., (Story big 3Hqu fibobooa ' aflhotos EWDI'BH gllrancis ) " estleb rozilg-among statelg pines on aRioge gRoab, a beautiful {uhite frame house'stanos as a monument to one of the areas most historical families. '(Ilhe'tfrlalio ifiee :fiouse, origing coustructeb in lfifll, serbeo the ljfiee family for six generations anb note ewes as a liking reminber oft pioneer aano jflniteo Empire afiogalist life in goung Glanaoa. filhe home iuas also the site for the establishment of the first Women's 21n-- stitutes in the tuorlo, fuheo cfllr. ano cflllrs. firlanh 'jllee organize?! the associa- tion in 1837. about; the house is olnneh anh main- ' taineo by the fleoerateb Women's Eln-- stitutes of (fintario, anb serves as a museum anh historical site. ' Walhe original pioneer kitchen (has ' built in 1831," sags alone Gloombs, the ' ZErlano 'jfiee gt'lome hostess. uElhe front part of the house ions abbeb on in 1373 . ' ' Tithe filler family arrioeb in dIanaha from fillarulauo in .1732. 21s finiteh 3E1"- ? pire allogalists. fillsing uirgin pine from the property, flames filler anb his ioife ZFlzinuah constructeh a simple log cabin on the site. 'jllee useh the local pine for 1 much of the original furniture, incluoing __'___-- '"gilomes graham fielnspapers takes a peek insihe the region's heritage homes ' l '1 for the holihag a semen-toot china cupboarb finhich still stanbs in the pioneer kitchen. @112 back portion of the frame house [nus built in 1801 bg the 'fliee's elhest son aloha, ano in 1873 the front part of the "olb house" has aooeb bg Ejohn's son gbram. Stirlanh 'leee inheriteh the familg farm from his father Abram ano subsequean Diet in 1925. Finenmallg the family left the farm in 1954, anh a recommenhation bias pre-- senteo to the <@leberateit Women's Eln-- stitutes of Wu to purchase the hmne. 'Cllhis inas accomplisheh in 1972, as the gheherateh Momen's glostitntes of GDntario celebrateb its 75th anniversary. mobag the house is preserueh bu the gfieoerateo 331lomen's glnstitutes of (Dn- tario as one of the most beautiful "in-- tage homes in @ntario anh as a perma- nent memorial of Women's Zlnstitute beginnings. HrClo'urs run throughout the near ex-- cept Elebruarn," saib ctlltirs. QIoombs. @112 home cmrmins seven run-ms, rum-- plete (with perioo furnishings from the l'Jth century -- some original nub some purchaseo aub Donateo from arouuo the prooince. "g'llliuch of the honateh furniture tmues from the fleoernteo Minnen's Institutes of @ntario inomen ano from primate in-- oioiouals," explaineo cfillirs. (Elnombs. "(A local group of the iuomen also go out 'emtiquing' for fixrnishiugs zmo other perish articles." Tillie pioneer kitchen features all the furnishings anh utensils that fooulo have omnina'teh an earlg kitchen in the 181m 's. Whe room features a pioneer harvest table, millsonburg stone, gunstock chairs, copper tea kettle, ano various other householh utensils an?! tools. CAmong them is an rolling pin, crafteh bg girlanh 'jllee's cousin ano traoitionallg presenteb to a netn bribe. (Ehe parlor tons traoitionallg useo as the main entertainment area for the ear-- lg (flamihiau familg, anb the EErlanh glee parlor reflects this atmosphere. "fllhe parlor lnas a uerg sophisticateo room, selbom useo except for guests,H saib cllllirs. QIoombs. gmong the original furnishings in the parlor is the lHH-gear-olb pure foool fiersian carpet Euhich graces the pine (noon) floor. @he parlor fireplace is surrounoeo big an ebong teak cabinet anh shelffoork, blhich attaching to Lillirs. aloombs foas ' » quite a common practice During the time. V 3 (Sherlock-flaming organ from flotioon, (Butario is situateo at one eno of the parlor, lnhich also houses cherry (nooo chairs ano beutfoooh rockers. LA tnalnut centre table, horse-hair sofa, ano lobe seat complete the main furniture, as [1er as a so-calleo "Euhat-- not'staub", bubbeo so because it bias flat ano situateb against a luall. Some of the more beautiful articles in the parlor incluoe a lSfl--gear-olh guilt, a lnhite iflabarian oase, anb a pair of blue flingal fioulton uases. Ptfiocateo inst off the parlor, the bin- ing room features the constitutional table (uhere the original Eileherateb Women's Zlnstitutes of @utztriu charter Euas signeo in 13517. photostatic copy of the first original book of minutes from this historic session is on hisplag. Wino of the three beorooms incluite original ZErlano afiee furnishings, in-- cluoi'ug the heh, inatbrobe, ano oresser in the master beoromn. While most of the quilts anb couerlets are original, the majoritg of the smaller artifacts have been Donateo, such as stone-inure tuash lmsin sets. Elna of the original cover--lets reflect the flies family's fiagalin! herihge, as our is noorueo tuith an eagle hesigu, ant: the other loith :ln finneriran capital logo. @he family nursery houses a collec- tion of rhina--faceh Dolls, inhirh have all been Donateb. A [51th centuru crib ano Continued to page 3 CA pioneer version of the "jolly jumper" also same) as a betarhable rocking chair for irl'fams. Hostess $ime l'floombs inelcomes guests in the till" tartan parlor of the 'Erlaub glee Home. l , A Eanzer settling machine situateo in the l seloing room inns useo bu the women of the l" :lllre householb. l 9-7, ! l ; I In Whig mlfique oil lamp is but out "f {1", I; treasure: to he fauna in my Erhmh E" P