Cottam WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 1
- Publication
- Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON), [1974]-[1989]
- Créateur
- Ethel Wilcox (Curator) and Cottam Women's Institute, Creator
- Médias
- Text
- Image
- Object
- Type d'élément
- Scrapbooks
- Description
- - List of Strawberry varieties
- Introduction to Cottam Tweedsmuir
- Lord and Lady Tweedsmuir and Foreword
- Portrait of Adelaide Hunter Hoodless
- Obituary of Lady Susan Tweedsmuir
- Tweedsmuir Histories: how they began, where are they now? And of what value are Tweedsmuir Histories?
- Essex South District WI Officers for 1979-80
- History of Cottam WI
- Article, “Essex South WI Returns Officers
- Program, 25th Anniversary Southwestern Area Convention
- 1975 Area Convention
- Course in Interior Design for Women’s Group, 1975
- Article about a nutrition course offered by the Ministry of Agriculture
- Program, 54th District Annual, South Essex Women’s Institute, 1961
- Article, “Lots of Fun and Food on Farm Tour”
- 69th Essex South District Annual, 1976
- Articles about election of South Essex District WI Officers, 1960s-1980s
- 68th Essex South District Annual, 1975
- Southwestern Area Convention elections, 1978
- Article about Essex County Tartan
- 1967 installation of officers at Cottam WI meeting
- Cottam WI celebrates 80 years, no date
- Photo of 1973 Sewing Course, “More about Knits”
- Sylvia Charette and Mrs. Ruby Robertson give accounts of their time as WI members
- Report of the 57th District Annual Meeting, South Essex WI
- Testimonial to Mrs. Eileen Small upon her Retirement as Provincial President FWIO by Mrs. Ray Lee of Olinda, 1968
- Biography of Eileen Small
- The History of the Institute, 1952
Early Industry and Agriculture in Essex County
o Railroads
o Carriage and motor boat manufacturing, auto industry
o Agriculture: grain, wheat, corn, butter, cheese, dairy
- Article about Mrs. Everett (Eileen) Small, FWIO President
- Article, “Leamington hosts convention for Area Women’s Institute”
- Article, “Mrs. Everett Small Re-Elected Head of Ontario WI Federation”
- Article, “Made in Canada Label Advantages Explained”
- 1985 executive of Essex South WI elected
- 70th anniversary dinner for WI
- Article, “WI Attendance Riles President”
- Various clippings about Cottam WI meetings and activities, 1985
- Article, “Woman of the Week: W.I. Provides Leadership Training,” 1975 (Mrs. Ercell Merritt)
- Photo of Cottam WI members, not date but could be 1930s/40s
- Various Clippings about Cottam WI meetings and activities, 1950s/60s
- Cottam WI takes a day trip to Payne’s Mill in Elgin County, 1965
- Various clippings about Cottam WI meetings and activities, 1980s
- Article on Orpha Trepanier, area president
- List of 50th wedding anniversaries of Institute members, 1930s-80s
- 50th wedding anniversary notices for Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bunn; Mr. and Mrs. William Queen; Mr. and Mrs. William Beno; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Henderson; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Meston; Edna and John McOuat; Mr. and Mrs. James Lonsberry; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alexander; Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Scratch; Clark and Lila Kendrick
- Article, “Women’s Institutes Vote for Amalgamation”
- 50th wedding anniversary notices for Mr. and Mrs. William Queen; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dewhirst; diamond wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bunn
- Article, “Cottam WI Completes 75” and a tribute to Mrs. Beatrice Wilcox
- Booklet, “Adelaide Hoodless: Woman with a Vision”
- Article about the Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead
- Pamphlet about the Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead
- Article about the founding of the Stoney Creek Women’s Institute, written by Marjorie C. Lee
- Article, “W.I. Seeking Help to Save Homestead”
- Tweedsmuir tea held by the WI, 1982
- Article, “W.I. Members go to School for a Day,” 1981
- Library notes by Howard Bruner, 1972
- Articles and photos of the 2nd annual Cottam Art Show, no date
- Cottam quilt show, 1982
- Article, “Townships born during bitter feud over railway”
- Articles about the opening of the Fire Hall and Public Library
- Article on chief librarian Hilda Brooke
- Cottam celebrates Proclamation Day, when Canada’s post office became a crown corporation, 1981
- Article, “Corner Garage Owner Honoured,” 1978
- Article, “Cottam artist’s paintings designed to fill a tall order,” no date
- Various news regarding Girl Guides flying up ceremony and gold cord presentations, 1960s
- Newspaper photograph, "Centennial Launched in Style," 1987
- Articles about Cottam Scouts/Cubs, 1955
- Article, "Pride of Softball Team at Cottam is Pitcher with One Arm--His Left," 1950s
