The Wtarton High School Sweetums. travelled to Owen Sound last week to take part In the Winter Carnival and came home the winners ol the tug of war contest. defeating OSCVI quite badly In .the championshlp pull. Team members are front row. left to right: Cindy Proulx, Mary Lynne Taylor. Laurie Taylor. captain and Sandra Richardson. Middle row. left to right: Shelly Btandtn. -The stormy weather presented area school children with some unexpected holidays last week. -Frlends and neighbours gather~ ed at the home of Clifford and Sharon Gilbert to honour .Betty and Cliflord Gilbert on. the occasion of their thirty llflh Iwedding anniversary. January 15. 1944 was the day of the wedding in Ftugby. England thirty five years ago. Carts and crokinale‘ were enjoyed by the guests and a delicious lunch and coffee was Served by S'héron. topped by anniversary‘ cake baked and decorated by Joyce . Doherty.’ Vt’l‘e wish you years and years a a iness Bett a Clitl‘ord. W Y nd‘ Wednesday. January 24. 1979 (by Mdreyflophurnl - -Hl to Tammy Sharon Gilbert. new Infant daughter of Clifford and Sharon Gilbert. Tammy ;made her arrival on January 17. ‘1979. r-Saturdey evening guests with Bill and Edna Cook were Harve land Betty Weir and Gary at rMar. -Mdst Purple Valley residents tare anloylng the snow and durlng the weekends are either snowmobiling. skiing or sleigh riding. -Atl reports are that Berford Lake Snowmobile Club had a l-nvery successful turnout at their cookout on Saturday evening. l -M0nday and Wednesday Jan< uary 22 and 24 are the dates for training school tor the new 4-H project "Accessories - The Final Touch." Mrs. Terry Johnston and Mrs. Audrey Hepburn will be the leaders. Why not enrol your son or daughter? it sounds like an interesting club. -0ur sympathy goes out to Mrs Gladys Fee and the McCartney family. Joe will be sadly missed i by his many friends at Williams- iWroitne lord. Owen Sound. Wiarlon and Purple Valley. [by Audrey Hepburn] -Cathy Cook recently spent a weekend with her school lrrendr ‘Vera Heidolph. Wiarlon, -V|sil0rs with Paul and Sue Stanton last week were Paul's throther Barry and Kathy Scanlon lfrorn TorOnlo. ‘»Mrs. Elda Hepburn attended the funeral services in Flint. Michigan for Mr. Ed Waugh. Uncle Ed will be sadly missed by many in this community. -Spending the weekend with Mrs. Helen McCartney and boys were Coralee and Elaine Harr- ison and family. Owen Sound. ' Emmy and Jerry Masser and boys and Cecil ol Owen Sound. -Bill and I and Norman got up sdav. January 31.1979;â€" Connle Cook. Juaiine iaytur. Dorothy Miller Lynda Carlson Bark rim-i. tell to right are Allce Colic-rt Lundy Cathy Jim Gulliver. rnanagur Clara H Och-'7 and leaner Kathy Maliai d Tim Playtortl. coach. LtILJle" F'Urfler. and Susan Whats,- Tm: .l-‘fl'l' his presentr‘rt wrtlr MacDonald.» tharnrrionshrri trophy HJLlE‘llle’ learn writ got .i turi (it not fulfill flDiFtQ on Carr-tintith Wary-rut ' eaily Sunday morning and drove to Hamilton to yiSit wrth Joyce and Charlie Ciawiord tor the day We also had a short vistt wrth Doug and Jewel Crawford and boys. Marc and Sean Everyone 15 line there and busy workinq as usual There was a tingling of sleigh bells and the creak oi slmgh runners on lrnsty snow on Saturday eyemng when Gail and Sally Grthnrt invited some thirty iriends and neighbours to come for a ride Just to keep the teams in practise Cards and games WElE enjoyed atlerwards and Sally. Debbie and Tracy erved cake and hot chocolate -.;...ii it Eli" iatriiirr GILBERT: hart werqtrr-ir iri .Jl s it). i5 . 025 on Jammry t7 igr’ii ah" 083 home to 11.0 it-] l‘lttllii‘f‘r more anti ift'wtl not thy. :tSLâ€"i .ioan P,tiritl grzirnlmrciim 1â€! Mr amt Mrs Arr Half-i, mil Mr and Mrs (erti Grlirtgrl ‘Wl t'rm happy .i '- rl-t" (irii drill Sharon ultrert M r Obituary WALIGH {IMHQIU Austin 739 'r‘.' fl'ltl‘llt'tt't Hrl 3-1:;- 7)’ rJii-vrl \thnwrrii‘ .lmriam Ed 3979 at {J i. wph itiu yi Mr Wdirnr imm in HQDP t4... fl‘rlattw 7 I'3i11 and ill-i ti-kttii‘l‘ m... .93.; Hr- lille it'rl v iJ‘u gnu Hm n “Jr wrmr air-mm Ma'rtv 9 mm “i'â€" ititrntl .t. rrt [tr-min l.i-i t/ti-Iirmiici trigrrri r ‘:'lf‘[til7y>“l by the» . t Brno, Cr: and iiiii .mri ritrrï¬ldlltrl hm tit-air dlil.)fl[ i.ttrrJ iru wile tfl3r3 son 'u'iirlti F iir‘rfi m Firrri rHriqlrnr Mr Hutu-rt ifltyijrigyl it: til *lii' «r irrannmri. it: i. .rqéri i;ir. .r . Jr-rrti-mtrlron ’34 i‘illlIt-F: l Clllitrrri ill Ruflil‘ trill Jril‘r w or \"JrArtr_tn_ r,i.â€"r Mrs Emma risabeilai (newer! n? hr ruin-i,- FrmF-r'it ii; was held ‘.u.l'~ll is. ‘J r Z7lh at t a m -ri Eirm-o it Homn mtg tra-r.rrrr Hrl Me: From w l'r.ri.: rlir i|‘i“.‘ r-'lllttl1. rrr {‘U'Slfltï¬n". mom. it‘iili G lift; ‘1 A. ‘rtwrhivriai suture was hrâ€"trl Friday at 770 ;rrrr to ion r r tights rri [‘eriirimL-tiei M‘ Moms Fir/ririrri 425‘ â€"_.â€"