6; P ' _ -THE COLBOHNE CHRONICLE; Thursday, August 24, 2000 l L ( . ‘ mr-' an... "-- ".tisy, 3. Li" {LIT/nu r" Arcs/ir, L:a".1::‘:.‘“LQCA-L NEWS I i _ 'r. we: _..,". F, F , 'l. L' 5... C', V . _ _ vc.;,-" _"'" ;'ti",e:.i": 3119’ p.32 'ifi1 ri." 'tir, yr' if: /' ..-’5 ff It I," ite, [r 2 _ . ,, [i h: J? L311, =2 .32.}. , J' L _ _ . _ , j ‘52-, r:';'.'-::- in: 'efi, 'i," (t "s '.. s-'. _ 1‘1. l. ' 'L’ L Sin. V _ l v': _. I," ",rj; ' l _ " ' -" r',.' l" ; V '. C ' ' . :th ', .5 it: i?" {-33 “ 5.3, ii') q i? _ "r')' ir', r'." _ _ "551" , _ c' _ j,' '.rry' ') ", l, f Ci; V -" l l t [ """i, - . L -," ', _ ,. . . _ _ L ' I8t84iiNt%, t " - Ei s's,.ri)1gl,fS'i'aMliRb're1E, ..l;.......,.. cr 'f,' r'" _ "rr'.".?; v, Trum Hall a 0 WW sto _ iiiiligKlitr - .. . BB, i s,'ii,ts55liii'ia ., 'rr.tNii 'l'giiiih"t,Lhsiitrc,,,,,: J, 'sr. l (i-li/ii. _ _ ' L whammy ' tr E .. _ - . ' seRMT8Bt" W. q " thr4kere.rtrsstp7grs "t""T'r'u"0garCa-ie" _ ' . _ .L Bla- : Mea ' s , 1qrlrtr" _ “In!“ a? Pd? but.“ uni-itg‘_‘~;£._:z ., l, _ ., ' ' :. _ . "?i1alliigll m' ' - 3 "i" tegg aia» 1,eitAiii'htraMir: - "iiiia8 $3 inns? “U "‘-' +127 "is-r",:',; k l l _?-',': *?f¢“&a;&§éawkï¬zfli - ., Efaagrillttikt, Ffa/att 57‘“ tialBh Ci1lyijrrri' -'/W Br MANDY MARTIN computer and some. of them Mg " KF.,-',?,"',"-?'"-':"." 1'i,tj'sa+ 'teiiiaiiIlMilirTdEgg,i ' in; mi†" $lttht-rr'f-Cr'.v.r,! "rs 'i, _ . , " archived old photos of the area-L %m#$§fl_l-%$I .gg- La- "ESt,5i'E?lttlMilE'i"i"ssc2ii 'itr#) 'imMlEilN . â€Gigi/ti, a,,iicr',i" "'?.BTrm ‘ . . STAFF Wkâ€? , C" and rural lite piastforviewers. . ",r ".7 .3, is'i8'iir, a? tyre "" ii'i1; Ml-si.. im GGG' 'amlWat Bat iicgillll,8,,tllllllMlB1')ii' "l T , Visitors from. British People who stopped-ere Tfi "#92332 'ilu 'ii:NiiltilNiilll -tgll (rliltElrErj,igilli'tr,5t: "1% IT/i:' “i . 'lllt Columbia, Sarnia,Peterb0rough. intrigued with the "sagging" rear: lk' ""', ‘33? "b"iilll 'N' " IlliiMlMll1h'a,tNilfiiiai1lttiiit 3*, {If ““..A=aa;i; JCingston - even India! - signed enclosed balcony of the interior of, fat f ' if . " . "WgreeGf+ _'iii,ifii,Mi" , " IMllBl FIZZ," 18 , '8ilBittllil,irls'i, “A: " , $3 i',r, their names in the Castleton the hall. /,_ f ", - Il 573m,“ 3,. ,’ BIN' t "Ill £21.73." if“; 'Air Town Hall guest book during last "That's the way,it Should be," '3Feyr, T :“iMEeWE-v‘: ii-:Fics'ai/ @@ weekend’s Rural Ramble tour. Lenna Bremen, 'cladilo1ittiniis ;_ <3â€- '.bt 'getifri'i2ie1ii'liisi' , 'li'?')" Mgrllilll if, 'i".jjsti'itrl,ia " - '/.if,'r,'j4?,Tii rr5ie,d.4iiiis'1j'iii-jj'iii, 'rr'ctr'i! {'33. The Castleton Hall was one ot2? garb, explained. "The Mor ofthe' _:"ii,tr.?irsYt'.iii't', t gmwwsrgug ' t‘- ", - Tish}??? "':iji'i'ifiiis'alell, 3‘95"“; :.