ABBAM cont inued 4 exported Greening apples to Britain. When the TH 6: B (Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo) Railway was put through, they bought a right of way from ' I V the preperty. FAMILY of ABBAM and Mills. PEI! L3") : MARCUS married Ida Crosthnaite, and Abram bought him the adjoining farm to the south. Marcus was the producer of the lee itaple Syrup. He joined the Canadian Militia and rese to be Major. His only son Harry E'rlanl lee was killed at the Somme September 1916. Marcus had three daughters: Ethel was a nursing sister in the First World War, Muriel and Helen. MAGGIE attended HamiltOn Ladies' College where she became a friend of Margaret Chisholm, and it was through this friendship that Erland Lee and Janet Chisholm met. naggie is credited with chesing the name of "Emmonr' for the home ----- doubtless because it was built at the edge of the mountain. She, too, was instnxmental in persuading her father to build the front two rooms with the high ceilings which were pepular in that age. Maggie married Lardner Grosthwaite, brother of Ida. ' F. ERLAND who stayed on the homestead. He married Janet Chisholm and they had 5 children. (See next history.)