OFFICIAL OPENING OF 'fl-IE rm LEE HOME Angus t 9 th, 1975 Over 400 WOmen's Institute members and interested friends gathered at the Erland Lee Home, Ridge Road, Stoney Creek, for the official opening. The weather was cooperative, the shade of the front lawn trees inviting, and the group excited in the culmination of the project of the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario. The Honourable William A. Stewart, Minister of Agriculture and Food, brought greetings from hie Ministry and commended the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario for the great contribution made over the years toward the growth of the individual member, to the communities of Ontario, and now in acquiring the "Home" for members all over the world. Greetings were extended from the Associated Country Woman of the World by Deputy President, Dr. Irene Spry, and congratulatious were read from Mrs. J. McLean of Nova Scotia, President of the FWIC. Chairman of the event was Mrs. Harvey Noblitt, President of F1110, who gave a short history of the Lee family from James, a staunch United Empire Loyalist who came to Canada in 1792. High tribute was given to this progressive, public-spirited family who had played such a prominent part in the development of their community, and especially to Erland and his wife Janet for their initiative and support in the formation of the Women's Institute. With Adelaide Headless providing the idea, and Erland Lee the stimulus, the first WI was founded in 1897. The original Constitution was hand written by Janet Lee on the beautiful dining room table, still in the dining room of the Home. The last of the Lees to reside in the Home was Frank, son of Erland, and his wife Katie. Mrs. Gordon Conant of Oshawa, daughter of the first President (of the first Women's Institute), shared some of her memories of those days. Mrs. Leslie Tulk spoke for the Frank Lee family, expressing their pleasure that their home is being preserved by the Women's Institute. Mra- Thomas MoCreadie, President of Wentworth South District 111, recalled the day '-- May 28, 1961 --- when the District erected a memorial plaque on a large boulder at the front of the Home in recognition of Erland and Janet Lee. Mrs. Everett Small of Essex, a past President of FWIO, told of the ceremony which took place at this identical site on October 1, 1967, when the Historic Sites Board, at the instigation of the FWIO, ereoted a plaque in honor of the part played by Erland and Janet Lee and Adelaide Hoodlese. , 414~w \ -. The ribbon to officially open the "Hone" was ' . . ' "" . cut by Mrs. Russell Wise of Puslinch along with ' ' ' Mrs. Allan Dickenson, Mount Home, both of whom were members of the Committee which was instrument- al in initiating negotiations for the acquisition of the "Home", and by Mrs. Lilah Lymburner of Port Colborne, president of the HMO during the early period of negotiations. Among the special guests at the event were the daughters of Frank and Katie Lee: Hrs. R. L. Davis, Grimsby; Hrs. Frank man, Oakville, Miss Alison Lee, Guelph, and Mrs. Leslie Tull: of Newfoundland. Miss Marjorie Lee of Hamilton and Mrs. H. C. Freal, stoney Creek. daughters of Erland and Janet Lee, were also present. Following the impressive ceremony the guests , toured the Heme and Drive House, then enjoyed. { refreshments served beneath a large marquee erected at the back of the preperty by members of Ventworth County Women's Institutes. V l ~v . ' y a. v hf -. _ n" ' LII- Vé v'r' '. Wet. if his." NE. A A .1. .- _ x! | n ,4}... 2'3