PROJECTING F.W.I.O. INTO THE 218T CENTURY For almost a century the FWIO has been dedicated to the idea that women working together can improve living conditions for their families, their communities and the world. Our diverse accomplishments are the fruits of coâ€"operation and vision of women from many walks of life. As we move into the 21st century, we must continue to build on our strengths and plan for the future. Now, more than ever, as the pressures of the nineties erode family ties, the very principles we stand for can meet the needs of our changing society. By remaining true to our convictions and pooling our resources to identify and resolve the needs in our communities, the Women's Institute will play a vital role in improving the quality of life in our communities. Family and life skills, friendship, leadership training and educational opportunities are factors which strengthen communities. OUR OBJECTIVES: Still SolidAnd Relevant In The Nineties ' To assist and encourage women to become more knowledgeable and more responsible citizens. ' To promote and develop good family and life skills. ' To help discover, stimulate and develop leadership. ' To help identiï¬l and resolve needs in the community. Since 1897 the Federated Women‘s Institutes of Ontario have provided women with the opportunity to work together to improve living conditions for their families, their communities, and the world. Our successes, include pasteurization of milk, painting of white lines on provincial highways, mandatory stopping for school buses with flashing lights, clear markings on poison containers, the formation of the Brock University and Macdonald Institute at the University of Guelph, scholarships and bursaries for university education and Opportunities for the third world citizens to study in Canada. FEDERATED WOMEN'S INSTITUTES OF ONTARIO â€An Organization For Personal Growth And Community Action †@iscover What The World’s Largest Li/omen’s Organization Can, 01?qu you! F. W. l. 0. Provincial Office RR. #5, Guelph, Ontario NIH 612 (519) 836-3078