Prince Edward District WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Book 2
- Publication
- Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON), [1991]-[2001]
- Médias
- Text
- Image
- Type d'élément
- Scrapbooks
- Description
- Prince Edward District WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 2 (1991-2001)
- Women's Institute Carol
- Photo of Erland Lee Museum
- WI Ode; Mary Stewart Collect; Institute Grace
- History of the Lee family and the Erland Lee home
- History of and articles about the Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead
- Article, "The Women's Institutes--after the first 100 years," 1997
- The beginning of Tweedsmuir Books, 1985
- Women's Institute Opening New Provincial Office, 1994
- Photocopy of 1908-1909 Branch Officers of FWIO from Farmer's Institute Periodical
- Map of Prince Edward District
- An abbreviated history from Volume 1 Tweedsmuir History: 80th Anniversary Celebration, 1988
- Curator's Report at 80th Birthday Celebration
- List of District Officers from 1990 to 2001
- List of Convenors of Resolutions and Programmes (Originally known as Convenors of Standing Committees) from 1990 to 2001
- List of Presidents of Prince Edward District from 1990 to 2002
- List of Secretary-Treasurers of Prince Edward District from 1990 to 2000
- Curators of Prince Edward District Tweedsmuir History from 1987 to 2001
- Provincial Board Members, Prince Edward County: Mary Lou Norton and Marylin Rennie
Branch Histories, Prince Edward District
- Map showing locations of District WI branches
- Bloomfield
- Cherry Valley
- Consecon
- Demorestville
- Gilbert's Mills
- Hillier
- Mountain View
- Rednersville
- Wellington
Scholarships and Bursary winners
- Cynthia Wenn
District Annuals formerly known as District Annual Conventions
- Programmes from District Annuals, 1958, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
85th Anniversary, Prince Edward District WI
- Program for 85th Anniversary, Prince Edward District WI
- "85 Years in Retrospect," 1993
- Clippings related to 85th anniversary of Prince Edward District, 1993
- Photographs of 85th anniversary celebrations, 1993
90th Anniversary celebrations for Prince Edward District, 1998
- Clippings and photographs related to 90th anniversary celebrations, 1998
- Photos of District Annual, 2000
Community Activities
- Letters, clippings related to Prince Edward District WI Donations made to various community groups and charities, 1990s-2000s
- "W.I. Theme for 90's Women and the Environment"
- "Cancer and Me" seminar, 1992
- Accessible Transportation for Prince Edward County," 1993, and related clippings
- "Allergies" seminar, 1994, and related clippings
- Flyers, newspaper clippings, and photographs relating to Prince Edward District WI Arts and Craft Sale, 1991-1999
- The Big Bike Ride, 1994, 1995
- Branch Displays - Wellington Townhall, 1996
- WI Display in Bloomfield Hall, 1997
- The Amazing Loyalist Quilt Display, Bloomfield Hall, 1999
- Article, "Carriage House moved to Macaulay Heritage Park," 1997
- Photo of WI member serving pie at Macaulay House
- Article, "W.I. Celebrates 100th Anniversary at the Museum," 1997, with photos of District quilt
- Poster for "Centennial Prelude Quilt Show and Barbeque," 1995
- Various newspaper clippings related to the Women's Institute Centennial anniversary, 1997
- Clipping, "Prince Edward District Women's Institute continues to support the County Fair," 1998
- Photos and summaries of various monetary and material donations made by Prince Edward District WI to various community organizations, 1980s-1990s
- Program for Official Opening of the Restored Crystal Palace, 1997
- Booklet, "The Crystal Palace"
- Articles about the opening of the Ontario Breast Screening Program, 1997
- Photos of Displays at Picton Fair, 1997
- Photos of Christmas Craft Day, 1997
- Photos of WI floats in local parades, 1999
- Articles and clippings about WI involvement in Phone Busters
- Flyer for Information Meetings re prince Edward County Memorial Hospital, 1998, and clippings related to the issue
- Clippings related to the 100th anniversary of Women's Institute, 1997
- Program and related clippings for ACWW Day Celebration, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1999
- Letter and photo presenting monetary donation to ACWW, 1997
- Thank you letter from ACWW