- Articles/photos about/of Essex agriculture: tobacco and fruit, 1947
- Photo, "Cottam Guiders Receive All-Around Cord"
- Photo of Myrtle McLelland, Hazel McLeod and Ron, Thory Wilcox, Beatrice Wilcox, Bill Crossley and John Montgomery
- Photo of Thory Wilcox's Garage
- "Cottam 1938," article about Thory Wilcox's garage, written by Beatrice Wilcox in 1974
- Articles about Cottam airport hanger, golf course, and James Grant and Son Seed Co., 1960s
- "Cottam Soldier Aboard Troopship En Route to Korea," 1954
- Articles about local soldiers A.W. Mills and A.V.H. Haggins, 1940s
- Geraldine McLelland Regimental Sgt Major Col. 1 Star MBE Member of British Empire awarded for loyalty and devotion to duty by the King at reception Buckingham Palace
- Photo, "Blood Donor No. 16,000 as Western Ontario Clinic Pays Visit to Cottam," 1944
- Article about Delys Cowan, resource teacher
- "Our Woman of the Week," Mrs. Clare Siverns, 1975
- Article about new church organ at Ruscom United Church
- "Woman of the Week" article about Mrs. Madeline Wallace, 1975
- "The Historian Knows it all--Almost" article about Madeline Wallace, 1979
- "53 Years of Work Pay off in Albino Raccoons for Cottam Breeder
- 1929 photo of the local Gravel Pit
- 50 year pins awarded to local Legion members
- "Cottam Legion Auxiliary Receives Charter," 1960s
- Death notice for Pte. Robert E. Halbegewachs
- Corporal Harry W. Manchester turns 23, no date
- "Red Cross Activities," 1940s, 1970
- "Cottam and Gosfield North Children Learning to Swim"
- Historic photos of Cottam
- Newspaper photo of work beginning on the sewage system, 1975
- 1915 (?) Photo of the Cottam Quartette
- 1930s/40s news clippings: Mrs. Harry Clifford death notice, "Cottam Girl Dies," Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Williams celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary
- Various photos of Cottam people, 1920s
- Various clippings from 1930s/1940s
- Article, "Ends 'Cool' 50 Years: Metal Worker Recalls 1908 Paydays," 1958
- Article, "Kept Busy as Lawyer at Nights: No Legal Man in Village, so Mr. Milne Moonlights," 1962
- "Summer Scene at Cottam Wins First Prize in Camera Competition," 1951
- "Essex County Children Get First Chance to Try Skates"
- "Cottam Bicentennial Real Celebration," 1984
- "Cottam Olympian's View: Amateurs won't last"
- Articles about Bob Wilcox
- "Wizard of Oz...Superb Performance by Gosfield Students"
- Various Graduation announcements, 1980s
- Death notice for Delmer Bridgen, 1980s
- "Malotts Share Interest in Aviary"
- Article about Fred Collard, 1975
- Article about Cottam Bicentennial Celebration
- "Today's Woman" article about Mrs. Elmer Clarkson, 1975
- Obituary for Mrs. Harry Newman
- "Recreation Building for Cottam," 1974
- "Physical Fitness Pays off in Cottam"
- "Cottam's New Post Office may be Finished in Late Summer," 1957
- Photo of Band Committee, no date
- "A New Citizen," 1963
- Article and photos of Mrs. W.H. Neville
- "Cottam Public School Holds First Graduation Exercises," 1960
- "Pupils Honour Teacher of 60 Years Ago," 1972
- Biography of Bob Wilcox
- "Cottam Agent's Name Given to New School, 1955
- Program from the Official Opening of John C. Montgomery Public School, 1955
- Articles, "At Liberal Convention in Kingsville" and "Rotary Club Members Hear Talk on Russia," 1940s
- Article on John C. Montgomery
- Obituary of John C. Montgomery
- Article, "Gosfield North Honours Former Warden," Joe Newman
- Photo of Frank Wilcox, early 1900s
- Poems about home, family, firefighters
- "Two Stories" by Roberta Haggins
- Articles about John C. Montgomery School
- Article, "Cottam's Early Home Moved to Museum," 1978
- Article, "Gosfield North Township celebrating 100th Anniversary
- Genealogical information about the Quick family
- Article, "Graveyard vandals strike the county," 1980
- Photo, "Cottam Man Turns to Wood Carving for Health's Sake,"1939
- Article about Talbot Road
- Article about Cottam Pioneer Cemetery
- History of Gosfield North, written in 1952
- History of Gosfield North, written in 1924-25
- Article about Cottam Cemetery and Women's Institute (maintenance done to the cemetery by Cottam WI)
- Original documents: Donations to cemetery plot owners
- Article, "Cottam Cemetery Fund"
- Photo, "Veteran's Plot at Cottam Cemetery Dedicated," 1948
- Program, "Dedication and Unveiling Ceremony of the Cottam War Crosses," 1948
- Program, "Zone A-2 Drumhead Service under the auspices of Cottam," 1962
- Photos of Cottam WI painting the Cemetery fence, 1964
- Article, "Residents to Watch Cemeteries; Township to Fix Headstones," 1980
- Photos of cemetery vandalism, 1980
- Articles about repairs and upgrades to the Cottam cemetery, 1981
- Article, "Time Capsule History Search"
- Article and photo, "The Old and the New Telephone Office," 1960
- Gosfield North Telephone System Directory, 1940
