Einroln fioutlr Bionic! gRooehene Two members dressed in authentic costumes greeted the guests: Mayor Konkle, Lorne Nelson and his wife, a former member, Ladies Friendship Circle of a . local Church and ladies of two other local churches. The Hall and tables were decorated in blue and gold The suggested programme was followed and various members added local information. Rosedene Tweedsmuir histories were on display and much interest shown A buffet lunch followed We found this an effective means to promote W.I. in tile community. fitnelzmh A Centennial Tea was enjoyed by friends and neighbours who attended. The Tweedsmuir histories were on display and W.I. colours were used at the tables. afiirgil On Feb. 19, 1997 we met at the home of Nan Ford A special ceremony, led by Margery Brownlee and Kathy Moran was held with all members reading the parts of the WI. history and lighting candles. The Community Builders branch joined us for a potluck lunch at the home of Peggy Muir in St. Davids. Louise Smith developed a trivia game based on WI. and Virgil branch history. The branch celebrated the 100$h anniversary with a large floral display at the entrance to Niagara-on-the--Lake. The W.I. crest and centennial years were painted on a sign in the garden. with blue and gold flowers around the border. A quilted banner was designed for the June Convention. It was displayed on a royal blue backgron with gold lettering and various fnrits grown in the area and the date ofthe founding of the Virgil Branch in 1916. Norfolk North Eistttrt About 50 members of the Norfolk North District met on Feb. 19, 1997 in the Villa Nova Baptist Church to celebrate the Centennial of the first W.I. meeting held in Stoney Creek Greeting everyone at the door was District President, Lis Buckborough, dressed as Adelaide Headless, and District Secretary-Treasurer, Marian Austin, dressed as Erland Lee. Greetings were brought form Mayor Rita Kalbach, who presented a framed certificate to the president and a congratulatory letter was read from M.P. Bob Speller. The branches present were Bealton, Lynnville, Villa Nova and Wilvancrest . and Villa Nova Junior WI. The Centennial song was sung. Minutes of the first meeting were read along with the first meeting of the branches, read by the present secretaries. Lunch consisted of homemade soup, sandwiches, tea biscuits and homemade jam and desserts. The room was decorated with many antiques and artifacts, century-old quilts and clothing, coal-oil lamps and books. These antiques were suppled by Loretta Demers who needs a special commendation for bringing these to the hall and transforming the hall back to the 1800s Marion Anderson - Treas. Bealton W1. and Nellie Kruis draw attention to old-fashioned clothes and prices in Eaton's catalogue. } alignmnlz Our branch made a beautiful quilt, as our Centeruiial project There were many tiny pieces and it was a work of art. We sold over 1600 tickets and had a profit of $1300.00. It was drawn at our Christmas meeting The lucky Winner was a local lady, who came to our meeting soon after being informed and of course she was thrilled with her beautiful new quilt. Norfolk fiouth Biatt'itt On February, 19, 1997 six branches in Norfolk South joined together in celebrating the Women's Institute 100th Anniversary at St Paul's Anglican Church in Port Dover. The program and lunch followed the suggested format. The hostess for the day was Fay Linn, President of Lynedoch W.I. Isabelle Powell of Lakeshore W.I. spoke on the motto. . Norfolk North and South Districts Fall Rally and Fashion Show featuring a specmcular cake celebrating 100 years. }