he Wiser’s Canadiana Collection was started in 1965 and this Interim Report has been issued in response to the many requests we have received from people who are warmly interested in our progress. Mr. Gerald Stevens, author, lecturer, and authority on things Canadian is in complete charge of all purchases. It has been a pleasure working with him and we are grateful for the keen interest he has taken in our project. The Collection grew rather faster than we had originally expected and it soon became evident that we would need a place to house it. We were fortunate in having available an old Coach House in Montreal and this is where the Collection will find its permanent home. Meanwhile, various groups of items from the Wiser’s Collection have been loaned to museums or interested groups throughout the country for exhibitions of their own. It is our hope that as many people as possible will enjoy the Collection and we are pleased to send pieces on loan for worthwhile purposes. Starting the Collection has been a fascinating endeavour. We have SOIne specific projects in mind which will be announced some time in the future and another report will be issued when sufficient new items have been acquired to justify its publication. Wiser’s Museum, 3411 Drummond Street, Montreal Wiser’s Distillery Limited, Belleville, Ontario. a collection Canadiana de Wiser a débuté en 1965 et nous avons publié ce rapport intérimaire en réponse aux nombreuses . I / demandes que nous avons recues de personnes interessees. M' Gerald Stevens, écrivain et conférencier, fait autorité en la matilére. C‘est lui qui s’occupe de tous nos achats; notre travail avec lui a Eta tres agréable et nous apprécions le vif intérét qu’il a témoigné 5‘ 1 egard de notre initiative. NONE collection ayant pris de l’ampleur plus rapidement que nous 1 aViOnS d’abord prévu, il a fallu la rassembler dans un cadre qui la mettl‘ait en valeur. Heureusement, nous avions a Montreal une anâ€" Clenne remise que nous avons transformée et aménagée en demeure permanente pour la collection Canadiana. Délé, nous avons prété plusieurs de nos pieces a des musées et a des manifesté le désir de les ex- de personnes heureux de les demandes a ' - . . SSOCiatlons ou autres groupes qul avaient . POser. Nous espérons que le plus grand nombre POSSIble Pourra admirer notre collection et nous serons tou]ours Prreter qU€1q11esâ€"Unes de nos pieces lorsque nous Jugerons SEr1euses. que I'IOLIS envisageons, OHS ferOnS Connaitre plus tard les projets , . ‘ bjets viendra s ajouter a / IOFSqu un nombre suffisant de nouveaux 0 anadlana, en publiant un autre rapport Le_Musée Wiser â€" 3411, rue Drummond, Montreal iser’s Distillery Limited, Belleville, OntarlO PAGE I , ‘ “USER'S CANADIANA COLLECTION