‘ ",/'i?,,'.iiiiiPi?si,ir' , _ 'm, I, [stops featured for tour pass hold- gallery slopes forwrardf,'prrspatiaig: :5.†(E', raliir'iliiEiiie"iM8li5Ersii3rllrlllllll. 'ir \.l/}' _ ‘_: qW" _ If 2 £43,; ', /', Lai-l/it,',','):'::)',, . _ ' "yrs. ' . and the whole struetur/fbei1ds.to iitgiï¬tï¬Ã©ï¬egï¬wï¬gï¬ I . b%BglllBt @5155, t k35&§â€â€˜Â§Â£â€˜?‘:‘~r§'f _ , f 't Oat from. a 1914 ModelTanda provide better' vieivitrg)rtherl eezawglmmw: " . . " ' i"i'"i'i,iti'jS.', , , 1/irh'tt% I 'iii'iiit',rii'iiti,t'-lr, v.' _ 1928 Ford ModelT Depot Hack stagearea." A‘L'-' l' I A -r, . _ ""'-'-: - Le- . . LL .. ". _ '. ', WW , r:',ii'iirifi,'iqi't' W _:" ‘ie/ .perkedoutfronCc.eu.r,te.s.y'ofpaT AResioration thimmitteéhii' - - . , - . " -':'sisrfii,,',i,,iijei'if).j, "glam“ v,.,,,",'.).,,','::),;)' 4eir1i1,1rt1a1he,.g 'ghilasleieihtt,1,t, raising funds to retiirntlie halite?- - ' " , T _ "I "iillgii",s'jit'ijiliillllli'i i L57??? rigiii"iirgi 3,1525 "iiiiij"s't,lf'iiifijc,ii:"l, aroun Erhr 339111.633 ange DI? ..its former lo withu'tihi 1vceild ' _ '4C% _ii"i'istFrsr'eitap,g'epyrisiiti"a;. .. 'Htiiesyge: W. _ R C,uN " "etN8' YTV’iwebeA a $10 donation to tNtrtsprri1tlon' ings, tfr"iifa"li7lTi'lis1j)ii',1iifl)fl'r1f(, ' . 'i,i1ai"i% â€23:15â€??? ,','i,' ‘. *gg‘ï¬jgï¬fiiiï¬ykf _ " 'i'EiliN q BST, llllti'i1lil, /‘,EW‘“\§§;)" 'itiiai5rit/i fund-“the tent donatedhy Brian and went space. Jtis'tria'r)ckbtiirf.: IlriaaR {$3 “Weiï¬ié’e . fl’vjrrflwmw??*r Barnes of-Encore TeI1t,lepionade, most the' tsuihiing'saisttiiuiiditMii', . iq Biigi!j'iiiilfgjft, at, 15ePrr2, 'l"t?i'i'iti'i' iii,f'fisii :' Y-rp, /*'-"". . 'itiiiEi'i'it?)'siiif, lltirrii"iiiiMI 'warservbdNrhile T1tiiiiamyLL.es,- architecture is 1'titietFL:ra1ietirl 'falm)tii?1c'i'l; M3755 : I ‘3.» t - i'k.ttias(')ir,5,,Q ttiEiet,Rrf??srig'"alBMlilE 'ley.fiay1ptyei1 and Helen K3113 L, somewhat-covered over with pan-"T: x2." “ESL-rï¬uï¬ffï¬ 1. i'aitrk'a"s $53.3. - Rlii28 ' L . . L"i'lsiji?rPr, ct8,t-,gig-iaiilNlltlilllllrl entertamed.