“MMMW lbemarle councd fuses to enter V to school dispute. council mun owned, by the mm to m- fith will .all Tin here {of the longer l. - o of. ' “ghost; guys? «We 61d!) .‘ _ , p IPPNW n’ F township Inteï¬fln'w. film i}: D , n asking that the council A’fl‘n . flora priced $12003 ‘ . resc dthe bylaw to issue deben- and 91,500.00. All of these . ‘ for $35,000.00 for the transactions are subject to the ere In of a new four-room approval a! the Department of schoo‘ as there was some dis- which, if granted; the council swtilction over the choice of intends to establish a township n which the school board park on the property under op- picked’ for the school, however tion. It is the intention of it was the opinion of the major- council to apply for n grant un- ity of the members of council der the Centennial Grunt Pro- thin the choice of a location was gram which, if approved would the responsibility of the board amount to approximately $1,800. n£,trustees and that the council The comma appmved of Jim should not interfere in the matâ€" gmtia momma p13,, of Nb. tell-'7 A resolution Signed by A" division at Isaac Luke and rec- 11111", 'Howe’ Lil-“Ten†wad Md ommended that ii: be approved Clifford Gilbert was passed to by the Department let‘lthe bylaw stand as passed. Roy mum“ was awarded WE? “mini and .3 “Mmâ€? the contract for unowplnwing signed ‘BY 3mg“ 91ml “f (In; all the roads on the West Side 79 Wh'l'e 5° Team" 2 y' a of the Townnide. Which had been / ed, enough “311nm?†to previously plowed oi: the, rate of $6.50 per hour for the truck with plow and $7.60 per hour when the maintainei- with plow was used. The Reeve was instruch no sign road voucher Nb. 8 for $15,507.99 and Home Sheet showing total remandâ€an from of $86.70131 no . _ can Bits-ï¬lls sum Orders to the amount of 316;,- 6115 intention 926,09 were issued on the» ï¬rm Inrgption for the pur- North 25 rods of var. i F3. Iii-3’ AlBEMARlE councu man's ,m, The’ Albema'rlo Council met at Colpoy’s Bay on Feb. 4th- with all members plenum. Mr. C. H. Whicher and Mr. Bert Carson interviewed the council soliciting a grant toward the proposed new addiiion to the Hospital at Wiurton and the council promised a gram. of $6,000, payable over in period of five years, subject to the up- provnl of ifne Municipal Board. The Council also Ilppl'DVEd~Df the proposed addition to the Wi» atton District High School. The Township will become respon- sible for its shore of the deben- turee to cover the cost of snme. Mr. Ronald Gatis and Mr. Hugh ’I‘homos were appointed township represenwtives on the Gray-Bruce Tourist CounclI. I The Road Superintendent was instructed to advertise with the northem townships for crushing and stockpiling approximately 10,000 cubic yards of gravel for l Albomcrle Township. The Reeve was instflctcd to sign road voucher No. 2 for l $2,274.06. The Clerk was instructed to I l advertiae for a. Road Superin- tmdent to commence duties on April 131:. Applications to be on Township forms. The Reeve was instructed to attend the Good Roads Assoâ€" ciation Convention in Tomntn. James Given and Clifford Gilbert were appointed Town- nhip representatives on the Georginn Tiny Development Asi- soriotionv The Clerk was instructed to advertise for tenders for spray- ing uhe cattle of Albemo'rle Township for Wnrhle Flies. Orders to the amount of $2,- 67623 were issued on the trea- surer. Council adjourned to meet again on Friday, March 4th at 1.00 pm The Reeve nnd. clel'k were nu- ' he p ï¬honzed no complete i chose of the land for a pu park on Bel-ford ur» blin- Lnke as soon as the purchasing lay-law is ap- proved by the Municipal Affairs. wnu innh-nrlnri in The Reeve Department of a c ‘r H “ll