72â€"“ R'éE’cue on Whi’réiyflake \Htethcr ll |\ “lulu pcuplu an: sntmmtng or hunting. druuntng 'dL" cidents seem In nucur ttll Inn nl'ten til this time of )cur. Hnwmcr, fluttth in the quick thinking 01' a “l‘lllk' l/Lllu.‘ cmtagcr one dark night last July. nnc possible boatingtragcdynas a\0|dCLl. Jim Monctlc of Three Mtlc Buy raced to the rescue ul a buatcr uho “as knoekcd intU the uatcr \then his built struck a submerged object. The man. Harold Turner was returning home alone in his 10 hursepmaer aluminum boat u hen the acctdent occurred L_ Hi 'I tttnut‘ \\£l\ lilting into the “ater and In dunger ol' being run over by his own boat ultiuh was circling madly around him. He tried to mint and call for help but was forced to submerge often It) timid being hit by the boat‘ Fnrtuntttelyt Jim Monctte was nearby on his duck and heard the crash and mes for help. He jumped into hi , tmn boat and equipped with only a' flashlight managed to locate the struggling snirnmer. Mr Monctte qutclxly tltre“ a life preserwr to the mun and pulled him to safety while the second boat continued ‘ to circle [he two of thcmt It continued its mad circling until after about 25 times. it finally struck rocks and stepped. Mr Monette often comes to the rescue of stranded motorists in White Lake, but it's the first time he has etcr saved a man from almost certain drowning, Go-ah