iY, AUGUST 25, 1990 m'fivwvvvv v rv TRAVEL Host, itable WI members 0 en fl ERALDINE CAMPBE L o 1 ge own, n ., says hospitality is always a word that comes to mind when you think of anyone who lives in rural Ontario. "Hospitality is certainly a word that can be applied to all the activ- ities of the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario," says Mrs. Campbell She happens to be the FWIO public relations officer and she , now has a list of WI members across the province who open their homes to bed and breakfast travel- lers. If you'd like a copy of the list contact Mrs. Campbell at PO Box 103, Ridgetown, Ont. NOP 2C0. Telephone (519) 674-0542. L THIS TIDBIT is for murder mystery fans with at least $6,695 to spend. If you're still with me, you'll be interested in Murder in the Orient, the latest entry in the ever-grow- ing field of participatory vacation packages. \J ' John Gibson This sounds first class all the way and you'll be accompanied by well-- known Canadian mystery writer Howard Engel. The idea, of course, is that the travellers try to solve a heinous crime while enjoying the beauty of Hong Kong and Thailand, includ- ing the island of Phuket. You can get complete informa-- tion from any P. Lawson Travel agency. HONG KONG, Thailand and Singapore will be the highlights of a tour to the Orient Nov. 21-Dec.7. It's a good price at $3,399 per person, based on double occupan- cy. The price includes return flight on Canadian Airlines, accommo- dation, land tram tion, sight- seeing and some . If you are interested in attend-- mg a presentation contact Va- cation Bound, 442 Peal-1 Street. Burlin ton _ hone 632-131in UR 21'" Telep E] D U A NEW exhj ' - frock and pop music has fig'régitain's ml" l'lSm equivalent 0" eoscafi . , The British Tourist AuthOlrlty 5 annual Come to Britain Trophy Warded to Rock Qiiqus' homes for B Admission is about $11.40 for adults and $7.60 for children, with family tickets at about $30 for two adults and two children. Ilfl BARGAIN PRICES for those touring Scotland's Highlands and islands are on offer from the Scot- tish Youth Hostels Association. Through the association, you can save about $41 on the Highland Wayfarer Package which is avail- able for eight or 15 days and pro- vides unlimited travel by rail and ferry, one--third off bus fares in the Highlands and islands and accom- modation vouchers for use at any of Scotland's 80 youth hostels. The eight-day ticket, normally. about $203, is offered at $162 and the cost of the 15-day ticket has been reduced to about $275. They are available from the Scottish Youth Hostels Associ- ation, 7 Glebe Crescent, Stirling FKB ZJ A. I'll--l BICYCLE TOURS are avail-- able in the Collingwood area until the snow flies, says Mike Pocock, owner of Can-Do Recreations. He has several programs, in- cluding his three-hour Casual Cruz Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday mornings for adults and families. The price is $30 per per- son and that includes bike and hel- met. ' There's also introductory ca- noeing, scuba and rock-climbing adeentures starting at $35. Contact Mike Pocock, Can-Do Recreations, RR3 CollingWood, Ont. L9Y 322. Telephone (705) 444- 6538. MORE THAN 461,000 Canadians visited the state of Georgia last year and 78 per cent of then; were from Ontario. If you're thinking of goifigthere you can get travel information from the Georgia Tourist Office, PO Box 7221, Oakville, O ' L6J 6L5. 5;". D D C TRAVELOG WELCOMEsffeed- back from readers and travel pro fessional. Interesting tips' and travel experiences should he sent to John Gibson, Travelog, The Spectator, 44 Frid Streets Ham- ilton L8N 363. '- . vvv--V