworth Institution <Sasle s 550 seï¬ cscr35 ~â€" NJ 2 i "The Mayor and Warden felt we needed to take _ would also put 350 people â€" many of whom live sREoigrk" se iss 3307 6*5 22 > the bull by the horns," said Northumberlandâ€" in Northumberland â€" out of work. The loss of ( §’g g 42. g > 3 g C igig 2 5 ‘é’ $ sn § ;g E } € [ _ Quinte West Member of Parliament Rick Norlock. wellâ€"paying jobs would hurt the county, which has s [ fol|| 5. _5 % a 528 $ T ;é § : e ns ® & %’" 24R 3 % [ A recommendation to the federal government already been rocked by several plant closings and z’é 4955 _}’\’ § o & s ;C,) m#> S 3 % $2 9: m e e > > & J _ to close the Warkworth prison came to light in _ industrial job losses. Many local businesses could + lal g EL 2231 1882 2@ ;g > § fifike~y § io | _ July and caused serious concern for local municiâ€" _ also be hurt if laidâ€"off residents aren‘t spending. { / 3 ‘ ¢fg.~f Isr°"febge &suchkes & C 8 [ _ palities about the loss of jobs, tax revenue and the Warkworth prison puts over $32 million into the 3 = ‘ § C 8 s236a T gf sPs5 $¢ 5 °C 3182 & 2 t _ impact on the local economy. Northumberland economy through wages and 2t Narrs § $2 g $s8qga ;j“ > ‘;" ® % ¢ g® gé‘ on = | A Correctional Service Canada Review Panel _ goods and services. 1| gfmars~..~"~s %% 5p9 §§%[g@s® as f report on strengthening public safety included a Mr. Norlock has been quick to stress the proâ€" § N1 ‘_u 28243 Og Saffuncct ins S s j $ [ __consultants‘ report in the appendix on building _ posed closure of Warkworth Institution is only a w f ‘ & :5 g_ § °. 2z 239g |eg ET'“g’ Figeâ€" in â€" [ â€"<a super jail near Kingston and closing six older â€" _ consultant recommendation. There were close ; sgf:iscff@fifffrfificl 4 g facilities to save movey. One of the prisons the to 190 recommendations from the panel report mCILE 2642s7a5>Pdse04.s23 400 U consultants recommended closing was the Warkâ€" released in April 2007. So far, the only major recâ€" teummmmmmcmmmien se o t t M dA .. : | _ worth Institution. ommendation implemented by the government is | |$f§ 88 S23saff:ie 52â€" 2 2 # The Warkworth,Correctional Task Force is made . stiffer regulations for granting parole, according to | | $x$§55°8z8f2 °Bs 5; <g762 ’;’x up of politicians and town staff from Brighton, the MP. t g ;; s “ o5 8 Al _ Basz e ;fn Trent Hills and the County of Northumberland. "There‘s been no decision on the part of cabiâ€" [ D§K&e82 :s i$f: § _3 & Kss <. y E Tt will also include Northumberlandâ€"Quinte West net," said Mr. Norlock, "There is no funding (for [ {$25%2° &z €.. * .5 s 8g2654 e ‘[ MP Rick Norlock, a new regional jail) because the last budget went 1| g§5E 450 a3u8 ? $ig‘sig°to 2 | "I offered my services to the Warden and to the into 2009. So for the next two years, it‘s not even a j E= ?f"» ;1 a § § ; s;<& 1 5 i; . <EZ g 2 ’ various councils," said Mr. Norlock. "We‘d be workâ€" consideration." § § rern s _ 15il.b"."s ie . { â€" ing shoulder to shoulder." The MP has already appeared before Brighton 1. eceswnest T.ï¬ g¢ $¢g® & | The task force will identify the social and ecoâ€" _ and Trent Hills council to talk about the threat §".,â€"ffiid"‘ gi i ib + nomic benefits of the Warkworth prison to local to Warkworth prison. He will be coming before f |â€" §38 t T a "E®as71foq g“*â€"’é&,’ residents, workers and businesses. It will carry out _ County Council on Wednesday, Sept. 3. | â€"$i0§§fâ€" SEesls, § 29594 § a peer review of the Correctional Services report‘s Public events will be held over the next few \F o ‘é_ 2 8 :zz % § 5 as as08g;3~0, § 3: laf conclusion to close local facilities and build one months to make sure local citizens are kept up to i $fi8gs8rs888 5 ue8e8§ 8558 j ‘ consolidated regional facility in Millhaven. The date on the task force‘s work and have a chance to ‘ group will build a case for keeping the Warkworth offer their input on the future of the Warkworth z> I (ale Correctional Facility open and even expanding it. Institution. l "From my perspective, we‘d be working to ensure "I‘ll do everything I can to lobby on behalf of my i the longâ€"term viability of Warkworth Institute," constituents to make sure we keep hold of what we | said Mr. Norlock. j have and build on it," said Mr. Norlock, 1 3 § c3 7 400