/M% MM/ '1 -. '9 V ' .mli l hm' 'mn fou'fashmhed Christmas U Adelaide-Hunter Hoodlessyjfl'gn - 'at St. Georgz. Ontario, the. Child- hood home. om: fender-cf the Wagnen'slnuix_ which is now a ' museum qwned andImiinuineHZby', the WQ'menfa Igsgixuiex'ofganada; ' The Worn nsmute of Qn~ ' ' at another musc- Le'e Ham thgl > mcmfand-mc~ fee n'ndbgaud'ful} mum , I orped' 1h» es'ybu but In (him; ppic ' fqrqoils Consfituupn Ilabe """mfi Those]. a]: la 'are *so, glistcn an utheir some: off leerin b m}: c the py' (one complex; layer ppm ' V fa'mn wgeth'gr each'wcr. uh cranbéifies. fl b'bgl of r English walhms also taken from the » n ,' ap 1e butter in' thé in! ¥him§lc Cookies in'lho 5&1 r,' Turkish Delis 'n'1hg candy jar. driedrgpplés mad: (with: 'piquackvowz the cook stove. and "made: xhe'cuvcr of mtch'eese'dish a- -- ~ large slicefof cheddar, The ufima throughom "the, '11qu "is coming 'fhom the oyen"~g-- humegbnke ,, 'brc'hd gnd- [heave just for ~y§u1»---. the'visxmr - u a piece" mu frqmv' the o'ven,'i\'e's'hly'buuer dwmr--i . 5.5 ,fer'em qua i?' ' ._ P >_ Alia. ding 'a ,bplletinn m"an Mapszoui ' gooa [emits wuL _ w M m u': v ' thank you for-'th recipes help" ilul'hh'ns. 1 mi looflngrfbr'a'redpg' called pyrogles"; they j WWI"! cottage c hm Ind Inkfad ble poem ' on egg. mill b'eik'n ,, 1 cups flbur ,' I '6 tenspoo 'qnlt' . Isak." A may wall; Kne 'smallmdm \ addxtiqnfi hf hqted ' 0 zfim'if'w , have not