‘ . _ L , elling and '1owe'red ceilinis7 [il «Z-jï¬ï¬g‘é‘,‘ “@274??in , - - " " e 'avsri'las'iiiii,iPetrai» e MiilMlil" 5. Inside the hall, the ruralher- 71 installed over the years since its . [Jil a $955543: 4?: ter., . , _ _ .'t __ C/V," "†' r, ' ‘ _ " _ Rage of J9orthlyr1berland county erection. F, . _ _ "', " _.i , tï¬k‘éï¬f‘ Mg PLAY ON: Lesley Campbell playectfidd[e and aunt Helen was illustrated. Roseanne'Qumn l, "We've been verypleased with, ’ t gig-“SEX :FE“¥'L§“-§E=Jâ€â€˜ j m" tap 'kint) Keyboard for visitors to the Casileton Town Hall Rural fleas arranged Penman displaya td the number of people whoihaveit . .wr...,:;- "tIgE:? :Fiamble stop last weekend. Just some-of the over 6,000 local documents and artifacts renectmg otopped by," Keith Emery said I EMllii- Ei,ks',,'s'!it%i:t5',i «a ’ . _ Il historical photos of the area archived on computer disks by the ag economy of Ttiy,'s past. "mid-Saturday. "And many ofthem Kit) "i'tlmllll?iiiit'iii'i' 51915,; \.. 1 " _ Linda McKague van Will were available for viewing via com- Linda McKague van W111. sener- then go over to see the General ' .,,P,sN$1Eba '8lfE,s's" 'iE:g,'Cit7gP,s' , - f Tr t r tC tl t T TI Ill s t d b vry.leftl. Lenna o11sly volunteered to trint her St it:' k d ll" L Eii'all ME2t18lttt 5icJ,'sij/'lir5'i) MS -. L“: pu e a as eon pwn a ast aur ay (a o " ) ' . . _ . ore, so 1 s war e we . tt ‘ ARK-4'1“ 'irtrj'gi',irei',jgir'aillI 'f".'-; Br?atctt.right, studies an told 56mm photo, one at the prl9l- Eg tlt"l'iilliMllBii5i'Srri'"iiSjiNl "m nal cast Iron coal oil lamp brackets removed from Casileion ‘ lilgNll " 1Biiirit'"d,t-s7el vla.gMilgiiili .Town Hall by caretaker Pete Thompson when the Building has???» - 'll' t'lk'gRE"SdllEim was electrified in the 1930s (at left). Courtesy of Roseanne 412%â€th 'llielllNll Bllllll " . IiliWglm L '_Quinn, this bracket, plus one. of the smaller ones from the iSiiSl, " ’ © _ - - - {15%;4‘ loWer floor, were on exhibit. The large one was part of a Half 'fii8Miigliill ' , Iryi Fa! 3%? [ilitgiillil pt/chandeliers that hung by rope; and pulleys from the ceiling iiiEi,iiiliiiiilMlllll '13:; iiigiifi'all of t1ssypstairs hall.. anh chandelier had about 12 of these _lEtlitEgii?.iMtiiillltI ' of; Y“ 'iNiaigm brackets arranged In a CII'CIB and each hat-la coal oil lamp. = n' r . EaE """"*“’“""" L ilt5l-ti5rtitii They were lowered by, rope and pulley-to be lit.