This is a travel scrapbook created by Mrs. Florence Nash (President of the Stoney Creek WI) to chronicle her 1965 trip to England and Scotland which included attending the UK WI AGM. Included in this
This is a travel scrapbook created by Mrs. Florence Nash (President of …
This document consists of the 1897 Women's Institute Consitution and Bylaws and the first Meeting Minutes for meetings between 1897 and 1900. The Women's Institute Constitution was hand-penned by Jan
This document consists of the 1897 Women's Institute Consitution and Bylaws and …
Inner front cover reads: "This BOOK was commenced to keep the records of the visit made to the MOTHER INSTITUTE by MISS ELIZABETH CHRISTMAS - 1945 - After my first term of office some personal pictur
Inner front cover reads: "This BOOK was commenced to keep the records …
"Memoirs of The Mother Institutes Golden Jubilee Stoney Creek 1807 - 1947" (1807 is an error-should read 1897) - Photos of poster, "50th Anniversary Women's institute June 18th, 1947, OAC Guelph - We
"Memoirs of The Mother Institutes Golden Jubilee Stoney Creek 1807 - 1947" …
Stoney Creek WI Scrapbook by F.B. Nash, 1897-1962 - "A Prayer" by Rev. W.A. Young, Women's Institute Holiday, Guelph - Program for "Scholarship Award Banquet," OAC, 1962 (24 pages) - Program for "Sch
Stoney Creek WI Scrapbook by F.B. Nash, 1897-1962 - "A Prayer" by …
This is a scrapbook compiled between 1967 and 1979 by Lorna M. Rogers, President of the Stoney Creek branch of the Women's Institutes. It contains: - Invitation to Stoney Creek Jubilee Banquet, 1947
This is a scrapbook compiled between 1967 and 1979 by Lorna M. …
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