Bruce county Women’s histjtute rally held in Tiverton Bv PA'riuci/t CALHOUN Spi‘i'iul to SCN Thu 40th annuul mitot- ing of the Bruce County Womrn's Institute Rally \MLN hold in the ’l'tverton Community Centre on 'l'hursday, Oct. 26 With l'I-u rzitiUn at 9 am. He. branches for the day were 'l'ivcrton. Ltndorwoud. Walkcrtun. Willisrrolt and Zion Antilbt‘l 'l'homc for the Rally was life Is Like a Garden. Stu, itnr Treasurer. linrcnn Mync/ldam gave tho niinutos. treasurer report and correspon- donrc Thunk you's were read from the two 4â€"H mem- hors who rci'oived awards at the Grey Bruce Judging Ciinipulition that were sponsori‘d by the Women's Institute. In order for ï¬nals of Bruno to carry onI volun- ti‘nm ilrl‘ urgently needed or this pro rain will fold. so hnpefuly new volun- toi'm will come forward. Roll Call was A Garden Hint by each branch and $1 pl‘t‘ member of Each brunt-h for the Adelaide Ilimdloss Homestead. Judv MzicKinnon intro- dun‘d our guest speaker. Mztrtin Quinn of Kinrurdine who provided it Slldl‘ presentation on Urnami'ntal Crosses and l’rri'nnizils which he has been working with for sev- eral yo' '5. W- all learned a great (li‘ul from all the different minors and how flowms t‘lln bl‘ planted among thoni. llt‘tty Annt‘ Thompson thanked the speaker for his rosuntation. 'i'w Tartan Report. was pawn by Mary Zieflnr who rrpurtcd the ha a good summer seling 'l‘nrutn :irliclcs iit difl'Brnnl fum- tions in the county. Women (Continued from Page till tinny pl'tlt‘s poruiinin in uurdonin ’ were hilmlt‘ out during t n- day, an wt‘ll :t‘ tltt‘ :utrurtive Flowr-r a Museum rcput‘l was pro and ll} Marion Sch orfl and mid by Linda F iburgm: uirporsnn Linda urgrr thankrd ovrry~ ono t'or tht-ir sup art In her 1nd wn are ooking forward tLt ti busy your in Women‘s Institult‘. Gicnnc Weber intru- durvd our glll‘k'ls prior to lunt‘h. Thii atlomntin srssuin began with u Sing Sung led by Walkerton Wl. Business included that the Grey Brunt: Women‘s Institute will do thn lunch and the lunch breaks for Farmers Week Jan. 3 to 7. 2001 at the FJtanUd Community Centre ' In June 2001, AfleW Convention will be held in Hamilton, Ontario ll' thorn is onou h inter- est in going .1 us trip could ht: arrangin For more information contact Lois Freiburgor, Our urea Convention has than , their date in Oct, 23, 2001 so our Rally date has been changed to the first Tuesday in October in Tivci‘toni John Lennon from Outdoor Education ttnd Enironmental Studios spoke to us about the il- ity at the Oli ham [or n. and Inns or building a now acilily. Brur't‘ Count Women's Institute format :1 roninLit- ten to hth‘ u ritl‘l'le on [our amnion; find tickt-Lc. will lif‘ availablo for niombvm to sell. with proreods ning tu hnlp with lht‘ nnw zu‘ili- ty. A humourons skit Fiirmint,r ’l‘akos ti \'\'(inia.n‘s 'l'ourli was l‘t‘St‘l’ll(‘d b) the Willisrro t Branch Lois lirniburgt‘r gavt‘ a simrt rupurt un llio Fwtr: Convention thiit sho altnndr‘d in Manitobtt tn Juno. [Sine Womt‘n on Page 29) tublr centres (Iourtt-suis for tho day worn givon by (iiontw Wubvr. 'l'liv liil’l‘llng t-onr i'ludt‘d with lhl‘ lltiyzil Anthem Corning i-i't-ntk .‘ll'l‘ lllt‘ liistrii‘t Dit' tor: in .\l.mli .nid tliv Illillll’l :\l]nlli’tl in \t.‘i_ In tum; it." w in MILDRED LUELLA lAYLOR Darn-‘i'Warzh 33. 1905 Dwd iVIay 2.5, 2:100 “is u IVE/HIS Min mt Lint ill/rpm in ml I/lt‘ ti l\‘ 1mg nil my unit] mi [nut-um. nut: 'lu t tiltmu . mutt, i'ml uni tum will at It l‘lli/lt'i/ and (lit in.» in my l\ m t r u/iil titzr “mi u “my Tim. m Iliv nit n t mm in tJllr um out int! he. rim/u lltll\ MAI. imil pt'um in my littl’ - t tinltimt YrumJtt TANNEH .Q RSUN l HOUSTON Margaret. Elstc. Houston of Lucknow. passed away at the Wingham hospilal on August 30. 2000 She was 86 Survivcd by four sons. lay ‘or Hong Kong, Hugh 0 Alberta, Kenneth and Joy n tHarristun and Wallace and Kerry of Ripley; grandchildren Lynne Houston. Duane and Heath Houston. Amy and Angie Houston. Dana, Alison and Drew Houston. Predeceascd by her husband 1. Harvey Houston. parents William and Maggie (Napper) Taylor, two brothers Merton and Raymond Taylor and SIEICP lfl'lflw Luella Taylor. She was an aciivc member of Lucknow United. chair of (hi: UCW. and mcmhcr in tho churated Women's Institute. rccclvmg her life membership in thc Kairshca Women‘s institute in I972 and in the district in [973. She held the ofï¬ce of Public Relations for Ontario from l97t-I977. Shr: enjoyed participating in many community functions and activities as well as day trips with her many friends Visitation was at the Mach-nztc and McCrcath tFuncral Home in Lucknow. The luncrul was til the Lucknow United Church, Rev G. Lazaro oi’licialcd. Flowrrbcurcrx were grandchildrcn Lynne. Amy, Angtc. Dana. Alison unit Drew. Piillhuurcri were Jay Houston, Hugh Houslon, KL‘l'l Houston, Wallace Houston. Dcrwyn Taylor and Ron Alton. interment at South Kinloss Cemetery. llL_‘tiA