HILLIER WOMEN ’S INSTITUTE THE STORY OF THE SMALL TABLE IN THE HALL January 1923 - It was moved by Mrs. Sherwin and seconded by Mrs. Roy Wight that we get Mr. Tom Smith to build a small table for the hall, Carried Mrs. Harry Burris Mrs. Doug McFaul Mrs. Alex Rattray Miss Hilda Burris Miss Elsie Collins . Ness Palmer . Phil Hubbs . Charles Cassidy . Dave Baverstock . Adam Lloyd . Fletcher Sherwin . Crandall . Tom Smith . Les Jones Mrs. Earl Palmer Miss Olive Palmer Miss Ruby Alexander Miss Maggie Holmes Mrs. Stewart Wood Mrs. McGarvey Mrs. Fred Way Mrs. Earl Burris Mrs. Clifton Ellis Mrs. Syd Palmer Miss Irene Burris Mrs. Lyle Leavens Miss Mabel Hubbs Mrs. Will Foster (Pres) Mrs. David Stein Miss Grace Baverstock Miss Debbie Young Mrs. Charlie Benway Mrs. Sperry Fritz Mrs. Herman Hegadom Mrs. Roy Wight Mrs. Ern Terry Mrs. Will Thompson Miss Hazel V. Fox Mrs. Marsh Way Mrs. Floyd Way Miss Thelma Way March 1923 â€" It was moved by Miss Debbie Young and seconded by Mrs, Crandall that the secretary pay Mr. Tom Smith the sum of two dollars ($2.00) for making the table. Carried President - Miriam Foster Secretary â€" Annie Jones April 4, 1996 - It was moved by Peggy Burris and seconded by Grace Clement that Hillier W. I. pay for repairing and reï¬nishing the small table. Carried Ethel Wannamaker Mary Barham Ruth Crawford (Pres) Phyllis Wight Marjorie Darling Norma Morrison Lois Conley Jean Alexander Mabel Wright Doris Wright Alice Dollis Jean Spencer Bernadette McCabe Rebecca MacKellar Mary Taylor Elsie McCartney Carol Quinn Louise Humphrey Peggy Burris Grace Clement Violet Coghlan Betty Alyea Lorena Best Janet Lunn Reta Gage Laura Haight Joyce Brown Marilyn Rennie November 21, 1996 â€" It was moved by Marjorie Darling and seconded by Louise Humphrey that cards of thanks be sent to those responsible for the restoration of the small table donated to the hall by Hillier W. I. of 1925: a card to Grace and Bill Clement for the donation of the brass plaque on the table which reads "Presented by Hillier W. I. 1923; Restored by Hillier W. I. 1996"; a card be sent to Peggy and Elwood Burris for donating the cost of the table restoration and preparing the framed historical information. Carried. President â€" Ruth Crawford Secretary â€" Phyllis Wight TABLE RESTORATION TO COMMEMORATE 100 YEARS OF WOMEN’S INSTITUTES IN ONTARIO 1996 â€" 97 1.2