NORTHUMBERLAND WEEKLY' "-w-- SEPTEMBER 1.2000 - PAGE I: COMMUNITY . ----------------.----------------" ?itil h l . l . g . l Abundance of $2 0 bills leaves area businesses shortchanged ( BY CECILlA NASMTEH EilitiEa g br-yt/eil, sr"',' ' â€â€œ03“â€me . «A? g , M,“- vices such as money orders. . "I think what people like from I STAFF Wm 'i,iliiiiiiig Brfri"'t 'i,',-,)--,':,)')',"'::',,:, r", ',i"s,l,3lMt P, l' l - - Ill=MlNlil “Sometime: the an and$5bllls the seed 3:: ï¬g; 1f1at,tyd',ri21,1h1 tr. IE 2ii% l r",." s",si'i"iafgr; '/iyr,jls' 5:353:38“ l , Bgrt - If _ " are scarce,"s esai . ' out: - ' From drive-throughs to dollar 8 ‘ 'iit(r iEWW‘MMW*5~M>3o-nw Mrs. Stokes admits the shoe is man, the mail man, even the Stores! they're singing the $20 ’ _'tsf'ii'liaaE . i . t . " , . I often on the other foot. Many garbage man," Mrs. Stokes remr blues. '5? k'_iiiirii_,r:)i'iii,"'i,",U, . ., B'iaml= ‘WM‘h “it " Th '* times she finds herself in the nisced. . The convenience of today’s *" a "f,iii" A; . v.’ W. 'a 'tlt , ' h , . - Dutch Oven with a $2.10 bill for "it used to be, if the garbage automated bank machines IS iiNMllll .gri'rttri:8it" "lsi,?j!ie_li,,r,lligllllllllllllllllll " ' ' " her muffin and coffee and a man dropped something, he unbeatable. But those $20 bills , ' . KE F #533, _ ' "ri',%ilitey81,igl!2l@MMRli, . ‘ = twenty in her wallet. picked it up. Now it's Just left sit- they spew out definitely aren't a l, i "stir/ . ' in“, g: 5 W? ?iiiSi,,it)1iifiC6i,tfits'ii?'r' _rCrr, But then, she said, that is ting there. _ convenience at those places ‘ I . ""31; _r/f"'_,r' , w's'rsa, w, " "iiaitiit .m ' - Ll, _ """/" I (irtt: because the bank machines give "The thing that made the good where youtry to spend them. _ - . 'ic' _ Irc ':'ii, W - iik',12 customers no choice-they must old days good is the personal As people turn 'git to cash _ , I 5 V , 1iyiirs,v'_,ilaial, it , a? , F, take out an amount that is a mul- involvement, and that's what we machines, their wa lets seem to ' . 1"?“ rr ri)?,):)'," _ - " . , _ ,. tiple of$20. are missing," utility 10/,lle but s,12,t0, hills. tlf li, , _ "ir/ _:ii" .. . . 'lil (ti,?, I? , _â€"â€"_ w on ese are use or sma "li. ,:i-,i,,isi, r - Waim 5:5 _ , purchases, an establishment's Ir, "s"v'tr:rv'4y . 'tlil-tritz'! _ F supply of change quickly evapo- . x; /(e,'c a ' _ i, "' lim tt Mi rates-like at the CobourgPublic l . it r.'i,il,r a: J " , " Library where Ann Stokes often ' l (iiji'iii' Z1353 . . _ receives twenties to pay for - l t _'si'itcrt) (i-i'?:',::',))' 0 . I _ things like 50-cent videotape- _ 0 (iCfirji' _,l's:etcisi; ' ' insurance tees and 15-cent photo. _ 2,“. _ ' , q ir. 5 _ copying charges. 5 Cr ,rriif"akt,s , i s" g . ' t "Late in the day we can man- 's's,t5iC1)) _ a, “:75 ~ M . . ‘ A age,but rurstthinginthe morning T 5 , A ", ,f r) {3 " ' i it clears us out of all our change," se, F, ("tth, LI, ." _ . 1rf" - Ir , Mrs, Stokes said, 'iat:i,j:v.'iiffi)"i:) 'i', "/' 5 ' .,.;,:,, N _ i l She noticed a couple of years ’ "iii:",,',';"','),'-,',,')):,"":,, â€â€™ C st' , Cy _ Fvk" w, ' g . . iiiriiiict/f, 'r5: li I at . _ , _ a a. ' , 3 ago that the circulation desk con- C - "iiiiiiti,'iiii, 7a A“ f V . vc' new“), ; " 32, f stantly seemed to be running out _ l _ - I i"c'fi% . " g 's' ' cEa.'sa1si:ef,'ri_ i.jiy ’ g. 3%,: i Ci. of change. She noticed, at about I i .. 'IR,.' . ' Cir" CV' s ' J%iMiiSiv'i, '13? 1stfii'4 '3‘ '.t: the same time, that bank _ , " _ :95?" sd / _ ' C ,5 'iSl.arrgr? I csti'ii?,?iiii' ', E machines only gave out money in .. t _ '." dliiiit , 5 5 i‘}$’â€3§f . a tflfiihip'cohacidence? She _ 5, C 'ss A,;');" 'tEl-gills' MlaiaB't'si%'i'attiEsas' i no . . rli Jsi,'sC, , 55 5'iaEii1 ' , 1S9'tRe,, 'ith WI 'Nlml ', When Trish Stewart seesacus- V F . I kt'i"igi sl "'is'i?ir,)'ii:hitf,etiee, ' "s,P, le) ' "'3 tamer approaching her at Crazy " ' " E5i), ' fk"i?'. “if?†. l "a ( Burger, she knows the odds are 151 J", IIE BlRiiiiiiiZ "a; . '. _ '"i;Ts, . '. greater than 50-50 that she is FE " , MBtt 93.x i931- AP, _ F