Since 1987, Women’s Institutes have worked together to improve living conditions for their families, their communities and the world. In 1919, the Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario (F WIO) was formed to give WI Branches a stronger voice by working together, today, FWlO supports and includes about 1 1,000 volunteer members in over 600 Women’s Institute Branches across Ontario. FWIO is a nonpartisan, nonsectarian, and nonracial organization that operates for the equal good of all citizens in a democratic manner. FWIO is a member of the Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW), This international organization represents Wm over 70 countries. FWIO is also proud to be one of the original members of the Ontario Agriculture Hall of Fame. Throughout Ontario, W.l branches: provide fun and friendship through monthly meetings and activities; promote and initiate education programs that help to improve the health, nutrition, and safety in homes and communities. The results of lobbying done by Women ’s Institutes pasteurization of milk formation of Macdonald Institute at the University of Guelph. painting of white lines on provincial highways music as p[art of the school curriculum family studies and nutrition education in schools mandatory stopping for school buses with flashing lights signs at railroad crossings installation of three point rear seat belts enforcement of handicapped parking legal enforcement of the Living Will the establishment of Brock University funding for shelters for battered women clear marking on poison containers scholarships and bursaries for university education and opportunities for citizens in developing countries to study in Canada. VVVVVVVV V VV V VV