[ .1; _-"-,-,,., I 9 _-------- _ V , ca, Il t . Te 4 " M 75/"- s' History and Culture Sevenyears agolrelocated my business from Ajax to Otonabee- I " ' " /“ _ South Monaghan. Otonabee-South Monaghan has a stron we Mfl 'IMF' w r, Hiaw _ g . - - V t w L atha First Nation labour force in the area. When we began in this location we ' I ‘ Of; r . . tq, ' 'ff?, A 1 l Sharla?“ me picturesque north had 50 employees, and our workforce is now 140. r ' Ct r f? 0 Rice 'te, i. 65’ l Je Otonabee Rh 583:1“ east ofthe We are currently expanding ourmanufacturing facility, . r ' / ,r _ , T __ . . . . . l V“ 3i J-"' r, Nation The W351: lemma First with a completed building Size ofapproxrmately225,000 . w',' l ' _ r s r _ T . . I r :3 . l Lake OCCUpred thlAathus Of Ric? square feet. Our Site in Otonabee-South Monaghan Fi' , _ _ L the 1500's and ted: "r,f'lr,',l,')je,,c, provided us with ample space to grow.Along with our . , T I I a HH" . . ' . b.:? , ., A CGmMUI’iiIt/ OifE'rngya 5 tar J 0% building expunsron, we continue to globallyexpand our r T _ x _ r V \ias I†' . ' . ' 1%., A»! recreationai er-Cr/ities H ll,,))','),'"",,","-),, productline and distribution network. Our company began ‘ m - . V _ r rm ' and Trailer P. [ I . - . by manufacturin large conveyors used in the sand and gravel a beach layqround i" V ' rt 3“ has 93 grassy Lampsuesr . g . . d, ft - ff ','Ci"f, she, er and Boat ‘aun’ h Jhe Old industry, and has grown rapidly to develop a complete line of ,3 0 0 Pl ' _ h _ ' . . Y/rl'", ready rid: ( Serve gas bahcmvempme gore and trammel screening and conveyor equipment. Our full line of [a,?,,'),'),":",)') 56‘; hi: 1 a gammy of "daily sperms on the Mav equipmentis offered through a direct office in the UKand I. W ' _ "., _ ' _ _ . . . . cJrlg V I [Way Lss at a Fist Nation to take parl in merr distributors in the ths, annua W“ N “EWOHG r: //edcme! V Paschal McCloskey Lang Pioneer Village Museum Owner ofMcCloskey internationalLirnited Located lo, rnrhuies east of Pcterbn _ 7 - 404 h, _ we " *ae Le‘emam" Tm rural history Oi Je1)irli":1,'C,,'er_": Winger: :54 2' ' r L - ' L ' _ I diam/1F“? by“ of [We WEEDâ€: IFIdraFr River the “ii/Fe features ' ttt I d WO'W‘g CN'?‘ mill and (war 20 restored burg ,1 l? r r-ructed ' H - belweeu 180.) am 1900 V‘HJCJerg 0de Clgres drugs :0. ib, _ i! . "N C r' 5 A', c 7 C co, reise: In Cr = .. = cLithnTle i; tome Lostumeperbrm the tasks and crafts "f " "N r~'PIE.D»; , , J'-" - 'ii",',':",':;",':'",' "I,":),),',,,?,',)':,)", it'; Eir'vil, in the biacksmith shop, _ w, l It I l ', l ' id†27w. _.-scc Fit M ' . 3'1“" wheat f ground into Tcur rent oeiammgmn Flatbed Presr, and ' MQCLOSKEY Blast ia a ll Ml,tll ‘ ' the dawisrtors an we pan/m More your EVESTthnghOJt ' . I 'cle a??? WWW 'Sl . 'tyo-r _1)r,rr-'r, . ' _.. ' .r..*.:. N them experience the ddliv CUUec of "V m amines that let A: . .7 I (l] crs_E%et» . hit '., A A , crt u a C)lorec-r- rmu:eut“ . - AL" " - - - _ . . MeCsTEaSI-WE'.e7 â€0an turn l] am tro4 pWMSurrday to Frrd hcl it " V 'etllml=atttt.-.- - 7 September 4 W th arr PXCiIil'rg ‘rheup of: coy, 1“ y D r , ‘ rhroughout the year Ry â€Ore New yl)ecal events I i and specrai events pieam v'iri'id'c,)/()03i1,,"t,l,_ on theme days . . orcail to l free riser) 2895264 vr_ EiiC‘IOr‘remvri agere Economic Development , MC Township ofOtor‘rabcc South Monaghah reccgrrrtes . . 1ne:o:otCr)telfnrlnrsrres, dud industry growth. ard scr‘vicos ‘ f' / R. twat cater to the [ourqu public Our prirl"o (Matron servrtec: }j~_ ' _ q 3V hirr)vay C murders movrries ex: elieru lrahsportatrorr be, V rr ". _ C (JppC)rrur/ties,C)rwrreiEl arid iinLSEI'iEi growth IS a lir’r‘°’â€i**‘""§ r“ u C"': _ 7‘ V _ _ I. _ \rilai aspect other future An economm ly sound and w 's, , -r t' ’ , View tj' ,wcr' .. Vi, . , xiii-2&1 P, rvrronrrrcmaHy Irrend y :ommuurty ‘weips to promote , f j'iifl? f "irc/i"-,).),',?,,":,?':,,'); _ .- c,::,:;-,::',,),:,:,;',,),-), '5fi'iiii,1 1er mm med V tibilitr/ or he “‘uniopaiuy r 's, "e. *4 'tti)) . - a? â€awfg‘h ,1 in“ “M (Fd, lic' ‘ r/ii?), I"y,2))-'r,: iF, 'd: tN , , A,» 7L Wyn f?, JjyfYAt', 3» we . "i, _ "l, "t q , \it . L' J At --v ,r"~--" ---- - l '.akits . . ) - = n 7 " " ‘ . r . _' ' _ 4 . V - - _ » , _ (A. $M t“); I "trt.,' 2s .' I, J,11'.,'i it}: P2Td . Miih' ‘ r) _ " ,)r" f3 if“? . L tist,ii:tiri?i'Lt'itiiri'sit "arl1 . , .