- Articles about sleeping kits distributed by Sleeping Children Around the World, guest speaker at ACWW, 1999
- Photos of Picton Arts and Craft Sale, 2000
- Photos of WI Booth at Picton Fair, 2000
- Photos of Quilt Show, 2000, Bloomfield Town Hall
- Photos and clippings related to Prince Edward County WI Clean Water Project, 2000
- Photos of 74th Annual Trent Valley Area Convention, 2000
- Photo of Women's Institute sign on County of Prince Edward sign, 2000, and related clippings
- Press Release regarding the decoration of a tree by the District for the Festival of Trees, 2000, and photographs
- Photos of District WI participating in Santa Claus Parades, Picton and Wellington, 2000
- District WI Supports Hospice, 2001
- Prince Edward County District Purple Ribbon Campaign, 2001
- AACWW Conference, Hamilton, 2001
- Commemorative Tree Planting in Milton
- Various styles of Home and Country magazine covers
- Instructions for writing House Logs
- Suggestions and Items to Consider in Writing your Personal History
- Questionaire re Century Farms - Prince Edward County
- Clippings related to 100th Anniversary of Women's Institute, 1997
- Article, "Tree planting project is a huge success," 1992
- Article, "Women feed the world," 1992
- Photos of trees planted in memory of those who have served the Prince Edward District WI
- Article, "WI Quilt Unveiled at Queen's Park," 1984
- Clippings about 47,000 knotted squares sent to Zambia, 1996
- Photo of presentation of Past President pin to Flossie Tripp, 1997
- Article about Canadian author Janet Lunn receiving the Order of Canada, 1997
- Article about and sample of FWIO tartan
Tweedsmuir History Book Committee Minutes and Workshops
- Article about the history of Tweedsmuir History Books
- Photos of Tweedsmuir Histories Workshop, 1997
- Centennial pamphlet created by Prince Edward County District WI, 1997
- Booklet, "Women's Institute Centennial Celebration: Federated Women's Institutes of Canada Convention," 1997
- "One Tree - Many Branches" panel discussion, WI Centennial & FWIO Convention, 1997
- Article, "The Importance and Influence of Branches in the Community"
- Article, "Women's Institutes Provincial Influence and Importance to Provinces"
- "FWIC Speech in June of 1997"
- "One Tree, Many Branches...ACWW: International Influence and Importance of the World"
- Articles about FWIC Conference in Hamilton, 1997
- Agenda for WI Centennial and FWIC Convention, 1997
- Articles of support for Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital, 1998
- Letter of support of FWIO for Prince Edward County District WI to support town hall meetings about the hospital restructuring and a report presented to the Health Services Restructuring Commission, 1997
- Report Submitted to the Health Services Restructuring Commission by the Prince Edward County District WI, 1998
- Map of Prince Edward County
- Lyrics of 'O Canada' - Notes
- Name or initials of contributor of content to Tweedsmuir and date of entry is found on the lower right corner of each page:
- Marion Calnan, 1991
- Elda Brooks
- Marlene Corfield
- Mary Ellen Closson
- D. Wannamaker
- Margaret Squibb
- Elda Brooks
- Edith Cairns
- Phyllis Lowe
- Elizabeth Rushton
- Deris Hollett
- Pauline Meek
- Peggy Knapp - Éditeur
- Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario
- Date de l'original
- [1991]-[2001]
- Sujet(s)
- Anniversaries
Centennial celebrations
Fund raising
Galleries & museums
Mass transit
Parades & processions
Tree planting ceremonies
Workshops (Adult education)
Women's Institutes - Langage de l'élément
- English
- Couverture géographique
Ontario, Canada
Latitude: 44.00012 Longitude: -77.24946
- Licence de Creative Commons
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- Déclaration de droit d'auteur
- Protected by copyright: Uses other than research or private study require the permission of the rightsholder(s). Responsibility for obtaining permissions and for any use rests exclusively with the user.
- Détenteur du droit d'auteur
- Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario (FWIO)
- Conditions d'utilisation
- For commercial use, please contact copyright holder for permission and details.
- Notes de reproduction
- Contact the holder of the original. If the book is in a member’s home, please contact the copyright holder.
- Contacter
- Federated Women's Institutes of
Adresse Internet:
Adresse postale d'agence552 Ridge Road
Stoney Creek, ON L8J 2Y6