Hastings East Etatritt July 5, 1997, Shannonville Fair Grounds was the place to be for lots of good old fashioned fun, Hastings East District Women's Institute hosted ans Old- Fashioned Fair to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Women's Institute. It was a beautiful sunny day that had a great start with races for children of all ages, followed by the three-legged race and the wheelbarrow race. Prizes were awarded for the best decorated bicycles. Inside the buildings, judges were busy deciding who should be given first prize for bread, buns and pies. Each of the nine branches in the district hosted a booth, from food to fortune telling. In the afternoon there were log sawing contests and nail-driving contests that were for male and female, young and old. Entertainment had fiddlers, singers, dancing puppets and a step-dancing contest. Prize- winning baking was auctioned ofl'. Local businesses donated the prizes. An enjoyable day for all. Allison Wendell and Alisia Glass in 3 legged race. Alta Vance in Centennial dress. b WOMENS INSTITUTE Hats off] say to everyone, let us give one grand salute To the fine and noble Ladies of the Women 19 Institute. Great deeds the Institute has done, but the greatest you '1] agree Was to purchase what was known as the C oughlan property. And to change this piece of real estate, from mud holes damp and dark To a play ground for the children, and a lovely baseball park. Deep excavations were filled in. by local boys and men And farmer boys with horses, they too helped, now and then. Old rubbish these men cleared away. hreat trees they did uproot. And all this work was finished, by the Women 's Institute. And on next Friday evening, with the help of you and me, The Institute will celebrate, its fifth anniversary. To attend this entertainment. it will really be worthwhile. So come and bring your family, if you have to walk ten mile. The talent will be up to date. admission will be fair. So come and jam the hall from wall to wall, let there be no vacant chair. To help these Ladies carry on, here 's your opportunity. So open up your pocket book, be generous and free. The man who writes this story. he has no bank account. But to help along the Institute, will donate a small amount. Yes I 'll donate a dollar. if you folks will follow suit T 'will be used for deeds of kindness. by the Women's Institute This poem was written by BIG AL SCRIVER, 1884-1976. The beloved poet of Hastings Village. All's poems were well know in the local paper the "Hastings Star" and often published. Hastings was formerly know as Crooks Rapids and is on the Trent River. (flhapmatt F Chapman Women's Institute, at their June meeting on International Affairs, entertained Hart's Riggs branch. A Chapman member showed slides of her trip to Holland to visit a pen pal. At their December meeting the branch donated to the Belleville General Hospital for needed supplies. Their most recent project was a cheque to the local park for the purchase of a picnic table. The donation was in recognition of the 100th Anniversary of WI. Chapman w.1. was formed in 1950. L-R - Jean Thompson P.R.O; Helen Hunt-charter member, Ruth Higgins, Tweed Parks, Ethel Bateman--charter member ' findings Meet fiiatrici (Prelude Event) Hastings West District Women's Institute hosted "Footprints to the Past" on June 5, 1996, in the Stirling Community Hall and Library Complex. This event as a prelude, gave many a chance to appreciate their heritage. Over two hundred elementary pupils from Stirling and Frankford schools, parents, teachers, and public, followed footprints to the seventeen stations. Table exhibited branch and district Tweedsmuir Histories, varied and informative demonstrations and displays. Those in attendance viewed the research and handiwork of the crafispeople. There was a memorabilia related to railway, farm, sewing, quilting, knitting, spinning, weaving, tatting, etc. to view. The Stirling Historical Society had articles, of a time when Stirling had train service; hand-powered tools, small farm equipment and household items such as an apple peeler and a dash churn Photo: Beatrice Harry explains weaving to interested pupils. )