IDIIRTY WEATHER, YOUCSAY? The Daily Sentinel-Review, Thurs., Feb On Wednesday, that was literally the case. Dust storms abounded throughout the region. Visibility was reduced to almost nil, as motorists slowed down to pass through brown clouds. West of Woodstock, the skies were actually brown. (Staff photos by Ted Town) The Beacon Herald / Monday February '27 / 1989 Broodeale WI take tour of industries in Stratford ' BROOKSDALE ~-- The Brooksdale Women's Institute held its February meeting recently by visiting some in- dustries in Stratford. Irene Drenth presided over the meeting, held at a restaurant in the city, during which type sheets were handed out to petition the local MPP to fight against Bill 129 which could cut down on the animals and birds shown at farm shows and fairs. Under the pro- posed law, farms would have to be inspected and gneet tough new regulations to get a licence to ex- hibit. It was moved by Ruth Matheson to sent $50 to Associa- tion Country Women of the World .as a 60th anniversary gift. As Ox- ford County is hosting the area convention at the Embro Com- munity Centre, it was moved by Bev Matheson to look after the noon lunch on Oct. 12. On March 16, the annual In-- stitute banquet will be held with Rev. Roger McCombe, of Inger- soll, as speaker. The spring board meeting is March 31 at Kintore. The con- venor for Co-op Dairy Day Din- ner is Ruth Matheson and other committee members are Irene Drenth, Loretta Murray and Rosie Thomson. The flower fund report was given by Anna Beryl Bean and Marie MacLeod. The members took tours of In- ternational Artcrafts and Leslie Cheese House.