PAGE 5 Chamber celebrating 40 years By Angela Vida Staff Writer Chamber of Commerce Week held special meaning for mem« bers of the Stoney Creek Cha her of Commerce, which deLehrWte's its 40th anniversary this ear. Memfiers participated Sept. 9-15 in a number of social fes» tivities regionwide, along with their counterparts at the Hamilton and District and the Flamborough chambers of commerce. The local chamber also held elections last week for the new executive committee of the 1990-91 board of directors. Out-going president Sandra McLeod said Chamber 0 om-- Week romotes aware- ness in the community about WW culminated a productive year W "Chamber of Commerce Week gives members the opportunity for social activities apart from those that are business--orient- ed," said Ms. McLeod, citing a Stoney Creek News, Wednesday. September 19, 1990 slate of activities last Week which included the Mayor's Breakfast, 8. night at the races at Flamboro Downs and a fun-- filled evening of baseball with the Toronto Blue 'Jays' at Sky- Dome. ' Ms. McLeod said the upcom- ing year should prove exciting for the chamber, and she praised members of the new executive who are already in the midst of forming innova- tive ideas. "Every chamber of commerce has different goals that they are trying to promote," she said. "The new board has excit- ing plans and we look forward to growth for the coming year." Past progress Ms. McLeod said the organi- zation's policy manual outlin~ ing the goals and objectives of chamber committees was updated last year. As well, the formulation of a five-year busi- ness plan to upgrade office technology, receive input from the 250-plus membership and identify priorities was also accomplished. I'When I started off the year as president, I was hopeful we would get the policy manual completed," said Ms. McLeod. "I'm ha we've ot the olic manual and the gusmess plan w 1c were my two primary goals." C l l . . I i the Business Director and Buyer 5 guide, newsletter. membershi s ecial events the 8-to-10 Program for busi- ness seminars and workshops, community relations and poli- cy. Inducted Sept, 13, the new executiVe cumprises Judyann Heermga, president; Wayne Greer, first vice.president; dnnta 0", second Vice'Preai' en , and 'esen, "83' surer. Thom Fn New board . 'll be rectors W] ilected Oct. at the cham- er's annua tin at Lilla- na Gardens] mee g The 01mm" board includes Presldent Ma McLeod, fir" Vice--pregiden't '2'... Photo by Angi SANDRA McLEOD, out-going presldent of th Chamber of Commerce, dlsplays a copy disiggegocrfiek Buslness Dlrectory and Buyer's Gulde. pu ar thy Kott, and directors Valerie Andrews, Douglas Burke, Eric Cheng, Thom Friesen, Wayne Greer, Judyann Heeringa, Anna Orr, Lori V Louis Zurini. erbeek and