Warsaw’s tiny bank, succumbs to pragmss AFTER bl years \\l[h lls ‘ un‘n iilllliilnE [umhlles the village of Wm an" l3 miles ule M PP l‘bol‘ough will be willmul [ill-m Out. 26 wilL‘ll the RU 1 Bank Canada l 0305 i small l'ClIled office on Mill St (,‘lnfl: ul 11n- mm-dily-rlcl‘- \vr‘ck alIlml \llnl’l he a calanr ily lor the village 200 refl- <Il ls and the surrounding men s fa'lm‘rs. lnll lllusl fuel lhele \l'lll be same prohienls ‘4an are so in see ll gel in a building 15 fuel ll 2 and 25 Kent Ian; (he mil‘liflLul'l' bank has men a branch of the Roval Bémll al Nalu'ood, 12 Ill lcs wullllrnsl, "I‘ll? Nurwnuli bank 5 manager lnnw James Pal-suns) and one teller have lrzlvclll: tn \Val’sgw each Musl businesses here use bigger banks in Felerhnrough or elsewhere. bul farmers, pensioners and ulller residents and small organizations find (he bank a l'allvunienl‘e. Allhough they did not My on the small bank. operators GI “ll‘ In!) Ia l'ge grocery slows m (In \‘illagl‘ alsn dn nol like la see ll leavel Thcl'u are many recipients at family allowance cheques. as well as pensioners, in [he ALLAN PAYNE RECALLS BANK OPENING Car travel has reduced its use TELLER MRS. IRENE WOOD LIKES OUTING BUT NOT BANK'S WINTERMC Custumer Mrs. Gerald Hampton says. village; “will. miss; lhe m“ urea, am] the lwn stnl'ekeep- ers â€" Marlin Herz and Hadley Ansley â€" Ilgllre loss of the bank means they may be ask- rll lu ("ash marl- cheques They prefer nol m have a Int 0! cash on hand, Also, [armors came in lawn especially far [he one day ol bullklllg and mi: generated a llllle murc business (or lhe sun-es Work in city The hull: of {he villagr's young adulls work in Peter homugh or elsewhere and loss ul llle bank is not looked on . as a great inconvenience fur" { lhem. Wood. look on the Cinslng with mixed feelings, The trip has has bran a pleasant change for the bank personnel haml- ling the onenay assignment, On the other hand. sald Mrs. Wood (with a shiver), ‘ the basememless. coalalld» wand heated building became snmelhlng M an icebnx irl wmler with customers one.» ing and closing the door only n law feel {ram the counter. ‘l, .I “-