- Article, "Dialling Service Okayed"
- Photos of Switchboard operators before the switchover to phone dialing
- Article about Mae Hill, telephone operator for 47 years, 1960
- Article, "Pioneer Village Starts in Essex"
- Maps of Gosfield North area
- Centennial Tea Book, 1967 (guests register)
- Article, "Successful Centennial Tea Held by Cottam WI"
- List of ideas for Centennial Projects
- Invitation to Cottam WI's Centennial tea and articles about the tea
- "Community Improvement and Beautification" list of ideas
- Articles and photos about Cottam Centennial celebrations, 1967
- "Confederation Train and Caravans"
- Poster, "1967 Centennial Horse Show"
- Article and photos, "A page from the past: Kingsville threshers highlight gala"
- Booklet, "The Heritage of Cottam United Church, 1867-1967"
- Program, "Cottam United Church, 1914-1964 50th Anniversary Services"
- Article, "Cottam Corner Stone Laying," from the Essex Free Press, 1913
- Officers of Women's Auxiliary in 1947
- Jottings from Cottam United Church Women Records, 1920s
- "County UCW Presidents have Cottam Church Home," 1987
- "UCW Members Honour Presidents"
- "Woman of the Week," Mrs. Dorothy Malott
- "Cottam Church Dedicates New Organ as 700 Watch," 1948
- "Cottam Singers Put Final Touches to Minstrel Show," 1940s
- 1950 activities of the Women's Auxiliary
- Article about Cottam United Church, 1974
- "New Curriculum Tested," 1966
- Articles about Cottam United Church, 1960s
- "Cottam and District Veterans of World War II Honoured at Banquet and Presentation in Home Town Last Night," no date
- "Dr. and Mrs. V. McEachern Say Farewell," 1974
- "Cottam Minister Inducted"
- "Cottam Minister Ordained," 1982
- "Cottam's New Baptist Church to be Opened Sunday," 1950
- "Cottam Baptist Opening Ceremonies," 1975
- Article about Cottam Baptist Church
- Booklet, "Historical Notes, 1866-1966," Trinity Anglican Church, Cottam
- "Little White Church of her Childhood"
- "Trinity Church to mark its 100th anniversary"
- "Trinity Tribute to Percy Bowers"
- "History of North Ridge United Church," 1961
- Booklet, "History of Baptist Work at Brooker, 1876-1976"
- "Old Schools in Essex County Being Replaced by Modern Buildings," 1952
- Photo of North Ridge School No. 8, 1907
- "Election Fight Keenly Contested in Gosfield North," 1964
- 1883-1983: Doctors in Essex
- "Ethel Allison Day in Woodslee," 1977
- "Our Woman of the Week," Ethel Allison, 1977
- "Teacher to end 26-year career," Weltha Montgomery
- "The Capturing of History in Essex," 1979
- "Celebrating Anniversaries Together," 1987
- "35th Anniversary of the Rotary Club of Cottam," 1975
- "Rotary Learns Origins of Rescue Doll," 1987
- "There's Strength in Gosfield Officialdom," 1974
- Program, "Tenth Anniversary of the Founding of The Cottam Rotary Club and Dedication of Rotary Memorial Park, Cottam," 1950
- "Rotary Numbering Cottam," 1974
- "Tractor-Driving Contest to Highlight Cottam"
- "New Center Fulfills Prophecy," 1975 (Essex County Civic and Education Centre)
- Articles about Jack Miner Bird Sanctuary
- "Wallace officially inducted into Hall of Fame"
- "Heritage Festival Opens in Kingsville"
- "History of South Woodslee WI"
- "Woodslee Woman Takes Prize for 'Black Rain' Mystery"
- Articles and obituary about Madeline Wallace
- Souvenir booklet, "Dr. Stephen F. Millen: 50 Years of Service to the Community, South Woodslee," 1955
- "Memories of Lake Erie Shores"
- "Essex to Fete Beloved 'Doc' Millen," 1955
- Obituary of Dr. Stephen F. Millen
- "See Comets Under these Cozy Quilts," 1989
- Photograph, Royal Wedding of Princess Anne and Capt. Mark Phillips - Date de l'original
- [1974]-[1989]
- Sujet(s)
- Agriculture
Blood donations
Centennial celebrations
Drama clubs
Emigration & immigration
Fire stations
Galleries & museums
Maintenance & repair
Political elections
Post offices
Railroad stations
Telephone companies
Theatrical productions
Time capsules
Tobacco industry
Women's Institutes
Bands (Music) - Langage de l'élément
- English
- Couverture géographique
Ontario, Canada
Latitude: 42.13339 Longitude: -82.74982
- Licence de Creative Commons
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- Déclaration de droit d'auteur
- Protected by copyright: Uses other than research or private study require the permission of the rightsholder(s). Responsibility for obtaining permissions and for any use rests exclusively with the user.
- Détenteur du droit d'auteur
- Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario (FWIO)
- Conditions d'utilisation
- For commercial use, please contact copyright holder for permission and details
- Notes de reproduction
- Contact the holder of the original. If the book is in a member's home, please contact the copyright holder.
- Contacter
- Federated Women's Institutes of
Adresse Internet:
Adresse postale d'agence552 Ridge Road
Stoney Creek, ON L8J 2Y6