Efiangtnn For our Feb. 19 celebration a luncheon was held in tillsenburg. The Anniversary table was centered with brass candelabra with 4 royal blue candles and a gold candle in the centre, W.I. memorabilia, including the Stoney Creek founding plate and the 100th Anniversary plate, designed by one of our members, a silver tea service and anniversary cake decorated the table. Members were in centennial dress with former members as guests, Each member brought a luncheon dish that their ancestors used to make. Three large tables featured scrap books, antiques, matching dress, hat shoes, purse and even a hat pin. This belonged to a member's deceased aunt and was over 100 years old and in mint condition. Short course booklets in which members were involved during our 63 years were also displayed The surprise announcement was of one of our members being a recipient of the Centennial award We video taped our day, 4 Centennial Garden at Langton Fire Hall ifigmhntlt We celebrated on Feb. 19 with 6 other branches of our district and in June three members of our branch traveled to Hamilton to participate in the special Centennial Event. In September we entered a float in the Delhi Harvest Fest parade to proclaim the 100th Anniversary It featured three large banners with the W.I. crest. Lynedoch W.I. completed their festivities with a history display in the United Church. It featured scrapbooks of old pictures, newspaper clippings and histories of local homes and farms. Lynedoch was a thriving village with five hotels, a cheese factory, brick yard, saw mills, grist mill, ablacksmith shop and four churches. Lynedoch W.I. History Display } Efignn 33211121; Lynn Valley W.I., together with members from five other branches, met in St. Paul's Anglican Church in Port Dover to celebrate the founding of the Women's Institute. A buffet luncheon was prepared following the suggested menu. The program was opened by District and Lynn Valley Life Member, Mildred Moore, who has been an Institute member for 60 years. She lit the candle in celebration of 100 years of W.I. Speaker Isobel Powell addressed the Motto "Celebrate the Past, Challenge the Future".The rest of the meeting followed the guidelines as designed by the Easter Area. Lynn Valley branch exhibited at the Norfolk County Fair in the W.I. division. The theme was "the Centennial of the founding of Women's Institute". Snapshots told the story of the Centennial celebrations and the founding of Brock University was the W.I. an accomplishment that was written about, Centennial Flowerbed Lynn Valley Branch and four neighboring W.I. branches worked together to prepare and maintain a flower'oed in Wellington Park, Simcoe. A Centennial flowerbed was created Funds were provided by the branches to purchase plant material. We looked after weeding for the summer and the Parks Department watered the bed and cleaned it out in the fall. A large blue and gold sign proclaims "Women's Institute 100 Years for Home and Country", Approximately 1300 plants in shades of blue and gold depicted the W.I. Crest. Eittnria . , ' . - ;._ Vittoria W.I.met at the town hall to observe the 100th anniversary of the founding of ' g . the Institute movement on February 19, l997.Twenty-one members and guests began the \Q'fif"; 9/ I 'S afternoon with a sandwich luncheon. Three members dressed as Adelaide Hoodless, Janet \'J 4", , Lee and Erland Lee. Others dressed in period costumes. Marion Chadwick cut the Anniversary cake . Frances Walsh and Ada Stenclik, our oldest members poured tea. They were presented with corsages and life memberships previous to this. President, Jackie Chadwick presided and the proposed agenda was followed. Kathleen Dick, Eva Swing, Marion Wilks, Joan Johnston and Marian Bezzo will be made life members of the branch in April and May. Gertrude Smith was thanked for the large W.I. sign made for this special day. A collection was taken for the Headquarters Fund. Our branch has 27 members. Eva Swing as Adelaide Hookless, Carol Tupper as Erland Lee and Frances Walsh as Janet Lee.